
ɡānɡ zhōu nónɡ zhǒnɡ
  • perianal abscess
  1. 浅挂线法治疗高位肛周脓肿的临床研究

    Clinical Research on the Treatment of Perianal Abscess by Limited-Seton Therapy

  2. 肛周脓肿细菌感染菌群分布研究

    Study on the distribution of infectious bacteria group in perianal abscess

  3. 男性婴幼儿肛瘘和肛周脓肿的特点及外科治疗

    Anal Fistula and Perianal Abscess in Infants : Features and Surgical Management

  4. 采用保留括约肌挂线术治疗肛周脓肿的临床观察

    Clinical observation of sphicter-retaining and thread-dragging therapy for perianal abscess

  5. 全组病人无一例发生大便失禁,肛门狭窄感染或肛周脓肿形成。

    No patient was encopresis , anal stenosis infection or perianal abscess .

  6. 急性肛周脓肿手术方法的改进

    Improvement of techniques of operation on acute perianal abscess

  7. 一次性根治术治疗肛周脓肿528例体会

    Once Radical Correction on 528 Patients with Perianal Abscess

  8. 目的提供一种治疗高位马蹄型肛周脓肿的新术式。

    Objectives A new method in the treatment of high horseshoe-shaped perianal abscess .

  9. 经体表高频超声在肛周脓肿和肛瘘诊断中的应用

    Use of Surface High-frequency Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Perianal Abscess and Anal Fistula

  10. 目的探讨肛周脓肿厌氧与需氧菌的菌群分布。

    Objective To study the distribution of anaerobes and aerobes in perianal abscess .

  11. 切开挂线术与切开引流术治疗肛周脓肿的疗效评价

    Therapeutic evaluation between incision-thread-drawing procedure and incision and drainage of the perianal abscess therapy

  12. 洁悠神长效抗菌剂促进肛周脓肿术后创面愈合的观察

    Clinical Observation of JUC Long-Acting Antimicrobial Material on Wound Surface Healing of Perianal Abscess

  13. 婴幼儿肛周脓肿一期手术根治32例

    A babies and infants crissum abscess issue of surgery permanently cures 32 example analysis

  14. 肛周脓肿手术均为开放伤口。

    Perianal abscesses are performed for open wounds .

  15. 方法选择31例肛周脓肿患者,对其脓液中的厌氧菌和需氧菌进行培养鉴定。

    Methods 31 specimens were taken from the perianal abscess , cultured and identified .

  16. 目的:探讨肛周脓肿一次性切开根治术的经验和临床效果。

    Objective : Discussion crissum abscess disposable incision root governing skill experience and clinical effect .

  17. 仙方活命饮治疗肛周脓肿术后感染15例

    Treating 15 Cases of Postoperative Infection of Perianal Abscess in Miraculous Decoction for Regional Infection

  18. 一次性根治肛周脓肿的临床体会附680例临床观察

    Knowing from clinical of the radical cure of perianal abscess : Report of 680 cases

  19. 结论:采用微创和挂线的方法治疗肛周脓肿是可行的。

    Conclusion : Treating abscess of anus by minimally invasive surgery and seton is valuable .

  20. 经直肠超声联合高频超声诊断肛周脓肿、肛瘘的应用价值

    Application Value of Transrectal Ultrasound and High-Frequency Ultrasonic in Diagnosing in Perirectal Abscess and Anal Fistula

  21. 低位切开高位引流术根治高位肛周脓肿165例

    Clinical analysis of 165 patients with high perianal abscess by radical low resection and high drainage

  22. 隧道式拖线术治疗低位蹄铁型肛周脓肿的随机对照临床试验

    Tunnel thread-drawing therapy in treating patients with horseshoe-shaped low-position perianal abscess : a randomized controlled trial

  23. 表现为肛周脓肿的直肠双层囊肿:2例病例报道和文献回顾

    Rectal duplication cyst presenting as perianal sepsis : Report of two cases and review of the literature

  24. 冷沉淀外用肛周脓肿病人术后创面初报

    Preliminary report on the effect of cryoprecipitate from plasma on postoperative wound of patients with perianal abscess

  25. 前言:目的:探讨挂线疗法治疗婴幼儿肛周脓肿。

    Objective : The discussion hangs the line therapy to treat the babies and infants crissum abscess .

  26. 肛周脓肿切开引流术

    D drainage of perianal abscess

  27. 肛肠治疗仪一次性根治肛周脓肿34例

    Primary radical surgery procedure in the treatment of perianal abscess 34 cases with therapeutic instrument for proctological disease

  28. 目的对比观察切开挂线术与切开引流术治疗肛周脓肿的临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effect contrast between incision-thread-drawing procedure and incisionanddrainage of the perianal abscess therapy .

  29. 目的观察冷沉淀对肛周脓肿病人术后创面愈合的作用。

    Objective To observe the role of cryoprecipitate from plasma on postoperative wound of patients with perianal abscess .

  30. 结论血浆冷沉淀具有明显的促进肛周脓肿病人术后创面愈合的作用。

    Conclusion The cryoprecipitate from plasma may accelerate the healing of postoperative wound of the patients with perianal abscess .