
nì ɡuānɡ
  • backlighting;against the light
逆光 [nì guāng]
  • [backlight] 摄影时利用光线的一种方法。光线从被摄物体的背后(即对着摄影机镜头)而来,运用逆光对勾划物体轮廓和表现透明的或毛茸茸的物体,效果较好

  1. 逆光条件下交通标志的可视距离研究

    Research on Traffic Sign Discernible Visual Range under Backlighting Condition

  2. 对镜头在逆光条件下的性能有明显提高。

    In the backlighting of the camera under the conditions of the performance has significantly improved .

  3. 我们喜欢背景逆光的效果!

    We love this kind of feeling , the brilliant background light !

  4. 可逆光记录介质相变动力学理论

    Theory of phase-change dynamics in reversible optical recording media

  5. 香豆素衍生物在界面组装中的取代基效应可逆光二聚及超分子手性

    Substituent Effect on the Interfacial Assembly of Coumarin Derivatives : Reversible Photodimerization and Supramolecular Chirality

  6. 在这幅关于阴影和树干的图片中,逆光创造了一个非常壮观而生动的景象。

    Backlight produces a spectacular graphic image in this shot of shadows and tree trunks .

  7. 他们黑暗中展示逆光模式。

    They show inverse mode at night .

  8. 建立快速准确的空间像模型在计算光刻领域中占有重要地位,是逆光刻掩模优化等逆向求解问题的基础。

    A fast and accurate aerial image model plays an important role in the computational lithography field .

  9. 日光是你的好朋友——确保背对窗户,避免逆光。

    Daylight is your friend - just make sure to face away from the windows to avoid backlighting .

  10. 分别在顺光条件和逆光条件下进行了试验分析,试验结果表明该识别模型可以实现对树上可见的柑橘的识别,并适用于单个和多个果实的识别,正确识别率较高。

    The results show that the visible fruits under direct sunlight or backlighting condition can be identified well using this method .

  11. 在苯并吡喃部分含有硝基的螺吡喃显示出逆光致变色行为,其它的则为普通光致变色化合物。

    The spiropyrans with a nitro group at the benzopyran moiety showed reverse photochromic behavior , others were normal photochromic compounds .

  12. 逆光光线作为重要的造型元素对写实油画而言,有着不容忽视的价值。

    As an essential modeling element of realistic canvas , backlighting light is of great values which can not be neglected .

  13. 本文采用单试样逆光拍照法对延性材料拉伸试验缩颈后的真实应力-应变进行了有效的测量。

    The backlight photography with single sample was used to measure the true stress-strain of the ductile material after necking in tensile test .

  14. 他以浓重的墨色作为暗部来衬托强光,造成西画中逆光的强烈感觉。

    He used dark ink to indicate the shadowed part and to set off the bright part , forming the strong back lit effect of Western paintings .

  15. 老人脸部的光影关系明确,侧逆光的运用对人物表情、五官的质感刻画很精彩。是一幅很好的肖像摄影作品。

    The light and shadow on the face is very clear , the backlight application for the facial texture and emotional expression is splendid , a good portrait photograph .

  16. 采用合成似狭缝彩虹全息术记录三维漫射体真彩色彩虹全息图,用单波长激光逆光路再现。

    True color hologram of 3D diffuse object is recorded by rainbow holography with synthesized slit and by means of conjugate reconstruction against the original optical geometry with one wavelength laser .

  17. 为了把波像差的影响减少至最小,我们建议使用平行光做参考光,并用逆光路再现母全息图。

    In order to decrease the wave aberration , we propose to use the parallel light as reference light , and reconstruct the master hologram by using the inverse light road .

  18. 为了掌握喷雾的结构和特性,利用高速摄像装置和高压容器,拍摄了喷雾的逆光图像,并研究了喷雾周围介质压力对喷雾贯穿距离、喷雾锥角以及蒸发等喷雾特性的影响。

    For investigation of fuel spray structure and characteristics , by means of high speed video camera and high pressure chamber , the spray shadow pictures are taken , and the effects of medium pressure are researched on the spray penetration length , cone angle and evaporation characteristics .

  19. 本文从视觉与光的原理出发,在阐述光的基本知识基础上,总结出正面光、侧面光、逆光、散射光、自然光、人造光等在摄影中所起的作用及各自的特点。

    In this paper , from the principles of visual sense and light . I have briefly stated the basic knowledge of light and summed up the function and characteristics of frontal light , side light , back light , scatter light , natural light and artificial light .

  20. 雾天或强逆光等恶劣条件会对目前的军事侦察和视频监视系统产生很大影响,降低了图像输出的质量,使得我们从图像中得到的信息的可信度得不到保证。

    Fog or strong backlighting , and other harsh conditions have a significant impact on the field of military reconnaissance and the current video surveillance systems , reduce the quality of the image output , and make us not trust the credibility of the message from the image .