
  • 网络Storybrooke;Once Upon a Time
  1. 每个人都希望能有魔法来帮他们解决难题,可是却没有人愿意相信真的有魔法。——《童话镇》

    Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic .

  2. 但你确实与众不同你给童话镇带来一件很珍贵的东西那就是魔法

    You 're special.You brought something precious to Storybrooke , magic .

  3. 那就是童话镇的时间开始向前走的时候

    That 's when time there started to move forward again .

  4. 斯旺小姐这个会议是为了讨论童话镇的大小事务

    Ms. Swan , this meeting is to discuss issues facing Storybrooke .

  5. 因为不管你是否坦白你都会离开童话镇

    Because confession or not , you 're leaving Storybrooke .

  6. 你怎么知道我什么时候决定留在童话镇的

    How do you know when I decided to stay in Storybrooke ?

  7. 这才是你带我来童话镇的目的

    That 's what you wanted when you brought me to Storybrooke .

  8. 戴维和她分手后也许她想离开童话镇

    Maybe after David dumped her , she decided to leave town .

  9. 因为我童话镇每个人都需要�

    Because I , the town everyone needs you .

  10. 童话镇的居民们不要惊慌

    People of Storybrooke , don 't be alarmed .

  11. 介意我问一下你是怎么在童话镇得到的呢

    Might I ask how you managed to obtain one here in Storybrooke ?

  12. 被困在静止的时间里在缅因州的童话镇

    Frozen in time and stuck in Storybrooke , Maine

  13. 你在童话镇法典里找到了漏洞

    You found that loophole in the Town Charter .

  14. 我不能带你离开童话镇

    I can 't take you out of Storybrooke .

  15. 那是童话镇的晚上八点十五分

    That 's eight fifteen at night in Storybrooke .

  16. 人们对于童话镇法典竟所知无�

    how few people study the Town Charter .

  17. 送你回童话镇

    Let 's get you back to storybrooke .

  18. 童话镇上是没有狼的

    there are no wolves in Storybrooke --

  19. 还有当我决定离开童话镇因为我觉得那样对亨利最好时

    And then when I wanted to leave Storybrooke'cause I thought it was best for Henry ,

  20. 你不能离开童话镇你得打破诅咒

    You can 't leave Storybrooke . You have to break the curse . No , I don 't.

  21. 你会永远离开童话镇我就再也不用看到你了

    and you 'll be sent out of Storybrooke for good , and I will never have to see you again .

  22. 如果我们付不上房租我们就必须离开我们会被重新分配那么我们就必须离开童话镇

    If we miss a payment , we 're out . And then they 'll reassign us , and we 'll have to leave Storybrooke .

  23. 现有剧情类剧集方面,新剧《国土安全》、《复仇》、《童话镇》以及《丑闻》都承受着收视率压力。

    On the drama side , newbies Homeland , Revenge , Once Upon a Time , and Scandal are under pressure to keep up their solid ratings .

  24. 有趣的是,我一直对离开童话镇有种无端的恐惧,就像有东西牵制着我,很奇怪吧。

    You know , it 's funny . I 've always had this irrational fear of leaving Storybrooke , like something just was holding me back . Is that crazy ?

  25. 这个眼光长远的女孩也希望自己在网络上的知名度能够帮助自己跻身演绎界,为她谋取一个在美国广播公司制作的美剧《童话镇》中饰演艾丽莎一角的试镜机会。该剧将在下一季中加入艾丽莎这个角色。

    The aspiring actress is also hoping her online following will secure her an audition to appear on ABC show ' Once Upon A time ' which is adding Elsa as a character next season .

  26. 同样的,《童话镇》第一季将迎来一位客串明星,《吸血鬼日记》中的。

    Also set to guest star on " Once Upon a Time " this season is " The Vampire Diaries ' " David Anders as a doctor who dates Snow White ( Ginnifer Goodwin ) .

  27. 30岁的摄影师文迪表示:“妮可非常喜欢童话故事,他们一家人都是电视剧《童话镇》的粉丝,正是因为这么热爱童话,所以才有了这个拍摄宝宝童话的想法。”

    Wendi , 30 , said : ' Nicole , loves fairy tales , and her entire family are fans of the TV show Once Upon a Time . It was from this love that the concept of baby fairy tales came about .

  28. 麦斯洛还表示,如果观众熟知原版故事并且懂得去欣赏这些改编电影,那些像《白雪公主与猎人》这样颠覆性的童话故事,以及像《格林兄弟》和《童话镇》这类的电视剧也将会取得更大的成功。

    Meslow added that , if the audience has enough knowledge of the original stories to appreciate how they 're being adapted , twisted fairy tales , such as Snow White & the Huntsman , and TV shows like Grimm and Once Upon a Time , will work better .