
  1. 根据RobertEmmons的说法,每周怀着感恩的心写感谢信会使你更健康,更乐观,更容易达成个人的目标。

    People who keep gratitude journals on a weekly basis are healthier , more optimistic , and more likely to make progress toward achieving personal goals , according to author Robert Emmons .

  2. 一颗感恩的心,才会察觉生活中充满恩典。

    Only a thankful heart can see blessings in daily life .

  3. 我们会怀着感恩的心迎接每一天

    And we will greet every new day as a gift ,

  4. 愿感恩的心陪伴着没颗心灵与天地常存。

    Wish of gratitude with no heart with heaven and earth .

  5. 实际上,你应该保持一颗感恩的心,这样才能改掉这个可怕的习惯。

    Keeping a gratitude journal can break this terrible habit .

  6. 懂得感恩的心也是充实的,更是幸福的!

    A grateful heart is full , it is happy !

  7. 向别人致谢,用以感恩的心。

    Give thanks for them in your session of gratitude .

  8. 是你让我拥有了感恩的心!

    Is that you let me have a grateful heart !

  9. 以感恩的心,感谢所拥有的。

    Thanksgiving to the heart , for by the owners .

  10. 求祢帮助我存感恩的心,并且懂得向别人表达这份感恩。

    Help me to be grateful and to express that to others .

  11. 每当你醒来时,怀着感恩的心迎接新一天的到来。

    Wake up , and greet the day with gratitude .

  12. 求祢开启我们的心窍,叫我们能存着感恩的心。

    Open our hearts to a spirit of thanksgiving , we pray .

  13. 让我们用感恩的心来迎接明天!

    To fold a world in the embrace of God !

  14. 新子民要有感恩的心,要互相帮助。

    New people needs to giving God thanksgiving and helping one anther .

  15. 一颗最美的心,莫过于一颗感恩的心。

    No heart is more beautiful than a grateful heart .

  16. 不管你信什么,请保持感恩的心。

    Whatever you believe in , be grateful for it . 10 .

  17. 这是一本伟大的书,让我们一同带著感恩的心去研读它吧!

    It 's a great book , so let 's enjoy It together .

  18. 要做到乐观向上有个简单的方法,就是拥有一颗感恩的心。

    An easy way to be positive is to have a grateful heart .

  19. 拥有一颗感恩的心,留住爱,留住幸福!

    With appreciation in heart , we will have both love and happiness !

  20. 感恩节快乐!用感恩的心去享受生活的每一刻

    Happy Thanksgiving Day ! Enjoying Life with grateful heart

  21. 没有什么比一颗感恩的心值得尊敬!

    Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart !

  22. 是啊,一颗感恩的心也许能修补一颗破碎的心。

    Jane : yes , a thankful heart may mend a broken heart .

  23. 怀着一颗感恩的心,这个世界会更美丽。

    The more thankful you are , the more beautiful this world appears .

  24. 春春,我们非常爱你,因为你有一颗感恩的心。

    Chris , we love you so much because you have a thankful soul .

  25. 然后,怀抱感恩的心去生活,一切都将会变得美好。

    Then with a heart of gratefulness , everything turns out to be gorgeous .

  26. 我们当每天充满感恩的心。

    Every day should be infused with gratitude .

  27. 愿在黄昏时刻,带着感恩的心回家;

    To return home at even-tide with gratitude ;

  28. 快乐的人要有一颗感恩的心。

    Happy Thanksgiving people who have a heart .

  29. 一颗感恩的心是基督徒其他所有美德的泉源。

    An unthankful Christian is a defeated Christian for he has lost his joy .

  30. 你就可以去帮助别人,如果你有一颗感恩的心。

    You will be ready to help others if you have a thankful heart .