
  • 网络Deficiency of Spleen Qi
  1. 结论:脾气虚证患者PK特征表现为吸收速度加快,分布和排泄减慢;肝郁脾虚证患者PK特征表现为吸收、分布和排泄均减慢;

    Conclusion : The PK analysis of FA in the patients with syndrome of deficiency of spleen qi shows that the absorption rate is accelerated , and both the distribution and elimination rates are slowed down .

  2. 提示脾气虚患者存在有微量元素代谢的异常,其含量的变化与中医脾气虚证有一定的关系。

    It suggested that the patients with deficiency of spleen qi had the abnormality of the microelement metabolism , the changes of its content was certain related to deficiency of spleen qi syndrome of TCM .

  3. 三种脾气虚证模型大鼠血清胃泌素及胃窦G细胞的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Serum Gastrin and G-cell in Gastric Antrum of Three Rat Models of Syndrome of Deficiency of Spleen-QI

  4. 方法:采用复合因素塑造大白鼠脾气虚证模型,采用底物磷酸化法检测模型脾肝组织蛋白激酶C活性。

    Method : Rat model with spleen-Qi deficiency syndrome were built by classical method and activities of protein kinase C were detected with substrate phosphorylation method .

  5. 结论:提示脾气虚证胃蛋白酶储备不足,G细胞分泌储备力差。

    CONCLUTIONS Patients with spleen-energy deficiency have insufficient pepin reserve as well as both poor secretory deposit and low secretory function in G cells .

  6. 目的:研制适用于脾气虚证临床疗效评价的PRO量表。

    [ Objective ] we would work out Spleen Qi Deficiency Syndrome PRO scale , which using clinical evaluation .

  7. 脾气虚证大鼠模型肝组织细胞膜PKC活性无明显变化(P>005),肝组织细胞浆中PKC活性明显升高(P<001)。

    PKC activities in cytoplasm of liver of rat with spleen Qi deficiency syndromes increased ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 结果:脾气虚证和脾阳虚证胃粘膜既可有器质性病变存在(G型),也可无器质性病变存在(F型);

    Results : The gastric mucosa of Spleen Qi deficiency and Spleen Yang deficiency patients could either be affected with organic lesion ( type G ) or unaffected ( type F );

  9. 脾气虚证与胃泌酸、胃肠运动、胃电活动及SS、Mot、CCK等脑-肠肽的关系研究

    Relationship of Spleen-Asthenia Syndrome with Gastrointestinal Function and Brain-gut Peptide such as SS , Mot , CCK in Patients

  10. 结果:脾气虚证大鼠模型脾组织细胞膜中PKC活性明显降低(P<0001),而脾组织细胞浆中PKC活性无明显变化(P>005);

    Results : PKC activities in cell membrane of spleen tissue of rats with spleen Yang deficiency syndromes decreased ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 脾虚证(脾气虚证、脾阳虚证、脾阴虚证)大鼠肝、脾、肾PKC活性和亚型变化及补益脾胃方药调节作用的实验研究

    Experimental Research on PKC in Spleen , Liver , kidney of Rats with Spleen Deficiency Syndromes and Effective Mechanism of Chinese Herbs for Reinforcing Spleen

  12. 脾气虚证和腹部外科MODS患者胃电图和胃肠激素变化及中药治疗作用研究

    Studies of the Alteration of EGG and Gastrointestinal Hormones and the Curative Effects of Chinese Herb Medicine on Spleen-Qi Deficiency and MODS after Abdominal Surgery

  13. 结果:与正常对照组比较,脾气虚证模型组大鼠肝组织SOD活性降低,端粒长度缩短。

    Result : To compared with normal control , the activity of superoxide dismutase in liver of rat model with spleen Qi deficiency syndrome was lower and the length of telomere was shorten .

  14. 结果:气阴两虚证、脾气虚证和胃阴虚证组Bax的表达率分别为46.67%、80.00%、76.67%;

    The results showed that the expression rate of Bax in above - mentioned three groups is 46.67 % 、 80.00 % 、 and 76 . 67 % respectively ;

  15. 因此研制中医脾气虚证PRO量表是十分必要的。

    Developed the TCM Spleen Qi Deficiency Syndrome PRO Scale is very necessary . [ Methods ] Under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) theory and the direction of psychometrics .

  16. 结果脾气虚证、脾阳虚证和脾阴虚证模型脾组织细胞膜PKC活性明显降低(P<0.01),但组间比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);

    Results PKC activity in cell membrane of splenic tissue significantly decreased in all the rats with PDS ( P < 0.01 ), showed no significant difference among different types ( P > 0.05 ) .

  17. EGG改变的原因可能与血浆中SS、Gas,特别是SS的变化有关,MTL、VIP在脾气虚证中的作用尚需进一步研究。

    The reason of EGG alteration is perhaps associated with the changes of levels of plasma SS and Gas , especially the SS . The reason of the alterated plasma level of MTL and VIP in SQD need further study .

  18. 脾气虚证、脾阳虚证和脾阴虚证老龄大鼠模型心、脑组织中mtDNA缺失、呼吸链复合体酶活性的变化以及补益脾胃方药作用机制的实验研究

    Experimental Research on mtDNA and Respiratory Chain Complex Kinase in Heart and Brain of Rats with Spleen Qi Deficiency , Spleen Yang Deficiency and Spleen Yin Deficiency Syndrome and Effective Mechanism of Chinese Herbs for Reinforcing Spleen

  19. carnitineC8:0、GPCho(38:6)和分子量为341.282的未知化合物可能为脾气虚证的潜在标志物。

    Carnitine C8:0 , GPCho ( 38:6 ) and unknown compound which molecular weight is 341.282 are possibly the latent markers of spleen qi deficiency .

  20. 脾气虚证患者甲襞微循环状况的临床观察

    Clinical Study on the Nail Fold Microcirculation of Spleen-Qi Deficiency Patients

  21. 大肠癌脾气虚证辨证量化标准的研究缺血性脑卒中患者气虚证的旁证探讨

    Quantified diagnositic standard for large intestinal cancer of spleen qi deficiency syndrome

  22. ①目的观察捏脊疗法对儿童脾气虚证的治疗效果。

    The Chinical Observation of Chiropractic Therapy on Exogenous Fever of Pediatrics ;

  23. 心脾气虚证的临床与实验研究

    The Study of Essence and Standardization About Heart-Spleen Qi Deficiency

  24. 慢性胃炎脾气虚证临床研究

    Clinical Research on Spleen Qi Deficiency Syndrome of Chronic Gastritis

  25. 糖尿病时脾气虚证的传统与现代解读

    The Traditional and Modern Interpretation of Spleen-Qi Deficiency Syndrome of Diabetes Mellitus

  26. 心、肺、脾气虚证的唾液淀粉酶测定

    Assay of Salivin in Cases of Heart-qi , of Lung-qi and of Spleen-qi

  27. 脾气虚证与糖尿病及慢性并发症的关系和临床干预

    Relationship between the Spleen-qi Deficiency Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus and its Chronic Complications

  28. 慢性胃病脾胃湿热证与脾气虚证的血液流变学观察

    Observation of Blood Rheology on Chronic Gastropathy With Damp-heat of Spleen-stomach With Spleen Deficiency

  29. 捏脊疗法对脾气虚证兔血清D-木糖的影响

    Effect of chiropractic therapy on serum D-xylose of spleen Qi deficiency syndrome in rabbits

  30. 基于尿液代谢组学的脾气虚证本质研究

    Study of the Essence of the Spleen QI Deficiency Based on Metabolomics of Urine