
  1. ZnO晶须用作泡沫硅橡胶增强体应用研究

    The Applied Research of the Application of Zinc Oxide Whisker to the Reinforcement of Cellular Silicone Materials

  2. GP-084泡沫硅橡胶和SY-1硅橡胶之间粘结性能的测定

    Adhesive properties between GP-084 cellular silicone elastomer and SY-1 silicone elastomer

  3. 目的:评价GP-084泡沫硅橡胶和SY-1硅橡胶之间的粘结性能。

    Objective : To study the adhesive properties between GP-084 cellular silicone elastomer and SY-1 silicone elastomer .

  4. 泡沫硅橡胶动态力学性能的实验研究

    Experimental study of dynamic mechanical behaviors of silicone rubber foam

  5. 开孔型泡沫硅橡胶材料的制备及力学性能研究

    Study of Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Open Cell Silicone Rubber Foam

  6. 由此可见,三明治式结构同样具有泡沫硅橡胶良好的弹性。

    So sandwich structure had the same elasticity with cellular silicone elastomer .

  7. 泡沫硅橡胶冲击压缩性实验研究

    Study on the shock compression of foam silicon rubber

  8. 用物理发泡剂制备韧性泡沫硅橡胶

    Molding of Cellular Silicone Elastomer with Physical Foaming Agent

  9. 泡沫硅橡胶在缓冲减振方面有独特的优良性能。

    The silicone rubber foam has excellent properties about cushion and energy absorbering .

  10. 泡沫硅橡胶的多孔超弹性模型

    Porous Hyperelastic Model for Foam Silicone Rubber

  11. 用物理发泡剂制备了具有特殊性能要求的韧性泡沫硅橡胶,重点介绍了原材料预处理、成型技术及加工工艺参数等。

    The cellular silicone elastomer with special property and structure was molded with physical foaming agent .

  12. 室温硫化泡沫硅橡胶的研究

    Study on RTV foam silicone rubber

  13. 泡沫硅橡胶是一种典型的多孔材料,同时它的本构行为也呈现超弹性力学性质。

    Foam silicone rubber is a typical porous material whose constitutive behaviors are attributed to the hyperelastic properties .

  14. 同时研究了结构化控制剂、白炭黑、无机成孔剂的用量等因素对泡沫硅橡胶力学性能的影响。

    The effects of silicone oil content , silicone dioxide content and inert fillers content on the mechanical properties of silicone rubber foam were studied .

  15. 采用向开孔泡沫铝中填入硅橡胶的方法制备出了含硅橡胶泡沫铝,并对其进行了不同应变率条件下的压缩实验。

    The aluminium foam containing silicate rubber was fabricated by infiltrating silicate rubber into open-cell aluminium foam . And the compressive experiments under different strain rate were conducted on the material .

  16. 结果表明:蜂窝结构硅橡胶泡沫材料内部为大小不等但相互连通的开孔网络结构,泡沫与硅橡胶之间无明显界面;

    The results showed that the honeycomb laminates had an interlinking open cell structure without remarkable interface between silicone rubber and silicone rubber foam ;