
pí jīng
  • the spleen channel
脾经[pí jīng]
  1. 本文应用锇酸二甲基亚砜锇酸(ODO)法,对6侧人小腿部脾经与胃经低阻线区的表皮进行了扫描电镜观察,发现基底细胞表面平滑;

    Scanning electron microscopic observation on the epidermis of the skin on the low impedence lines of 6 human legs was performed by ODO method .

  2. 足太阴脾经统帅三阴。

    The Spleen Meridian of Foot-Tai yin captains three - yin .

  3. 胃经与脾经改善肥胖症痰湿体质的临床研究

    Clinical Study about Stomach and Spleen Meridian Improving Phlegm Dampness Constitution in Obesity

  4. 第二节总结了足太阴脾经生理功能。

    The second section summarizes the physiology function of the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin .

  5. 足太阴脾经属脾络胃、运化精微。

    The Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin pertains to the spleen and communicates with the stomach .

  6. 主要涉及经络:督脉,肾经、膀胱经、脾经。

    Yang-deficiency constitution mainly related to the meridian of Du , Kidney , Bladder , Spleen .

  7. 腧穴数量分布较集中的经脉依次为足阳明胃经、督脉、足太阳膀胱经、足太阴脾经。

    The points are distributed mainly in Stomach Meridian , Governor Vessel , Bladder Meridian and Spleen Meridian .

  8. 足太阴脾经和足阳明胃经是十四经中非常重要的两条经脉。

    The Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming and the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin are very important meridians of the Fourteen Meridians .

  9. 脚踝前侧也受到挤压帮助打开脾经,肝经,胃经和胆经。

    The front of the ankle also becomes compressed helping to open the Spleen , Liver , Stomach , and Gall Bladder lines .

  10. 腿后侧和后背的膀胱经,经过会阴的肺经和肾经经过膝盖内侧的脾经;

    Urinary Bladder on back of legs and on the back , and the Liver and Kidney lines through the groin and the Spleen through the inner knees ;

  11. 对照组热敏化腧穴主要分布经络为足阳明胃经34.3%、足太阳膀胱经14.3%、足太阴脾经14.3%、足少阳胆经11.4%、任脉8.6%等。

    The treatment group thermal acupoints are mainly distributed in the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming , Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang , Ren Meridian and Spleen Meridian of Foot-taiyin .

  12. 目的:了解紫苏归肺、脾经相关药理研究进展,为归经的理论研究提供参考。

    Objective : To understand the related pharmacological research progress of perilla with meridian tropism in lung and spleen and provide reference for theoretical research on meridian tropism .

  13. 补骨脂为常用补益中药,味辛,苦,归肾、脾经。

    Fructus Psoraleae is a common tonic Chinese medicine , which is pungent and bitter in flavor , warm in nature , and attributive to the kidney and spleen meridians ;

  14. 结论:通过对古今文献的整理及分析研究,总结出足太阴脾经、足少阴肾经、足厥阴肝经各腧穴的高频次主治症。

    Conclusion : Through summing up and analyzing ancient and modern literature , we summarized high-frequency indications of the points of the spleen Channels of Foot - taiyin , The kidney Channels of Foot-Shaoyin and liver Channels of Foot - Jueyin .

  15. 脾细胞经ConA诱导后的IL-2产生能力显著降低。

    Diminution in levels of splenocyte IL-2 production induced by ConA was also found .

  16. 目的观察大鼠体外脾淋巴细胞经不同压力&时程的高分压氧处理后淋巴细胞增殖及细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)杀伤能力的变化。

    Objective To observe the effects of hyperbaric oxygen on the proliferation rate and total cytotoxicity T lymphocyte ( CTL ) activity of rat splenic lymphocytes .

  17. [方法]小鼠脾淋巴细胞经乙型肝炎病毒免疫肽在体外致敏后,使它与HBsAg接触而产生白细胞黏附抑制反应。

    METHODS ? Leucocyte adhesion inhibition test was used . The mouse spleen lymphocyte was sensilized by immunological peptide in vitro , and then HBsAg was added to evoke leucocyte adhesion reaction .

  18. 方法:采用小鼠脾淋巴细胞经抗乙肝转移因子体外致敏,再与HBsAg接触而产生白细胞粘附抑制反应。

    Methods : Leucocy te adhesion inhibition test was used . The mouse spleen lymphocyte was sensilized by anti-HBV TF - in vitro - , and then HBsAg was added to evoke leucocyte adhesio n reactio n.

  19. 模型组狼疮样小鼠脾细胞经ConA诱导下分泌Th2细胞因子IL6和IL10水平明显高于正常组及各治疗组,差异有显著性(P<005)。

    Splenic cell IL 6 and IL 10 secretion in the model group induced by ConA was higher than those in the treated groups and the controls significantly ( P < 0 05 ) .

  20. 目的:观察异基因脾细胞经门静脉途径输注诱导受体免疫耐受的效果,以及联合使用塞尼哌后的效果。

    Objective : To study the effects of immunological tolerance induced by administration of allogeneic splenocytes through portal vein in rats in combination with Daclizumab .

  21. 自体脾LAK细胞经肝动脉导管输注治疗原发性肝癌

    The Treatment of Primary Liver Cancer via Hepatic Artery Infusion of Autologous Splenic LAK Cells

  22. 将C57BL/6的骨髓细胞和转基因荧光C57BL/6小鼠的脾淋巴细胞输入经8Gy全身照射的BALB/c小鼠,建立eGFP标记供体淋巴细胞的GVHD小鼠模型;

    GVHD model was established by transfusion of the splenocytes of eGFP transgeneic C57BL / 6 mice together with born marrow cells harvested from C57BL / 6 mice into BALB / c mice underwent 8.0 Gy total body irradiation .

  23. 末次免疫完成后4周,处死3只免疫小鼠并分离脾淋巴细胞,体外经PPD(0.2μg/孔)刺激后,用MTT比色法检测免疫小鼠脾淋巴细胞的增殖指数。

    Four weeks after the latest immunization , the stimulation indices of the splenic lymphocytes after stimulation with PPD in immunized mice were determined by MTT colorimetry ;

  24. 与TNF免疫的脾细胞融合,经筛选鉴定得到了几株分泌抗CALLA和抗TNF双特异性单克隆抗体的三体瘤。

    After fusion with spleen cells from BALB / c mice immunized with TNF , several trioma lines secreting bispecific McAbs against TNF and CALLA were selected and identified .

  25. 兔注射特异性犬脾TF后,经酯酶染色法测定,T淋巴细胞比值由注射前的40.41%上升到注射后的63.45%(p<0.01)

    By ANAE assay , after the rabbit is injected with the specific TF , the T lymphocyte rate rises by 23.01 % ( from 40.41 % to 63.45 % , P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 以基因重组白细胞间介素Ⅱ(rIL-2)诱导肝癌患者自体脾LAK细胞,经肝动脉,辐注。

    The autologous splenic lymphokine activated killer ( LAK ) cells induced by recombinant IL-2 ( rIL-2 ) were infused via hepatic artery as well as systemically in the treatment of primary hepatic carcinoma .

  27. 以猪脾为原料,经提取、等电点沉淀、加热变性除杂蛋白及超滤等步骤,得到了具有免疫抑制作用的组分。

    Three immunosuppressive fractions were obtained by extraction , isoelectric point precipitation , heat denaturation of proteins and ultrafiltration from porcine spleen .