
shǒu yè rén
  • night watcher;night-watcher
  1. 自由放任和守夜人的说法,或者完士是一种理想,或者纯属虚构的神话。

    The dogma of laissez-faire and night watcher is either a pure ideal or a myth .

  2. 任何国家要想永保军事优势,纯属幻想。自由放任和守夜人的说法,或者完士是一种理想,或者纯属虚构的神话。

    Any country on permanent military supremacy has become illusory . The dogma of laissez-faire and night watcher is either a pure ideal or a myth .

  3. 大凡读过《冰与火之歌》(《权力的游戏》据此改编并搬上银幕)的人们都知晓琼恩·雪诺(JohnSnow)最后成为了守夜人的指挥官。

    Those who have read the books of A Song of Ice and Fire ( Game of Thrones is based on this ) know that Jon Snow eventually becomes Lord Commander of the Night 's Watch .

  4. 听说德国国家图书馆(nationalbibliothek)可能对他的博客感兴趣后,一位名叫“守夜人”(nightwatchman)的博主认为,图书馆不应多管闲事。

    Hearing that the Nationalbibliothek might be interested in his web musings , a blogger called night watchman thought the German national library should mind its own business .

  5. 守夜人从没听说过他的事。

    The night watch has never heard a thing about her .

  6. 说他们捉获一个守夜人逃兵

    They 've captured a deserter from the Night 's Watch .

  7. 加入守夜人是很高的荣誉。

    There 's great honor serving in The Night 's Watch .

  8. 成为守夜人,现在是试用期。

    Turned to night watch , serving a probationary period .

  9. 胆小鬼加入守夜人部队做什么?

    Why would a coward want to join the Night 's Watch ?

  10. 守夜人一点也不缺马夫。莫尔蒙司令咕哝道,

    The Watch has no shortage of stableboys , Lord Mormont grumbled .

  11. 在一瞬间,守夜人又恢复到守夜人的原状。

    In the same moment the watchman was again watchman .

  12. 守夜人每小时对这栋楼查看一次。

    The night watchman makes the rounds of the building every hour .

  13. 你们会被称为守夜人的汉子,

    and they will call you men of The Night 's Watch ,

  14. 成为守夜人的结拜兄弟。

    I 'll be a sworn brother of The Night 's Watch .

  15. 但我确实非常尊敬守夜人军团.

    I have great admiration for The Night 's Watch .

  16. 只要是守夜人的兄弟临冬城都欢迎.

    Any man of The Night 's Watch is welcome at Winterfell .

  17. 市场化进程中政府角色经历了守夜人干预者混合型政府职能模式的变迁,随着经济的发展政府经济职能有不断拓展的趋势。

    With economic development , government 's economic function tends to continuous development .

  18. 银行难道没有守夜人吗?

    Didn 't the bank have a night watchman ?

  19. 你叔叔原来是个守夜人

    Your uncle 's in the Night 's Watch .

  20. 在成为守夜人以前,威尔原本靠打猎为生。

    Will had been a hunter before he joined the Night 's Watch .

  21. 他们说有一个守夜人,但是找不到他。

    They got a night watchman , but we can 't find him .

  22. 我经过敲更的守夜人身边

    I have passed by the watchman on his beat

  23. 那两个守夜人确实失踪未归

    The two he was with are still missing .

  24. 他的爷爷是这个工厂的守夜人。

    His grandfather is the watchman of the factory .

  25. 守夜人将大举出动。

    The Night 's Watch will ride in force .

  26. 夜盗用一根绳把守夜人捆了起来。

    The burglars tied up the night watchman with a piece of cord .

  27. 替我向守夜人致敬。

    Give my regards to The Night 's Watch .

  28. 守夜人弄响了火灾警报器。

    The fire alarm jumped us out of bed .

  29. 卡夫卡:现代世界的守夜人

    Franz Kafka : The Vigil of Modern World

  30. 守夜人军团总司令却没有开玩笑的心情。

    The Lord Commander did not seem amused .