
  • 网络audio book;Audiobooks;Talking Book
  1. 我发现早晨听些音乐或者有声图书能很有效地让人清醒。

    I 've found listening to music or audio books helpful in keeping myself awake during the morning .

  2. 浸入式阅读将电子书与有声图书相匹配,有声图书读到的文字将会高亮显示。

    Immersion reading marries ebooks with audio books so that a reader sees highlighted words as they are being read by the narrator .

  3. MP3的用途不只局限于音乐的欣赏聆听,它也能应用于记录其他的语音MP3档案,例如有声图书、广播、新闻等。

    MP3 is not only for music , but also for other audio files , such as audiobooks , broadcast and news .

  4. 比如湖南教育出版社和苏教社的外语学习课本也已经开始在向点读有声图书领域发展。

    Hunan Education Press and Su Education Press are now developing their pointing and reading books areas .

  5. 我得给我的奶奶买一份生日礼物。我想我也许可以送她一本有声图书。

    I have to buy a birthday present for my grandmother . I think I might get her an audiobook .

  6. 学生可以通过互联网下载有声图书,这些资源可以保证学生获得他们想要的资源。

    Students can download even audio books via the Internet and the rich variety ensures that each individual can procure what he or she desires .

  7. 特别是播放你最喜欢的朗诵者的有声图书,这总能鼓励你精神百倍地开始新的一天。

    Best of all , if you put on an audio book from your favorite speaker , you can get some encouragement to start your day .