
tóng yáo
  • nursery rhyme;children's folk rhymes
童谣 [tóng yáo]
  • (1) [nursery rhyme]∶有韵的诗歌形式的儿童故事

  • (2) [children's folk rhymes]∶在儿童中间流行的歌谣,形式比较简短

童谣[tóng yáo]
  1. 论中国古代政治童谣的消长规律

    The increasing and decreasing law of political children 's folk rhymes in ancient China

  2. 第二章从童谣、铭文石刻谶谣和诗谶三个方面具体论述了唐代谶谣现象。

    Chapter two Have described the ballad phenomenon of augury of the Tang Dynasty concretely in the forms of children 's folk rhymes , augury ballad of stone engraving of inscription and augury of poem .

  3. 她改用童声唱起童谣来。

    She lapsed into a little girl voice to deliver a nursery rhyme

  4. 在那上面他看起来就像小波皮(littlebopeep著名童谣女性形象)

    Come on . He looks like little bo peep on that thing .

  5. 乘坐车子时,家长可替孩子准备童谣歌曲CD或手偶,和孩子一同唱歌或玩角色扮演的游戏。

    Parents can prepare nursery rhyme CDs or hand puppets and place them in the car to listen and sing along to or play with .

  6. 我猜医疗中心肯定治好你今天裤子着火屁股被烧伤的地方了吧。(源自童谣“Liarliar,pantsonfire.”“骗子骗子,裤子着火”)。

    I assume this medical center 's already treated the burns on your bottom from the recent pants fire .

  7. 童谣对孩子语言的发展有很大的帮助,父母可多买些录音带或CD,让孩子从歌声中学习。

    Children 's nursery rhymes do wonders for a child 's language development . Therefore , parents can use tapes or CD 's to let children learn through song .

  8. 听首童谣,写出它所缺的单词。

    Listen to the rhyme and put in the missing words .

  9. 至此,对童谣的德育价值的研究就显得尤为必要了。

    Thus , study moral value of nursery rhymes is necessary .

  10. 难道你不能唱点童谣吗?

    Can 't you sing normal , cutesy children songs ?

  11. 家乡的童谣,还充盈着泥土的芳香。

    Home nursery rhyme , but also the aroma filling the earth .

  12. 我还要去童谣演唱会。

    I 'm due at a nursery rhyme recital .

  13. 小时候,他常常喜欢学童谣和歌曲。

    As a child , he used to love learning rhymes and songs .

  14. 小童谣唱出大环保

    Little Nursery Rhyme Sings for Big Environmental Protection

  15. 在这些童谣中,虽然有的耳熟能详,但大多数均是我们较不熟悉的。

    Some of the verses are familiar , but most are less well known .

  16. 通过童谣中的文字游戏,孩子们学习了语言。

    By playing with the words in nursery rhymes , children learn about language .

  17. 论客家童谣的文化功能

    On the Cultural Function of Hakka Nursery Rhyme

  18. 论《三国演义》中的童谣及其小说功能

    On the Function of Nursery Rhyme and Novel in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  19. 这是不是没有童谣。

    And this aint no nursery rhyme .

  20. 这个年纪的孩子喜欢有着简单好记的故事和童谣的书。

    Children this age enjoy books with simple stories and simple rhymes they can memorise .

  21. 在童谣之外,我们管鲢胡子又叫胡子鲢。

    In the nursery , we also called beard beard tube of silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix .

  22. 第二部分对童谣、儿童生活世界、德育价值进行了概念界定。

    Part 2 , definitions on Nursery rhymes , living world of children , moral values .

  23. 他太活泼了,到处哼着童谣

    He goes around singing nursery rhymes

  24. 童谣有四个最基本的特点:口头流传、集体创作、不断变异、融于生活。

    There are four characteristics of Nursery rhyme-Oral spreading , Collective creating , Continuously variegating and Life harmonizing .

  25. 由此展开,童谣本身就是儿童生活世界的反映,就在儿童的生活当中。

    Thus , nursery rhymes itself is not only the mirror of children living world , but in it .

  26. 但对童谣的传播路径的研究则相对较少,而且大多就内容而论内容。

    There are a few studies on the nursery rhythm transmission , but mainly talk the contents for contents .

  27. 接着运用传播学原理分析校园童谣传播的概念以及特点。

    Then , this thesis analyzes the conception and features of nursery rhythm by adopting the communication studies principles .

  28. 2004年,北京市发起了征集新童谣的活动,使绿色童谣的推广蔚然成风。

    After collection of new nursery rhymes in Beijing , 2004 , " Green Nursery Rhymes " has extended .

  29. 然后分析校园童谣的传播要素、路径与具体方式。

    In the following , it illustrates the transmission factors , transmission paths and transmission means of nursery rhythms .

  30. 第一部分从形式的化用、手法的借用、语言的妙用以及童谣的滋养等四个方面,论述黄遵宪的诗作对客家民间歌谣的吸收与借鉴。

    The first section is to discuss what Huang Zun-xian absorbed in the folk song and proverb of Hakka .