
  • 网络induced radiation
  1. 光谱感应红外辐射手册

    Spectrally Reduced Infrared Radiation Handbook

  2. 手机在工作时,由于天线距离人头部很近,头部处于近场感应和辐射场范围内,足够强的微波辐射可能对人体头部组织产生潜在的危害。

    Because the antenna of a mobile handset is so near to a human head , that is situated around the field of the induction and the radiation , its radiation of the microwave might be strong enough to make some potential hazards on the head .

  3. 三能级电磁感应透明中辐射场的量子统计特性

    Quantum Statistical Property of Radiation Field in Three-Level Electromagnetically Induced Transparency System

  4. 远区场强衰减较快,波导区场强衰减很慢,体现了感应场和辐射场不同的空间分布和传播特征。

    The decay of field intensity is rapid in the far zone , and becomes very little in the waveguide zone , respectively , which characterizes the varied spatial distributions and propagation of the induction and radiation fields .

  5. 方法:采用红外传感的原理,使用探测器感应人体热辐射,当人进入感应区触发信号,自动冲水和照明,无需用手接触开关。

    Method : Using the principle of infrared respondent conduction to respond the heat radiation of human body with detector . When the human enters the respondent area , the human will trigger the signal , then get washing and lighting automatically .

  6. 高频感应淬火机电磁辐射的防护

    Protection against electromagnetic wave of high frequency quenching machine

  7. 基于量子干涉效应,产生了许多新的物理现象,如相干布居捕获、无反转激光、电磁感应透明和自发辐射相消等等。

    Many novel physical phenomena such as coherent population trapping , lasing without inversion , electromagnetically induced transparency and spontaneous emission cancellation based on quantum interference have been discovered .

  8. 论文建立辐射感应电导率模型,解释了辐射感应电导率与辐射剂量率的指数关系及指数范围,描述不同辐射剂量率及复合指数下感应电导率的变化过程。

    The paper also develops a radiation induced conductivity model , explaining the exponential relationship between radiation induced conductivity and dose rate .