
  1. 家有中国书画,美化你的生活。

    With Chinese paintings and calligraphic pieces , you can Beautify your life .

  2. 中国自古有就书画同源之说,研究显示,字体与图形有着相同的源头。

    China has a " font and painting both have the same Origin " said long ago , but research shows that , font originated in the graphic pictures .

  3. 从魏晋南北朝有关于书画鉴定行为的文献记载算起,中国书画鉴定经历了上千年的历史。

    From documented acts of paintings and calligraphy identification in the Wei , Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties , Chinese paintings and calligraphy identification has undergone thousands of years .

  4. 实践表明,中国书画的最高境界是书中有画、画中有书,是书画一体的。

    Practice shows that the acme of the Chinese painting and calligraphy is that painting illustrates calligraphy and calligraphy shows painting and they are consubstantial .