
  • 网络really hurt
  1. 事实上,那真的很痛。

    Actually , that part hurt . Like , a lot .

  2. 那真的很痛,痛得我无法解释。

    It hurt so bad ; the pain I can never explain .

  3. 你肯定没有捏断?我真的很痛。

    Are you sure he didn 't break it ? It hurts .

  4. 你不能这么做首先这真的很痛啊!

    You can 't do this Melman . First of all , it hurts .

  5. 分离,我真的很痛,更不知道该怎样去挽留!

    Separation , I is really very painful , did not know how should detain !

  6. 拍了那场戏后,我的手指和前臂到现在还是痛得要命。我是说,真的很痛啊。

    RP : My fingers are still killing me and my forearms are still killing me from that . I mean really sore .

  7. 俄罗斯世界杯16强淘汰赛中,巴西队以2比0击败墨西哥队挺进8强,而巴西队前锋内马尔则因在拼抢中摔倒得过于夸张而遭到非议。他为自己辩解说:“我真的感到很痛。”

    Brazil forward Neymar has defended himself against accusations he over-acted after a challenge during the 2-0 World Cup last-16 win over Mexico , saying : " I just feel the pain . "