
  • 网络Broomstick;brooms;flying broom;Broom of flying
  1. 从楼上的窗口可以看见海格在魁地奇球场上给飞天扫帚除霜。

    Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs windows defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch field ,

  2. 几个穿着绿袍子的人走进球场,手里都拿着飞天扫帚。

    Several people in green robes were walking onto the field , broomsticks in their hands .

  3. 七个人一齐把扫帚往前一举,七根崭新的、光滑锃亮的飞天扫帚,七行漂亮的金字“光轮200l”,在早晨的阳光下晃着格兰芬多队员的眼睛。

    All seven of them held out their broomsticks . Seven highly polished , brand-new handles andseven sets of fine gold lettering spelling the words Nimbus Two Thousand and One gleamed under theGryffindors'noses in the early morning sun .

  4. 都站到飞天扫帚左边去。

    Everyone step up to the left side of the broomstick .

  5. 哈利在离地面一英尺的高度从飞天扫帚上跳下来。

    Harry jumped off his broom , a foot from the ground .

  6. 乔治韦斯莱听了这话,真的从飞天扫帚上摔了下来。

    George Weasley really did fall off his broom at these words .

  7. 但,飞毯永远不会在英国代替飞天扫帚的,是不是?

    Well , they 'll never replace brooms in Britain , will they ?

  8. “你有自己的飞天扫帚吗?”男孩继续说。

    " have you got your own broom ?" the boy went on .

  9. 有人给波特捎来一把飞天扫帚,教授。马尔福忙不迭地说。

    Potter 's been sent a broomstick , Professor , said Malfoy quickly .

  10. 他的飞天扫帚突然很吓人地抖了一下。

    His broom gave a sudden , frightening lurch .

  11. 游走球飞来蹿去,想把球手们从飞天扫帚上打落。

    The Bludgers rocket around , trying to knock players off their brooms .

  12. 就好像飞天扫帚拼命想把他摔下去似的。

    It was as though the broom was trying to buck him off .

  13. 接着他发现他的飞天扫帚完全不受控制了。

    And then he realized that his broom was completely out of his control .

  14. 哇!当飞天扫帚滚落在哈利的床单上时,罗恩惊叹道。

    Wow , Ron sighed , as the broomstick rolled onto Harry 's bedspread .

  15. 似乎谁也没有注意到哈利的飞天扫帚表现异常。

    No one seemed to have noticed that Harry 's broom was behaving strangely .

  16. 这不是普通的飞天扫帚,哈利,这可是光轮2000。

    That 's not just a broomstick , Harry , it 's a Nimbus 2000 !

  17. 其中两个飞来飞去,要把球员从飞天扫帚上撞下来?”

    And two of them fly around trying to knock people off their brooms ? "

  18. 这是世界级比赛用的飞天扫帚。

    It 's a world-class racing broom .

  19. 我敢用我的飞天扫帚打赌,是他放那头巨怪进来的,为了转移人们的注意力!

    And Id bet my broomstick he let that troll in , to make a diversion !

  20. 就连对飞天扫帚的种类一无所知的哈利,也认为这把飞天扫帚简直太捧了。

    Even Harry , who knew nothing about the different brooms , thought it looked wonderful .

  21. 这是你的飞天扫帚吗?

    Is that your own broom ?

  22. 快点儿,拿着你的飞天扫帚,跟我走。”伍德急切地说,

    Comeon , grab your broom , and let 's go , " said Wood heartily .

  23. 十五把飞天扫帚拔地而起,高高地升上天空。

    Fifteen brooms rose up , high , high into the air . They were off .

  24. 赫敏自从哈利的飞天扫帚送到的那天起,就一直不跟他们俩说话。

    She hadn 't spoken to either of them since the day Harry 's broomstick had arrived .

  25. 他的思绪不住地飞向宿舍,他的新飞天扫帚就躺在他的床底下。

    It kept wandering up to the dormitory where his new broomstick was lying under his bed ,

  26. 这不是什么旧型飞天扫帚,他说,这是光轮2000。

    It 's not any old broomstick , he said , it 's a Nimbus Two Thousand .

  27. 然而不行每当他们接近他时,飞天扫帚就噌的一下蹿得更高。

    But it was no Good-Every time they got near him , the broom would jump higher still .

  28. 他们匆匆离开大厅,想赶在第一节课之前,找个没人的地方拆开包裹,拿出飞天扫帚。

    They left the hall quickly , wanting to unwrap the broomstick in private before their first class ,

  29. 这么说——这是一种用飞天扫帚和六个圆环玩的篮球,是吗?

    So -- that 's sort of like basketball on broomsticks with six hoops , isn 't it ?

  30. 他的飞天扫帚开始不停地翻腾打滚,哈利只能勉强支撑着不掉下来。

    His broom had started to roll over and over , with him only just managing to hold on .