
  • 网络vacuum pump oil
  1. 矿物油型真空泵油的发展概况

    Development State of Vacuum Pump Oil of Mineral Oil Origin

  2. 耐水真空泵油的研究与应用

    Study and application of water - proof vacuum pump oil

  3. 扩散真空泵油的制造与检验

    On the Mass Production of Hydrocarbon Type Diffusion Pump Oils

  4. 油封机械真空泵油锤效应的分析

    Analysis of Hydraulic Knocking for Oil-Sealed Mechanical Vacuum Pump

  5. 加氢处理润滑油基础油对真空泵油性能的改进

    Improve the performance of the vacuum pump oil with hydro-upgrading lube base oil

  6. 机械真空泵油性质与规格

    Properties and specifications of machine vacuum pump oils

  7. 怎样选择常用真空泵油

    Selection of the general vacuum pump oil

  8. 机械真空泵油主要的两大类:合成系和矿物油系;

    In this paper it is presented that there are two kinds of vacuum mechanical pump oil .

  9. 矿物油型机械真空泵油

    Mineral Mechanical Vacuum Pump Oil

  10. 机械真空泵油

    Vacuum Mechanical Pump Oil

  11. 介绍常用真空泵油的选择考虑和应用实例,供用户、有关厂商和维修人员参考。

    The choice and application of the general vacuum pump oil are described , a reference is given to the user , service workers , works and sales departments in the article .

  12. 根据国外真空泵油分析实例、十四种进口油品质量检验,制订了真空泵油产品标准,并研制了我国真空泵油系列产品。

    Based on the analysis results of 14 imported vacuum pump oil samples and quantify date of foreign country 's vacuum dump oils . we have made the specification of mineral vacuum pump oil and manufactured series products of vacuum pump oil .

  13. 用信号发生器驱动蜂鸣片在真空泵油中产生受迫振动,通过测量液体中振动物体的谐振频率求得液体阻尼系数,进而确定了液体黏度。

    Buzzer is driven by signal generator to create forced vibration in vacuum pump oil , the damping coefficient of the liquid could be extracted by measuring the resonance frequency of the vibrating object in the liquid , the liquid viscosity could be determined accordingly .

  14. 超高真空扩散泵油极限真空测试条件的探讨

    Discussion on condition testing the degree of ultimate vacuum of ultrahigh vacuum diffuse pump oil

  15. 探讨了274、275超高真空扩散泵油极限真空测试过程中,除气、循环冷却水温度、冷阱及环境温度等因素对测试结果的影响。

    The effects of air exhaust , temperature of circulating cooling water , cold trap and environmental temperature on testing results of the degree of ultimate vacuum of 274 and 275 ultrahigh vacuum diffuse pump oil were discussed .

  16. 关于旋片真空泵常用泵油的实践与看法

    Practice and Opinion on Common Oil for the Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump Common Oil for

  17. 干式真空泵也称无油真空泵,是为了满足工业生产对真空环境越来越严格的要求而发展起来的新型的真空获得设备。

    To satisfy the more and more strict requirement of clear vacuum environment of industry , a new type of vacuum acquiring equipment named dry ( oil-free ) pump was developed .

  18. 介绍了用SUB滑片泵代替离心泵和真空泵的铁路卸油工艺,并从理论、试验和实践上分析、验证了采用该工艺在夏季高温天气接卸汽油的可行性。

    A railway oil unloading process using SUB slider pump instead of centrifugal pump or vacuum pump is introduced in this paper , and the feasibility to unloading gasoline fuel under high temperature conditions during summer season is theoretically analyzed and confirmed by test and practice .

  19. 针对抽真空管、接头和真空泵润滑油粘度以及车间的湿度等进行节能技术改造,取得了明显的效果,带来了很好的效益。

    Pipe connecting to the vacuum pumping , lubricant and the humidity of the workshop are adjusted . The obvious effects and benefit are obtained .

  20. 讨论了采用真空加压法制造透明石英玻璃管的过程中,影响质量和产量的主要工艺因素,其中包括石英原料、石墨坩埚、配电、真空泵油、熔炼制度等方面的问题。

    Processing problems including requirements of quartz raw materials , graphite crucibles , power supply , vacuum pump oil , melting schedule etc. which affect the production and quality of transparent silica glass tubes by vacuum-pressure method have been discussed .