
  1. Abe穷其一生为了狩猎他们。这些是他一直没找到的

    bad peculiars.Abe dedicated his life to hunting them down.These are the ones he never found .

  2. 沃尔夫穷其一生心血致力于Lied这一体裁上,在他短暂的生命里,为世人留下三百多首Lied歌曲,堪称艺术歌曲领域的瑰宝。

    Wolf devoted in Lied , a literature style of song , in his whole life . In his short life , left more than 300 Lieds for the people in the world , the being possible be called art song domain treasure .

  3. 成长的最好方法是穷其一生的学习。

    The best way to grow is life long education .

  4. 的确是这样,大部分日本人穷其一生都没有尝过火鸡的味道。

    Yup , majority of Japanese people have never tasted turkey in their life .

  5. 一颗平常心,赏一路美景,穷其一生快乐!

    A sense of balance , beauty tours all the way , the poor his life happy !

  6. 作为美国第一代环保运动的领袖,约翰.缪尔穷其一生来背负这项伟大的使命。

    As America 's first environmentalist , John Muir lived his life forever daring to undertake new adventures .

  7. 但她向我承认,她穷其一生在梦想着她一直爱的另一个男人。

    But she just confessed to me that she spent her whole life dreaming about another man she was always in love with .

  8. 《论语与算盘》是日本著名企业家涩泽荣一穷其一生的深切体会而结撰成的一本书。

    The Analects of Confucius and abacus is a famous book to which the well-known Japanese entrepreneur , Shibuzawa Aechi devoted his life experience .

  9. 占有名和利,是很难摆脱的观念,有的人穷其一生都走不出来。

    To possess fame and benefit is the opinion hard to get rid , and someone can not break away until he is dead .

  10. 那一年对你真的是太美好了,在你赢得国王杯的九个月前,你随西班牙国家队赢得了世界杯,这种殊荣真的是绝大多数人穷其一生都无法得到的。

    Kay : It was a good twelve months for you and nine months before that you won the World Cup with Spain . It 's a cup that so few people get to realize the dream of winning .