
  • 网络infectious keratitis;infected keratitis
  1. 目的探讨两步聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术快速检测感染性角膜炎和眼内炎病原体的临床诊断效果。

    Objective To establish a rapid diagnosis technique of the pathogens of infected keratitis and endophthalmitis .

  2. 随着LASIK手术的普遍开展,术后并发感染性角膜炎的病例报道不断增多。

    With the extensive use of laser in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK ), an increasing incidence in the postoperative infected keratitis has been reported .

  3. 感染性角膜炎的16srDNAPCR分析:病例报道

    16S rDNA PCR analysis of infectious keratitis : A case series

  4. LASIK术后感染性角膜炎的相关因素分析

    Analysis of correlation factors for infectious keratitis after LASIK

  5. 微生物培养时间需72~96h,两步PCR扩增只需8h。临床诊断的感染性角膜炎与实验室检测符合率为548%。

    Consistency of clinical diagnosis and experimental evidences of infected keratitis was 54.8 % . The time for microbe culture needs 72 to 96 hours , but MPCR and SPCR needs 8 hours .

  6. 非结核分枝杆菌(NTM)是导致术后感染性角膜炎的主要病原微生物之一,其中以龟分枝杆菌及偶发分枝杆菌最常见。

    Non-tuberculous mycobacterium ( NTM ) is one of the major pathogens , which results in infectious keratitis after LASIK . M.chelonae and M.fortuitum are the most common species .

  7. 深板层角膜移植治疗感染性角膜炎的临床分析

    The Study on Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty for the Infected Corneal Ulcer

  8. 感染性角膜炎102例的诊断及预后

    Diagnosis and prognosis of 102 cases of infected keratitis

  9. 两步聚合酶链反应法快速诊断感染性角膜炎和眼内炎病原体的研究

    Rapid pathogens diagnosis of infected keratitis and endophthalmitis using two steps polymerase chain reaction

  10. 118例感染性角膜炎的回顾性分析

    Clinical analysis of 118 cases with infectious keratitis

  11. 佩戴者护理教育仍然是减少感染性角膜炎危险性的最重要措施。

    Wearers ' education continues to be of utmost importance in reducing the risk of infectious keratitis .

  12. 方法:结合诱因、临床表现及实验室检查对102例感染性角膜炎患者进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : Predisposing cause , clinical manifestation and laboratory tests were combined to analysed 102 cases retrospectively .

  13. 在感染性角膜炎中,真菌性角膜炎占39.0%,病毒性角膜炎占35.2%,细菌性角膜炎占21.9%。

    In the cases of infectious keratitis , fungal keratitis accounts for 39.0 % , herpes simplex keratitis 35.2 % and bacterial keratitis 21.9 % .

  14. 结果:本组204例HSK中,属于感染性上皮角膜炎86例,其中角膜小泡13例,树枝状溃疡33例,地图状溃疡38例,缘部溃疡2例,全部治愈。

    Results : In 204 cases of all types of HSV keratitis , 86 cases were infectious epithelial keratitis that was cured completely , including 13 cases of cornea vesicle , 33 cases of dendritic ulcer , 38 cases of geographic ulcer and 2 cases of marginal ulcer .

  15. 法莫替丁联合无环鸟苷治疗HSV感染性上皮性角膜炎124例

    Clinical observation of 124 cases of HSV corneal ulcer treated by famotidine and acyclovir

  16. 目的:分析细菌感染性结膜炎、角膜炎及眼内炎的细菌培养及药物敏感试验结果。

    Objective : To study the results of bacterial culture and antibiotics sensitivity test in infectious conjunctivitis , keratitis and endophthalmitis .