
  • 网络Child's Pose;The Foetus;bah-LAHS-anna
  1. 缓慢还原,胸部提升向前,允许头部后仰直到肩部回到臀部上方,然后抬头向前,臀部后坐到婴儿式。

    Coming out slowly , lift chest forward , allowing the head to remain dropped back until the shoulders are over the hips , then bring the head forward and sit back into Child 's Pose .

  2. 然后随着呼气屈膝到地板,婴儿式休息。

    Then bend your knees to the floor with an exhalation and rest in Child 's Pose .

  3. 半快乐婴儿式(像倒转过来的冲刺式)一次抬起一条腿;

    Half Happy Baby ( like an upside down low lunge ) holding one foot at a time ;

  4. 宝宝口腔卫生从嘉宝婴儿吞咽可指套式牙刷牙膏组开始,掩护牙齿牙龈,干净、康健又平安保险!

    Promote good oral health from the start with Gerber Tooth & Gum Cleanser , a safe way to keep your baby 's teeth and gums cleaner and healthier .

  5. 对于家长来说,让刚摘掉尿布的婴儿早早开始填鸭式高考教育,似乎不再是个好主意。

    It seems it is no longer so obvious that it is a good idea to start cramming kids for university entrance in the same week you take them out of nappies .