
fēi zhǎng ; fēi zhàng
  • soar;skyrocket;balloon;shoot up;surge
飞涨 [fēi zhǎng]
  • [skyrocket;balloon;soar;shoot up] 飞快地上涨

  • 欧洲消费的猛增导致了物价的飞涨

飞涨[fēi zhǎng ; fēi zhàng]
  1. 政府正在采取这些措施,希望将飞涨的房价降下来。

    The government is adopting these measure , hopes that the house price will soar descends .

  2. 当我们手头有点儿的时候,房子价格又飞涨。

    When we think we can afford one small apartment , the price begins to soar .

  3. 那是在物价飞涨、生活艰难的往昔。

    That was in the bad old days of rampant inflation .

  4. 今年房屋价格飞涨。

    House prices have zoomed up this year .

  5. 选举后,物价飞涨。

    After the election , prices went sky-high .

  6. 物价飞涨,失去控制。

    Prices are spiralling out of control .

  7. 韩国艺术品的价格飞涨。

    Prices for Korean art have gone through the roof .

  8. 抗议者找到了抗议油价飞涨的新办法。

    Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices

  9. 消费者在抗议物价飞涨。

    Consumers are rebelling at steep price increases .

  10. 飞涨的物价可能威胁到那个国家的经济稳定。

    Soaring prices could threaten the economic stability of the country .

  11. 飞涨的物价说明了通货膨胀的严重程度。

    Skyrocketing prices testify to the depth of the inflation .

  12. 这个城市的房价好像在无限制地飞涨。

    The house prices in the city seemed soaring up without limit .

  13. 物价飞涨,有如脱缰之马。

    Prices were running wild .

  14. 物价飞涨。

    Prices skyrocketed .

  15. 水位飞涨,大堤出现险情。

    The water level kept rising and the dykes were in peril .

  16. 通货膨胀迫使生活费用飞涨。

    An inflation forces up the cost of living .

  17. 通货膨胀时,物价总是飞涨。

    Prices go sky-high whenever there is inflation .

  18. 物价飞涨,人心浮动。

    With the soaring of prices , there was a growing feeling of insecurity .

  19. 值此价格飞涨的时候,许多商店认为可以赶浪头提高商品价格。

    While prices are rising so fast , many shops think they can climb on the bandwagon and raise their prices , too .

  20. 扶贫组织ONE的代表奥利佛.巴斯顿说,飞涨的粮食价格令非洲不堪重负。

    Oliver Buston , with the anti-poverty group One , says soaring food prices are also taking their toll on Africa .

  21. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)的分析师表示:热力煤现货价格正在飞涨。

    Thermal coal spot prices are soaring , analysts at Credit Suisse said .

  22. 话音刚落,Stratasys和3-DSystems以及该领域的其他厂商的股票就应声飞涨。

    Shares of STRATASYS and 3-D systems as well as others in the space spiked .

  23. 这类股票飞涨主要发生在私募市场,而且仅局限于少数公司,其中Facebook就是一个代表。

    Most of the run up happened in the private markets , and it happened in only a few companies , Facebook mainly .

  24. 在商品价格飞涨的背景下,CPI高位运行,超过了央行目标水平。

    CPI remains above the ECB 's target level on the back of surging commodity prices .

  25. 这些地区房价的飞涨促进了当地GDP的增长,也给当地财政带来了丰厚的收入,使其它地区甚为眼红。

    These areas of high prices for the local GDP growth , but also to the local financial yield huge revenue for other areas are jealous .

  26. 找矿3.skyrocketvi.突升,猛涨糖价突然飞涨。

    The price of sugar has suddenly skyrocketed up .

  27. 然而这一次,由于他进入自由市场,以及NBA的工资帽飞涨,他将得到远远多于联盟其他巨星的补偿。

    Yet he 'll be compensated above and beyond any of the league 's greats due to the intersection of his free agency and the NBA 's greatest financial boom .

  28. 大和研究所(DaiwaInstituteofResearch)驻香港的分析师MarvinLo表示:重组方案出台前,这些股票的股价飞涨了许多。现在,投资者急于获利回吐。

    The stocks surged a lot before the announcement and investors are keen to take profit now , said Marvin Lo , an analyst at Daiwa Institute of Research in Hong Kong .

  29. 当其他城市物价飞涨之时,巴黎在ECA的年度报告上,反而从2009和2010年的16位下滑到第20位。

    As costs rise in other cities , Paris has dropped to No.20 in ECA International 's annual report , from No.16 in2010 and2009 .

  30. 由于中国等新兴经济体对石油的需求飞涨,Gerard表示,延误美国对石油储备的开发只会使工作机会流向其他国家。

    With demand ing in emerging economies , such as China , Gerard says delaying development of America 's oil reserves now , will only send jobs elsewhere .