
pào téng
  • effervescence;effervesce
泡腾 [pào téng]
  • [effervesce] 起气泡并发出嘶嘶声(如发酵的液体或苏打水);亦指放出气泡(如从苏打水中释放出气泡)

泡腾[pào téng]
  1. 泡腾片剂由日本首创,广泛应用于医药,在农药上的应用刚起步较晚。

    The effervescence is initiated by Japanese . It is used in medicament widely .

  2. 研究结果显示:033高能饮料和多维电解质泡腾片的复合饮料,以及高能速力饮料,对提高运动员无氧运动能力都有较为明显的效果,但对有氧能力的促进作用均不理想;

    The research results show : 033 energy beverage , multidimensional electrolyte effervescence compound beverage and energy fast - reactivate beverage have obvious effect to improve triathletes ' non aerobic sports ability , but with little promotion to the aerobics ;

  3. 阿司匹林维生素C泡腾片的体内过程及生物等效性

    Relative bioavailability of effervescent tablet of aspirin-vitamin C in healthy volunteers

  4. 维生素C泡腾片颗粒干燥工艺研究

    Study on Granula Desiccation Technique For Vitamin C Effervescent Tablet

  5. 对阿司匹林加维生素C泡腾片的处方及制备工艺进行了研究。

    The formula of aspirin plus vitamin C effervescent tablets was examined .

  6. 复方对乙酰氨基酚维生素C泡腾片人体生物等效性研究

    The clinical pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of paracetamol and Vitamin C compound effervescent tablet

  7. 以普鲁兰多糖为粘合剂的维生素C泡腾片的工艺研究

    Study on the processing technology of effervescent tablets using Pullulanase polysaccharide as binder

  8. 阿司匹林加维生素C泡腾片的制备

    Preparation of aspirin plus vitamin C Effervescent Tablets

  9. 并对复方制剂对乙酰氨基酚维生素C泡腾片中维生素C的生物等效性进行了评价。

    And also , was to evaluate the bioequivalence of several vitamin C preparations by using this method .

  10. RP-HPLC法测定两性霉素B阴道泡腾片中主药的含量

    Determination of Amphotericin B in Vaginal Effervescent Tablets by RP-HPLC

  11. 阿莫西林克拉维酸钾泡腾片的HPLC测定

    Determination of Amoxicillin Potassium Clavulanate Effervescent Tablets by HPLC

  12. 维C泡腾片满足免疫系统对维生素C的额外需求,迅速增强抵抗力。

    Victoria C effervescent tablets of vitamin C to meet the immune system , the additional demand , rapidly increasing resistance .

  13. HPLC法测定双唑泰泡腾片中甲硝唑、克霉唑和醋酸洗必泰的含量

    HPLC Determination of Metronidazole , Clotrimazole and Chlorhexidine Acetate in Their Compound Effervescent Tablets

  14. 目的:建立同时测定复方对乙酰氨基酚维生素C泡腾片中对乙酰氨基酚和维生素C含量的高效液相色谱法。

    OBJECTIVE To establish an HPLC method for simultaneous determination of paracetamol and vitamin C in paracetamol and vitamin C effervescent Tablets .

  15. 方法分析所用时间短,结果准确可靠,选择性好,适用于维生素C泡腾片中甜蜜素含量的检验。

    The method is reliable and accurate , and was applied to the determination of sodium cyclamate in Vitamin C effervescent tablets with satisfactory results .

  16. 结果表明:采用后者作粘合剂的维生素C泡腾片在真空干燥过程中及其成品贮存过程中维生素C损失量都小于前者。

    The result showed that loss of vitamin C of Pullulanase polysaccharide was much less than that of PVP K30 during vacuum drying and storage .

  17. 以柠檬酸、碳酸氢钠为泡腾剂,经非水制粒进行压片制备维生素C泡腾片。

    Vitamin C effervescent tablets was prepared with citric acid and sodium bicarbonate as effervescent agents , using nonaqueous granulating method . Its quality is good .

  18. 方法四种不同的方法制备维生素C泡腾片,从崩解度、溶解性,泡腾效果、外观等综合评价。

    Method Four different methods were used to prepare vitamin C effervescent tablets . The formulations were evaluated by disintegration , dissolution , effervescent effect and appearance .

  19. RP-HPLC测定甲硝唑阴道泡腾片中甲硝唑含量

    Determination of Metronidazole in Metronidazole Vaginal Effervescent Tablet by RP-HPLC

  20. RP-HPLC法测定格尔德霉素阴道泡腾片的含量和有关物质

    Determination of the content and the related substances of geldanamycin in vaginal effervescent tablet by RP-HPLC

  21. 通过考察维生素C泡腾片颗粒的最佳干燥温度和最高容许含水量,确定了冷冻除湿颗粒干燥箱的设备参数及干燥工艺条件。

    The equipment parameters and drying technique conditions of drying box for lyophilizing granula were established by the exploration to optimal drying temperature and highest permitted water-content of vitamin C effervescent tablet .

  22. 清肠泡腾栓对IL-13的调控作用不明显,与模型对照组比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    BES showed obvious regulation on IL-13 with no significant difference when compared with the model group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  23. 结果表明,用该设备在(45±5)℃温度下干燥4h制得的干颗粒,可以顺利地压出合格的维生素C泡腾片。

    The result showed that the qualified vitamine C effervescent tablet could be smoothly expressed with the drying granulae prepared by this drying equipment at ( 45 ± 5 )℃ for 4 hr .

  24. 建立了利巴韦林泡腾颗粒含量测定的HPLC方法。以PE-PackC18为色谱柱,水为流动相,检测波长为207nm。

    A HPLC method for determination of Ribavirin Effervescent Granules was established , using a PE-Pack C18 column with the mobile phase of water , at the detection wavelength of 207 nm .

  25. 目的研究加替沙星阴道泡腾栓(GVES)的药效学。

    Objective To study the pharmacodynamics of gatifloxacin vaginal effervescent suppository ( GVES ) on the guinea pigs .

  26. 结论:单次应用塞克硝唑阴道泡腾片,最大剂量至750mg,多次用药250mg·d~(-1)比较安全、耐受性较好。

    CONCLUSION : Single-dose up to the maximum dosage of 750 mg and multi-dose of 250 mg · d ~ ( - 1 ) secnidazole vagina effervescent tablets are safe and tolerable .

  27. 结论本法快速、灵敏、准确、简便,适用于TTS-12原料药及泡腾片的含量测定研究,为进一步建立质量标准奠定了基础。

    Conclusion The method is very simple and convenient for the menstruation of raw material medicine and effervescent tablets of the TTS-12 , which facilitates the measurement of quantity and quality control of the material drugs .

  28. 结果:本栓剂以聚氧乙烯单硬脂酸S40为基质,枸橼酸和碳酸氢钠为泡腾散,具有载药量大、刺激性小、起效快、渗透性强、临床疗效良好等优点。

    Results : The formulation of PVP-I suppository contained polyoxyethylene monostearate ( S-40 ) as base material , citric acid and sodium bicarbonate as effervescent excipient with advantages of big drug load , minor irritation , rapid onset , high permeability and good therapeutic effect .

  29. 复方替硝唑阴道泡腾片的研制及质量控制

    Preparation of Compound Tinidazole Vaginal Effervescent Tablets and Its Quality Control

  30. 14%苄·乙泡腾分散颗粒剂的配方研究

    Formulation Study of 14 % Bensulfuron-methyl and Acetochlor Effervescent Granules Scattered