
  1. 在那里学到了一些很有价值的课程么?跟真实的好莱坞有很大差异么?

    Did you learn any valuable lessons there or is the reality of Hollywood totally different ?

  2. “好莱坞”这个词代表着魅力、明星和名流扎堆的电影业。然而真实的好莱坞则是明星模仿者们的天堂,由双层观光巴士和蜡像馆组成的无趣街区。

    The word " Hollywood " is synonymous with glamour , stardom and the celebrity-soaked movie industry , whereas the real Hollywood is just a seedy neighborhood in the middle of Los Angeles populated by celebrity impersonators , double-decker tour buses and wax museums .

  3. 当涉及电影行业,那些电影人想要的是真实性,好莱坞表现军队比构建舞台,完全靠自己可省事的多。

    When it comes to the movie industry , they want authenticity , it 's much cheaper for Hollywood to go through the military than to stage something like that , completely on their own .