
shǒu hòu
  • wait for;wait;expect
守候 [shǒu hòu]
  • (1) [expect]∶看护;护理

  • 妈妈日夜在医院里守候着外婆

  • (2) [wait]∶等候

  • 她没有睡觉,正在守候他的归来。--《红岩》

守候[shǒu hòu]
  1. 他被暗中守候他的记者团团围住。

    He was surrounded by reporters who had been lying in wait for him .

  2. 世间爱的方式有很多种,我选择了为你守候。

    Love the way the world there are many , I chose to wait for you .

  3. 在他生病期间,他母亲一直守候在他床边。

    His mother has been at his bedside throughout his illness .

  4. 巡逻车在街上守候,防暴警察也在一旁待命。

    There were patrol cars on the streets and riot police standing by in reserve .

  5. 他在门口守候着。

    He stationed himself at the door .

  6. 他告诉守候着的记者,他认为几个月内不会举行全民公决。

    He told waiting journalists that he did not expect a referendum to be held for several months .

  7. “我,”他以富有诗意的语言结尾,“将守候着你,直至晨光初露。”

    ' I , ' he finished poetically , ' will watch over you to the break of day . '

  8. 为了一睹女主角的风采,一些追星族已经在海德公园饭店外守候了24个小时。

    Some of the fans had waited 24 hours outside the Hyde Park Hotel to catch a glimpse of their heroine .

  9. 母亲彻夜不眠守候在生病的孩子的床边。

    The mother maintained a watch at her sick child 's bedside .

  10. 两个侦探在那里站了一个小时守候嫌疑犯。

    The two detectives stood there for an hour watching for the suspect .

  11. 蜈蚣守候在蚯蚓的洞口上,准备伺机吃掉它。

    The centipede waits by the hole of the earthworm , wants to eat it when thee is an opportunity .

  12. 欢迎收看CNN学生新闻。感谢你的守候。

    Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS . Thank you for watching .

  13. 感谢如约守候CNN学生新闻。

    And thank you for starting it with CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  14. 大家好,感谢如约守候CNN学生新闻。

    Hi , welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  15. 感谢准时守候CNN学生新闻。

    And welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  16. 欢迎收看周四出的CNN学生新闻。感谢你一如既往的守候。

    Happy to deliver your Thursday edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS . Thanks for watching .

  17. 感谢你再次守候不含商业广告的CNN学生新闻。

    It 's good to have you back for more commercial free CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  18. 感谢如约守候CNN学生新闻,我是卡尔·阿祖兹。

    Thanks for sticking with me . I 'm Carl Azuz for CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  19. 欢迎准时守候CNN学生新闻。

    Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  20. 央视周三继续跟进,派出一位记者守候在梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)北京工厂的门外。

    The state-owned broadcaster kept up the drumbeat on Wednesday , parking a reporter outside a Mercedes-Benz auto facility in Beijing .

  21. 要预防此类攻击,接受连接的线程应该不时地通过调用getsockopt()函数(选项参数为SOCONNECTTIME)来检查AcceptEx()里守候的套接字。

    To prevent malicious attacks or stale connections , the accepting thread should occasionally check the sockets outstanding in AcceptEx by calling getsockopt and SO_CONNECT_TIME .

  22. 不管你是第一天上学还是过去几周你一直守候我们的节目,欢迎收看CNN学生新闻。

    Whether it 's your first day of school or you 've been with us the past few weeks . Thank you for watching CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  23. Survivorsfoundfrommissingferry发现印尼失踪渡船幸存�遇难渡船乘客的亲属们守候在万鸦老港湾印度尼西亚一艘渡船沉入海底,人员损失惨重,其中十名在沉船残骸上爬了三天的幸存者获救。

    Relatives of the ferry passengers at Manado harbour Ten survivors from an Indonesian ferry which sank with heavy loss of life have been rescued at sea after clinging to debris for more than three days .

  24. 主要探讨了在CDMA网络设计时,如何考虑空闲状态时终端的守候方式、终端业务请求时网络资源的分配方式以及跨载频硬切换的解决方案这3个方面的问题。

    To discusses how to consider terminal wait mode in idle mode , network resource allocation mode when there are terminal service request , and the solution of inter-carrier frequency hard handover in CDMA network design .

  25. 在上海,想买到一张《阿凡达》IMAX电影票意味着要在严寒中整夜守候,买到的还是三天后的场次。

    In Shanghai , coach outlet , to get an IMAX ticket for Avatar can mean waiting in freezing weather all night for a show three days later .

  26. 比如,如果进入连接率高的情况(因为连接持续时间较短,或者出现交通高峰),那么所需要守候的AcceptEx当然要比那些偶尔进入的客户端连接的情况要多。

    A high incoming connection rate ( because of short-lived connections or spurts in traffic ) requires more outstanding AcceptEx calls than an application where the clients connect infrequently .

  27. 真朋友希望一直守候你。

    A real friend calls you after you had a fight .

  28. 格蕾丝仍在守候着那红头发的男孩。

    Grace is still on the watch for the red-haired boy .

  29. 所以他在病床边守候了一夜。

    So he stayed there by the bed through the night .

  30. 在某处,有一位天使,也在守候着你。

    Somewhere an angel is looking out for you , too .