
  • 网络Flaccidity syndrome;Wei syndrome
  1. 古代痿证名实考

    Textual Study on the Nomenclature of Wei Syndrome in Ancient Times

  2. 目的:研究大鼠脊髓持续性压迫后NGF、BDNF含量及NGF、BDNF原位基因表达变化,探讨痉、痿证方对大鼠脊髓持续性慢性损伤NGF、BDNF的影响。

    Objective : To study the alterative content of NGF , BDNF and the alterative expression of their in situ genes in rat spinal cord after continuative compression injury .

  3. 肺热叶焦&痿证主要病机的地位不容动摇

    Lungs Scorched By Heat An Unshakable Position in Pathogenesis of Flaccid Syndrome

  4. 中国传统医学对老年痿证认识的源流

    The sourse and course of knowledge on aged flaccidity syndrome in TCM

  5. 《内经》痿证理论及其临床应用

    Theory of Flaccidity Syndrome in Canon of Medicine and Its Clinical Application

  6. 祖国医学认为膝关节骨性关节炎属于痹症,骨痹,膝痹,痿证等范畴。

    Country medicine considers that KOA is an arthralgia disease , which contains bone weakness , knee weakness , and atrophy and so on .

  7. 痉证方、痿证方对脊髓慢性损伤后脊髓组织神经细胞和胶质细胞的凋亡有抑制作用,痿证方强于痉证方。

    " Jingzheng Recipe " and " Weizheng Recipe " have good effects in inhibiting the apoptosis of neurocyte and glial , the latter Recipe with better effects .
