
  • 网络Fairy tale princess;Fairy princess
  1. 三百个演员,苦苦地争夺一个角色但凭借全面的才华,她赢得了这个角色,她将在迪斯尼的电影《魔法奇缘》中扮演一位童话公主。

    But the moment came and she won the role known as the princess in the Disney 's film Enchanted .

  2. 不过现在,她已经开始利用自己童话公主一般的面容做慈善事业了,她会装扮成童话角色的样子,为孩子们演出,为癌症患儿的家长加油鼓劲。

    But now she 's using her storybook looks for good , dressing up as the character to entertain children and cheer-up cancer patients .

  3. 啊哈,童话,公主的生活方式,一切似乎都那么美好。

    Ah , the fairy tale , the princess lifestyle , how sweet it all seemed .

  4. 这件婚纱看起来完美无瑕——宛如童话中公主的裙子,或是最时兴的新娘装扮,让她们在人生最特殊的一天打扮得更加美丽。

    The wedding gown looks perfect - the sort of outfit a fairytale princess , or the most fashionable of brides , might don for their special day .

  5. 新闻记者佩姬·欧伦史坦不喜欢这种现状,她在纽约时报杂志一篇文章里探讨了她小女儿对迪斯尼童话中公主的迷恋和对粉红色的偏爱。

    That does not sit well with journalist Peggy Orenstein , who mused about her young daughter 's obsession with Disney princesses and predilection for the color pink in a New York Times Magazine essay .

  6. 她就像童话里的公主。

    She was like a princess in a fairy tale .

  7. 数年后,安徒生把这段悲惨的经历写成了童话《白雪公主》。

    And years later , Andersen turned that sad experience into a fairy tale , The Snow Queen .

  8. 原始土鳖和童话里的公主离我远点,因为我是本时代男人。

    Original stupid and princess of fairy tale be far away from me , I 'm a moden man .

  9. 换句话说,这是幻想,是童话,是公主与乞丐。

    In other words , it 's a fantasy , it is the fairy tale , it is the princess and the pauper .

  10. 成千上万个具有巴洛克式风格的中世纪城堡散落在整个欧洲。这些城堡让人联想到童话故事里公主和骑士的场景。

    Dotted all throughout Europe there are thousands of Medieval and Baroque castles that conjure up images of fairytale princesses and chivalrous knights .

  11. 在美国社会,虽然妇女们继续取得进步,可是小姑娘们仍然很容易迷恋于童话里的公主和粉红百褶裙。

    Even though women continue to advance in American society , many little girls still get stuck in a world of fairytale princesses and frilly pink dresses .

  12. 童话故事里的公主有着柔丝般的长发。

    The princess in the fairy story had long silken hair .

  13. 童话里缺了公主、女巫或巨人就不完整了!

    No children 's fairy story is complete without a princess , witch or giant .

  14. 泰勒·斯威夫特化身迪士尼童话人物长发公主,为全新的迪斯尼明星童话写真集拍摄广告。

    Taylor Swift poses as the Disney Princess Rapunzel in this brand new Disney Dream Portrait promo image .

  15. 其中最有名的童话故事有白雪公主、小美人鱼、拇指姑娘以及丑小鸭。

    Among his best-known stories are The Snow Queen , The Little Mermaid , Thumbelina , and The Ugly Duckling .

  16. 戴宽边太阳帽,戴顶太阳帽、卷曲的金色的头发,蓝色的水晶清晰的大眼睛,洁白的脸、小嘴唇,穿一件白色的裙子,我真的很喜欢童话中的白雪公主。

    Wearing broad-brimmed sun hat , curly golden hair , and blue crystal clear big eyes , white face , small lips , do wear a white skirt , I really like the fairy tales of Snow White .