
  • 网络organic wheat
  1. 上个月,转基因谷物现身一有机小麦农场,这种转基因小麦是试验用小麦,从未批准进行销售。

    Genetically modified grains turned up on an organ wheat farm last month , an experimental type that was never approved for sale .

  2. 施用有机肥对小麦吸钾量及生物量的影响

    Effects of Organic Manure on Potassium Absorbability and Biomass of Wheat

  3. 施用钾肥和有机肥对小麦产量、品质的影响

    Wheat yield and quality as affected by potash and organic manure application

  4. 沥滤液中低分子量有机酸对小麦种子的急性毒性

    Acute Phytotoxicity to Triticum Aestivum of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids in Leachate

  5. 有机肥对小麦根系生长及根系衰老进程的影响

    Effects of organic manure application on growth and senescence of root in winter wheat

  6. 水分胁迫条件下有机肥对小麦根苗生长的影响

    Effects of Manure on Root and Shoot Growth of Winter Wheat under Water Stress

  7. 有机肥缓解小麦铝毒效果的研究

    Effect of organic manure on soil aluminum toxicity and nutrient absorption of Winter Wheat

  8. 不同有机物料对小麦氮素利用和土壤肥力的影响

    Effect of Different Organic Materiel on the N Utilization of Wheat and the Soil Fertility

  9. 有机肥对小麦籽粒产量和营养品质影响的研究

    A Study on the Effects of Organic Fertilizer to Grain Yield and Nutrient Quality of Winter Wheat

  10. 研究了在铝胁迫的条件下,加入外源有机酸对小麦铝毒害的缓解效应。

    In this paper the ameliorating effects of organic acids added in the nutrient solution on aluminum stress were studied .

  11. 生物有机肥对春小麦品质产量的影响

    Effect of bio-organic fertilizers on quality and yield of spring wheat

  12. 有机无机肥料对小麦的肥效及其交互作用

    Effect of Organic and Mineral Fertilizers on Wheat and Their Interaction

  13. 有机磷农药对小麦幼苗的影响研究

    Study on the effect of organic phosphorus pesticide on wheat

  14. 有机肥处理对小麦根系生长、活力和磷吸收的影响

    Effect of organic manure on phosphorus absorption and root activities of Wheat

  15. 农产品中有机磷农药的小麦酯酶抑制测定法的评价

    Wheat Esterase Inhibition Method for Determination of Organic Phosphorus Pesticide in Agricultural Products

  16. 氮、磷、有机肥配合对小麦氮肥利用率的影响

    The Effect of N and P in Matching With Organic Manure on Wheat Nitrogen Recovery

  17. 红壤施用包膜有机酸对解除小麦铝毒的作用研究

    Study on effect of different coated organic acids on detoxification of aluminum of wheat in red soil

  18. 铜、镉胁迫下施硫肥和有机肥对冬小麦碳氮运转的影响

    Effects of Sulfur and Organic Fertilizer Fertilizations on Carbon and Nitrogen Transport in Winter Wheat under Copper and Cadmium Stresses

  19. 摘要采用盆栽试验,研究了铜、镉胁迫条件下施硫和有机肥对冬小麦碳氮运转的影响。

    A hydroponic experiment was conducted to study the effects of sulfur and organic fertilizer fertilization on carbon and nitrogen transport in winter wheat under copper and cadmium stresses .

  20. 采用长期定位试验,研究了砂质潮土一次性施入不同数量有机肥对数年小麦的产量效应、产量构成、品质、水分利用和土壤肥力的变化和影响。

    We studied the after-effect of manure applied in first year at different rates on wheat yield , yield components and quality , water utility and soil fertility in the following years with long-term experiments .

  21. 通过模拟土壤溶液水培小麦实验,分别研究了有机磷农药和小麦生长量、死苗率之间的关系。

    The relationships between organic phosphorus pesticide ( OPP ) and the growth mass of wheat , OPP and the efficiency of wheat death have been studied respectively by breeding wheat in simulated soil solution in lab.

  22. 氮、磷和有机肥处理的小麦吸氮量比氮磷处理增加18.2kg/ha,吸磷量增加4.1kg/ha,吸钾量增加8.3kg/ha。

    Compared with the combination of N and P , the N uptake increase 18.2 kg / ha , P uptake increase 4.1 kg / ha , K uptake increase 8.3 kg / ha when applying the combination of N , P and manure .

  23. 通过温室砂培、室内分析,研究了有机肥、无机肥和有机无机配合对小麦根系活力、根系酸性磷酶活性、根尖呼吸作用、根系ATP酶活性,以及磷的吸收动力学参数的影响。

    Sandy culture was conducted to study the effect of organic manure on the root activities , phosphatase .