
  • 网络infant milk powder;baby milk;Baby Formula
  1. 三鹿牌婴幼儿奶粉事件中12320公共卫生公益电话的作用及其启示

    Inspiration of the role of 12320 hotline in events of Three Deer baby milk powder events

  2. 不久前涉及故意向婴幼儿奶粉中添加有毒工业化学品三聚氰胺的丑闻,结果是一个波及整个乳业的问题。

    The recent scandal involving baby milk powder intentionally tainted with the poisonous industrial chemical melamine turned out to be a problem that afflicted the entire dairy industry .

  3. 婴幼儿奶粉的FTIR分析与鉴定

    Analysis and Discrimination of Infant Powdered Milk via FTIR Spectroscopy

  4. 规定婴幼儿奶粉、食品和动物饲料所含三聚氰胺的最高水平;

    Setting maximum levels of melamine for powdered infant formula , foods and animal feed ;

  5. 中国河北省的三鹿集团生产的婴幼儿奶粉成为此次事件的罪魁祸首。

    Infant milk powder produced by Sanlu Group in China 's Hebei Province was the main culprit .

  6. 进口婴幼儿奶粉铜含量与国际差异评述

    Commentary on the Difference between the Copper Value of the Imported Children Milk Powder and the International Standard

  7. 建立婴幼儿奶粉召回制度,发现问题及时采取措施避免损失扩大。

    Establish infant milk powder recall system . found that the problem take timely measures to prevent further loss .

  8. 婴幼儿奶粉如何冲出国门我国婴儿配方奶粉发展历史简要回顾及内在质量分析

    A brief review of the development history of domestic infant formula from phase with an analysis on their intrisinc qualities

  9. 婴幼儿奶粉包装需要具备安全、方便、审美三大要素,这其中安全是第一位。

    Infant milk powder packaging need to have safe , convenient , aesthetic three elements , of which safety is first .

  10. 2008年第三季度发生的三鹿牌婴幼儿奶粉事件,集中暴露了我国食品安全监管工作中存在的突出问题和主要矛盾。

    Sanlu Milk Powder Contamination Incident took place in the third quarter of 2008 , revealed notable issues and main contradiction in food safety supervision .

  11. 根据今年的食品安全工作安排,婴幼儿奶粉和辅食将会名列重点监管名单。

    According to a plan on this year 's food safety operations , baby formula and supplementary food will stay on the list of commodities under close watch .

  12. 随后,国家质检总局紧急在全国开展了婴幼儿奶粉三聚氰胺含量专项检查。

    Subsequently , General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine of PRC carried out an emergent special survey of melamine content in infant milk powder across the country .

  13. 三鹿奶粉事件引发了国家政府部门对婴幼儿奶粉行业的高度重视,也引起了设计师们对婴幼儿奶粉包装设计新一轮思考。

    Sanlu milk powder incident triggered a national government on infant formula industry attaches great importance , but also caused the designers of the infant formula packaging design a new round of thinking .

  14. 婴幼儿奶粉包装设计要求除了要遵循其本身的特点之外,还应在政府相关部门新的规范条件限制下进行。

    Infant milk powder packaging design requirements in addition to infant formula to follow their own packaging design features , the relevant government departments should be in the new norms under the conditions .

  15. 从中研究和探求婴幼儿奶粉包装的设计思想,明确认识在具体的包装设计中应坚持功能第一,形式第二原则的重要性。

    From research and explore the infant formula packaging , design , clear understanding of the specific function of the packaging design should adhere to the first , form the second important principle .

  16. 蒙牛发布了公开致歉信,称会将不合格的婴幼儿奶粉全部召回,并承担所有5年内因此造成身体疾患消费者的医疗费用。

    Mengniu , which issued a public apology , said it would recall all contaminated powder and offered to pay the medical costs of all consumers who fall ill within the next five years .

  17. 在2008年四川汶川地区发生强烈地震,三鹿婴幼儿奶粉中毒事件发生后,社会责任这个名词,又再次被社会各界所关注。

    By 2008 , after a severe earthquake struck Wenchuan , sichuan and infants poisoning of sanlu Milk Powder occurred , " social responsibility " this noun , is also paid attention once more by the community .

  18. 文章阐述婴幼儿奶粉侵权行为的构成要件为奶粉存在缺陷、人身或财产受有损害、并通过大前提-小前提-结论来论证奶粉缺陷与损害事实之间的因果关系。

    Infant milk powder infringement for the components of the defect of milk powder , personal or property damage , and through by major premise-minor premise-conclusion to demonstrate the defect and damage to the fact that milk powder the causal relationships .

  19. 本文还从组织保障、团队保障、服务保障和配送保障四个方面探讨了美赞臣婴幼儿奶粉江苏市场营策略实施的保障措施。

    Besides all of these , from the organizational support , team guarantee , service support and delivery support four perspectives , this paper discussed the safeguard measures for the successful implementation of the Mead Johnson infant formula marketing strategy in Jiangsu province .

  20. 重组食品药品监管机构,深入开展食品药品安全专项整治,对婴幼儿奶粉质量按照药品管理办法严格监管,努力让人民吃得放心、用得安心。

    We merged food and drug oversight agencies , carried out a campaign to improve food and drug safety , exercised strict oversight over the quality of infant formula in accordance with drug supervision regulations , and strove to ensure that people have access to safe food and drugs .

  21. HPLC法同时测定婴幼儿配方奶粉中5种水溶性维生素

    Study on simultaneous detection of 5 water-soluble vitamins in infant milk powder by HPLC

  22. HPLC法测定婴幼儿配方奶粉复合维生素添加剂中维生素B(12)方法的研究

    Research on the Determination Method of Vitamin B_ ( 12 ) in Composite Vitamin Additives for Milk Powder and Formula by HPLC

  23. AP专家进一步解释,婴幼儿配方奶粉含有足够的维生素D,而母乳有时候会缺乏。

    Infant formula contains vitamin D , the AP explains , while breast milk is sometimes deficient .

  24. 目前,婴幼儿配方奶粉强化DHA和AA已越来越受到世界各国的重视,许多国家已批准强化DHA和AA婴幼儿配方奶粉市场销售。

    At present , infant formula milk fortified with DHA and AA is attracting more and more attention and has been sold in many countries .

  25. 建立了高效液相色谱法测定婴幼儿配方奶粉专用复合维生素添加剂中维生素B12方法含量的方法。

    A method for determination of vitamin B 12 in composite vitamin additives for milk powder and formula by HPLC is reported .

  26. 不过,生产和摄取DHA和AA婴幼儿配方奶粉,需要考虑DHA和AA平衡以及摄取量,同时还应注意防止二者的氧化,以确保婴幼儿安全、有效地利用DHA和AA。

    However , the balance , intake and oxidation of DHA and AA are noticeable for producer and consumer in order to ensure the safety and efficacy of DHA and AA .

  27. 虽然该婴幼儿配方奶粉不能对美国出口,但是美国食品药品监督管理局(fda)已表示,它正在调查中国奶粉是否出现在美国向亚洲人提供服务的少数族裔市场。

    Chinese infant formula cannot be imported to the US but the US Food and drug administration has said it was investigating whether Chinese milk powder is available in ethnic markets serving Asians in the US .

  28. 新西兰乳制品出口巨头恒天然(FonterraCo-operativeGroup)周三表示,该公司持股43%并卷入了有毒婴幼儿配方奶粉丑闻的中国公司已经破产。

    New Zealand dairy export giant Fonterra Co-operative Group said on Wednesday that a Chinese company in which it has a big stake and that was involved in a scandal over poisoned baby formula , has gone into bankruptcy .

  29. 婴幼儿配方奶粉中水溶性维生素的检测方法研究

    Methods for Determination of Water-solubility Vitamins in Milk Powder for Infant

  30. 该方法适用于婴幼儿配方奶粉核苷酸含量的分析。

    The method is suitable to inspect nucleotides in infant formula milk powder .