
fēi yīnɡ
  • eagle
  1. 她知道“飞鹰”总部的确切地点。

    She knew the exact location of The Eagle 's headquarters .

  2. 然后,他们可以在飞鹰航空最新的波音797飞机上享受同样的福利,前往世界上任何一个目的地!

    They can then enjoy the same benefits onboard Eagle Airways ' newest Boeing-797to any destination in the world !

  3. 每名儿童只需缴纳50美元的注册费,12岁以下的儿童就可以作为会员加入飞鹰航空的飞月俱乐部。

    With a registration fee of just $ 50 per child , children under the age of 12 can join Eagle Airways ' FLY TO THE MOON CLUB as members .

  4. 我像一只飞鹰盘桓在麦加广场的上空;

    I flied as a falcon over the square of Mekka ;

  5. 当你知道你师妹是飞鹰的时候。

    At the moment you know that flying eagle is your sister .

  6. 飞鹰子,你也不敢上来?

    Flying eagle , you dare not come up either ?

  7. 近年来,飞鹰人在数位学习线上带领之专业领域表现,深获好评。

    In recent years , E-fly earns reputation as professional e-Learning e-tutors .

  8. 飞鹰会带你去找偷石板那个人。

    The eagly will bring you to find the one who stole the flagstone .

  9. 有绵羊戏海、飞鹰扑浪。

    They include Sheep Frolicking with the Sea .

  10. 他们悠游在网路中,称呼自己是「飞鹰人」。

    These people work together on the Internet and call themselves Eaglefly ( E-fly ) .

  11. 不是飞鹰帮你的吗?

    Did flying eagle helped you ?

  12. 飞鹰人专长于:线上调查、行销、推广、分析、规划、设计等网路工作。

    E-fly is capable of providing web-site surveying , marketing , promoting , analyzing , planning and designing .

  13. 飞鹰人运用资讯能力参与社会活动,特别重视公益的事件。

    E-fly also aim to utilize IT skill to participate in social events , especially those concerning non-profit campaigns .

  14. 飞鹰人经营一所数位学校,名为「圆梦学园」,是一所专为身心障碍者所设计的数位学习学校。

    E-fly also administer a successful accessible e-Learning school , called EDS , destined to serve people with disabilities .

  15. 浙江体育用品唯一的中国名牌产品-飞鹰的成功关键在于技术创新。

    Only China Zhejiang sporting goods brand-name products - " the Eagle " is key to the success of technological innovation .

  16. 火狼有感飞鹰处处阻挠计划,遂下战书约飞鹰一较高下。

    The fire wolf has the feeling hawk everywhere to obstruct the plan , then under war declaration approximately hawk one high under .

  17. 飞鹰刺绣机具有先进的工艺和检测设备、厚的技术力量和优良素质的职工队伍,拥有自营进出口权。

    The corporation has the advanced technics and detect equipments , abundant technical power , very moral employees and the self-support rights to import and export .

  18. 想你必已倦于光明,倦此修途,设若未曾有我,及我的飞鹰和长蛇。

    you would have wearied of your light and of the journey , had it not been for me , mine eagle , and my serpent .

  19. 确实如此,因为有10支名字类似“立方探索”、“飞鹰行动”的队伍也参加了这项挑战。

    Evidently not , because there are 10 teams that are competing in the challenge with names like " Cubequestador " and " Eagles Quest . "

  20. 骑在队伍前列的人高举的旗帜已然湿透,垂挂下来,看不清晰。但来人都穿着蓝紫色的披风,海疆城的银色飞鹰纹章在肩头飞扬。

    The banner in the hand of the foremost rider hung sodden and limp , but the guardsmen wore indigo cloaks and on their shoulders flew the silver eagle of Seagard .

  21. 可飞回的飞标曾在东澳大利亚及西澳大利亚流行,有时作为玩具,用于比赛,有时猎手用它仿真飞鹰,以驱逐鸟群,使之进入网里。

    Returning boomerangs were used only in eastern and western Australia as playthings , in tournament competition , and by hunters to imitate hawks for driving flocks of game birds into nets .

  22. 以水墨渲染和短速的笔法刻划飞鹰翅膀及颈部丰满且具光泽的羽毛;再以勾勒法画出飞鹰尖利的鹰喙及双爪锐利骇人的效果。

    While its silky plumage and ruffled feathers are exceptionally well rendered , using various tones of ink wash and short brush strokes , its massive hooked bill and talons are delineated .

  23. 第一个活物像狮子,第二个像牛犊,第三个脸面像人,第四个像飞鹰。

    And the first beast was like a lion , and the second beast like a calf , and the third beast had a face as a man , and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle .