
  1. 它有棉的舒适,却比棉更华美。

    It has cotton comfortable , but more colorful than cotton .

  2. 全棉麻灰色纺纱是有棉纤维染色,在经过纺纱工艺制成的色纱线。

    Melange Yarn : The melange yarn is made from dyed loose cotton fiber .

  3. 有棉夹袄和人造毛夹袄。

    With cotton pad and artificial wool pad .

  4. 斯泰西,你有棉签吗?我耳朵进水了。

    Stacy , do you have q-tips ? I 've got water in my ears .

  5. 他们所穿的T恤材料有棉质,涤纶,还有半合成棉质。

    And they did so outfitted with shirts of cotton , polyester , or a cotton / synthetic blend .

  6. 织物既有棉、麻的凉爽,又有绢的高档华丽感,是理想的夏季服用面料。

    It blends the advantage together with the coolness of cotton and flax and luxuriance of silk which is the perfect dress fabric in summer .

  7. Les有一些棉毛线和凡士林。

    Les has some cotton wool and petroleum jelly .

  8. 不同温度下有休眠棉种贮藏效果分析

    Analysis of Storage Effects of Cottonseeds with Dormancy at Different Temperature

  9. 而三联会的首领,人称老头,却与现任总统有著棉长深远的交情。

    The leader , is called Lao Tou ( old man ), actually has long profound friendship with incumbent president .

  10. 因此,麦套春棉应确定适宜的麦棉间距,合理选用小麦品种,使之既有利于棉苗生长和小麦产量提高,又有利于棉花建立合理群体结构。

    The shade time were prolonged by delay maturity time of wheat . Therefore interplanting spring cotton with wheat must determined rational separation between the cotton and the wheat , and select suitable variety of wheat .

  11. 这件衬衫的面料有丝质和棉质两种,由来自印度勒克瑙(Lucknow)的裁缝手工缝制。勒克瑙是印度北部的乌塔普拉德什邦(UttarPradesh)的一个城市,以精致的刺绣品闻名遐迩。

    The shirt , available in silk or cotton , is hand-stitched by tailors in Lucknow , a city in India 's state of Uttar Pradesh known for its fine embroidery .

  12. 这个材料有真的棉的感觉和触觉!

    This material has the look and feel of real cotton !

  13. 包括棉纺基地建立的历史基础,石家庄地区自古以来就有植棉纺棉的传统。

    Shijiazhuang region has the tradition of planting cotton since ancient times .

  14. 四指与大拇指关节处有四拉棉拼块。

    Accordion stretch panels on top of fingers and thumb .

  15. 但是也有例外,棉经面缎纹和长丝纬面缎纹也已经问世。

    There are , however , exceptions ; cotton satins as well as filament yarn sateens have been made .

  16. 目前我国出入境检疫中对新城疫病毒的检测方法主要有泻殖腔棉拭子样品病毒分离鉴定、HI和ELISA,RT-PCR检测技术正在试用之中。

    For the time being , the NDV detection of CIQ includes cloaca tampon separate virus , ELISA , HI and RT-PCR is trying now .

  17. 有光滑表面的棉纤维。

    A cotton fabric with a satiny finish .

  18. 粗斜棉布通常是全棉织物,虽然也有相当数量由棉与合成纤维混织而成。

    Denim is usually all-cotton , though it is sometimes made of a cotton-synthetic mixture .

  19. 近几年,已经陆续有若干家知名棉纺织企业实施了西迁,大规模迁往西部的序幕就此拉开。

    In recent years , certain well-known cotton manufacturing enterprises have already one after another implemented to move forward westward .

  20. 阿拉伯男子还常常围着头巾,一种传统的阿拉伯头饰,它是有正方形的,棉质的围巾做成的。

    Also typically worn by Arab men is the Keffiyeh , a traditional Arab headdress fashioned from a square , usually cotton , scarf .

  21. 同时,巨大的竞争压力还将有利于推动国有棉纺织企业的改革、改组及改造工作,激发企业的活力。

    At the meantime , the biggest competive pressure will do good to reformation and reorganization of state-owned cotton textile enterprises , and will arouse enterprises'vitality .