
  • 网络foam height
  1. 混合硅氧烷催化裂解泡沫高度的研究

    Study on foam height of catalyst and degrade organopolysiloxane

  2. 不同混合比仲酰胺的和叔叔酰胺的季胺化物水溶液的泡沫高度和表面张力没有明显的变化。

    But no significant differences on foam height and γ _ ( min ) were observed between various compositing ratio of quaternized sec-and ten-amides .

  3. 即时泡沫高度为30mm,5min后为20mm;

    The height of foam is 30 mm at the beginning and 20 mm after 5 min.

  4. 通过实时测量的液位曲线和泡沫高度曲线,提高了生产效益,测量周期从原来的23h缩短到16h,消泡剂节省了12%。

    It was shown that the productive efficiency was raised , the productive cycle was shortened from 23 h to 16 h , and the defoamer was saved by 12 % .

  5. 铜液中泡沫高度的测定

    Determination of the Foam ′ s High Degree in Copper Complex Solution

  6. 针对目前研究现状,对一些关键技术问题进行了深入探讨,提出一种基于计算机视觉技术的溶渣泡沫高度检测方法。

    Aim at the study now , the key problems are discussed and the text advance an examine method of foamed slag interface based on image disposing technique .

  7. 结果表明,随着聚醚聚硅氧烷季铵盐嵌段共聚物中聚醚与聚硅氧烷的质量比的加大,香波的粘度和泡沫高度下降;

    The results showed that as the mass ratio of polyether and polysiloxane grew higher in polyether polysiloxane quaternary ammonium block copolymer , the viscosity and foam height decreased .

  8. 为了同时测量焦化塔的液位和泡沫高度,设计了一种双能γ射线焦化塔液位在线测量仪。

    To measure both the liquid level of Coke-cracking Tower and the height of foam , an on-line measurement instrument of the liquid level for Coke-cracking Tower based on dual-energy γ - ray transmission is designed .

  9. 介绍了该测量仪的工作原理,分析了高速集成单道幅度分析器和高性能A/D转换器的电路及特点,讨论了液位曲线和泡沫高度曲线。

    The operational principle of the measurement instrument is introduced , the circuit and characteristic of the integrated single channel pulse height analyzer and those of high performance ADC are analyzed , and the measured real-time curves of liquid level and foam height are discussed .

  10. 测定了在不同条件下,合成高炉渣中TiO2被碳还原时泡沫渣高度与时间的关系。

    The relationship between the foam height and time is measured for foaming processes originated from reducing TiO 2 in the synthetic blast furnace slag under different condition .

  11. 炉渣碱度、泡沫渣高度、吹氧角度、补炉方式等是影响20t电弧炉炉衬寿命的主要因素。

    Slag basicity , foamed slag height , angle of blowing oxygen and reline mode are the main factors influencing lining service life of 20t EAF .

  12. 采用适当的催化体系能改善代表发泡流动性的泡沫上升高度和降低泡沫密度分布梯度;

    Suitable catalytic systems can improve the polyurethane climb feet and reduce the differential of the foam density distribution .

  13. 结果表明,复合型塔板能有效地抑制泡沫层高度和细化气泡直径,减少雾沫夹带,提高塔板效率。其中将填料置于距塔板一定高度的复合型塔板消泡效果最好。

    The results show that combined tray can effectively restrain foam height and bubble diameter , decrease entrainment , and enhance tray efficiency .

  14. 在完成上述实验之后,测试了不同消泡构件对降低易起泡物系泡沫层高度的效果。

    After the experiments are finished , the effects of the different bubble-removing components to reduce the foam height of the frothing system are measured .

  15. 同时还测定了泡沫层高度对板效率的影响,从而为复合塔板设计参数的选择提供依据。

    It was also measured the effect of froth height on tray efficiency . Thus , we can offer the basis for determining the design parameters of compound tray .

  16. 因此需使用消泡剂来降低泡沫层的高度,并抑制泡沫的产生。

    So a certain kind of antifoaming agent is needed to lower the foam layer and prohibit from foaming .

  17. 在微乳液单相体系和微乳液-溶致液晶两相体系中所制的泡沫,其高度随时间的变化符合一级反应动力学方程。

    The change of the foam height with time in microemulsion system or microemulsion-liquid crystal system corresponds to the first-class dynamic equation .

  18. 测定了高炉粉尘在合成渣中被碳还原时,内生气源产生泡沫渣的高度与时间的关系。

    The relationship between foam height and time has been investigated for the foaming process caused by reduction of blast furnace dust and sludge in synthetic slag .

  19. 通过流变学实验分析了凝胶泡沫的发泡高度、反应时间、温度对其粘弹性的影响,建立了凝胶泡沫的本构方程,得到了对凝胶泡沫的黏弹性影响较大的参数。

    The effects of foam height , reaction time and temperature of the foam viscoelasticity was analyzed by the rheology experiments , and the constitutive model was established to get the most influential parameter to the foamed gel viscoelasticity .

  20. 泡沫分离过程中泡沫层总高度对持液率的影响

    Effects of Total Foam Height on the Liquid Holdup in the Foam Fractionation Process

  21. 随气体流量增加或泡沫层表面颗粒浓度增大,颗粒夹带量会增加;随泡沫层高度增加,颗粒夹带量减少。

    With increasing gas flow rate or surface particle concentration , particle entrainment rate will increase while with increasing froth height , particle entrainment rate decreases .

  22. 通过实例介绍泡沫接触式冷却器的工艺设计方法,包括冷却器截面积、泡沫层高度、冷却器补加水量和空气流动的压力损失。

    By use of the practical examples , the process design methods for foamed layer coolers were introduced in this article , including the sectional area of the cooler , the height of the foamed layer , the supplement water quantity and the loss of air pressure .