
pí wèi lùn
  • Theory of spleen and stomach;Treatise on the spleen and stomach
脾胃论[pí wèi lùn]
  1. 朱丹溪吸收了李东垣《脾胃论》的思想,临证用药重视中焦脾胃之气

    He thunk highly of QI of the spleen and stomach in middle energizer .

  2. 从脾胃论治重症肌无力

    Treatment of myasthenia gravis with theory of spleen and stomach

  3. 《脾胃论》与脏腑辨证

    The Theory of Spleen and Stomach and viscera syndrome differentiation

  4. 糖尿病从脾胃论治试论升降理论在调理脾胃中的应用

    Application of ascending-descending theory on regulating the spleen and stomach

  5. 肺系疾病从脾胃论治的探讨

    Treatment of Pulmonary Diseases by Dealing with Spleen and Stomach

  6. 从脾胃论治耳鸣耳聋的辩证规律探讨

    The Discussion into Dialectical Rule of Tinnitus and Deafness on the Governance of the Spleen and Stomach

  7. 论《脾胃论》补益脾胃方剂的用药特点

    Discussion on Characteristics of Applying Medicine of Tonifying Spleen and Stomach Prescription in Theory of the Spleen and the Stomach

  8. 探讨《脾胃论》一书在脏腑学说及脏腑辨证用药方面的运用。

    To discuss the application of the book of the Theory of Spleen and Stomach in viscera theory and viscera syndrome differentiation .

  9. 咽喉疾病从脾胃论治的探讨紫外线和超短波治疗咽喉疾病60例

    Treating Pharyngolaryngeal Diseases According to the Spleen and the Stomach Differentiation The effects of ultraviolet ray and ultrashort wave on throat disease

  10. 从以下四个方面论述了李东垣《脾胃论》的学术思想:①脾胃病的发病机理;

    The paper discussed Theory of Spleen and Stomach from the following four aspects : the pathogenesis of disease of spleen and stomach ;

  11. 并且以《金匮要略》从脾胃论治为例,从相关方剂、用药规律方面论证跨域映射的类比推理过程。

    And " Golden Chamber " in the Spleen and Stomach as an example , demonstrating analogical reasoning process of cross-domain mapping from relevant prescription drug law .

  12. 通过对文献的整理分析,总结慢性乙型肝炎从脾胃论治的辨证分型、辨治要点。

    According to the arrangement and analysis of documents , summarize pattern identification and dividing type , differentiate and analyze the main point of the chronic hepatitis B is .

  13. 对古代文献血虚证从脾胃论治的分析,可以为现代临床对血虚的治法提供依据。

    Ancient literature for blood deficiency syndrome differentiation from the analysis of the spleen , can for the treatment of modern clinical blood deficiency provides the basis . 4 .

  14. 李杲《脾胃论》结合时令用药心法研究一种用于监护仪的心电信号采集接口调理方法

    Study of Li Gao 's Experience on Using Medicine Combined with Seasons in Treatise on Spleen and Stomach A signal sampling interface and processing method applied to ECG monitor

  15. 李东垣脾胃论的元气阴火学说为此病患的诊疗用药思路提供重要的指导,并取得满意的临床疗效。

    Yuan-Qi-Yin-Fire hypothesis oriented from Li Dons-Yuan 's Spleen-Stomach Theory served as an important guide for above clinical diagnosis , prescription , and treatment , and gained satisfactory effect .

  16. 初步系统整理了十部中医古籍中,血虚证从脾胃论治的治法特点和所用方药的组方用药规律。

    Preliminary system to organize the Chinese medical books in ten books , blood deficiency syndrome differentiation from the treatment of spleen and stomach characteristics and formulas used square of drug laws .

  17. 并将慢性肾功能衰竭从脾胃角度进行辨证论治。

    And from the Angle of chronic renal failure spleen on syndrome differentiation and treatment .