
  1. 可显压力的细胞灌注培养装置的设计及其性能测试

    The design and performance test of cell perfusion culture device which could show pressure

  2. 创建匿名类型时,可显式声明字段的名称。

    The names of the fields can be explicitly declared in the anonymous type creation .

  3. 目的:成年男性包皮环切手术标准化和培训可显着降低因手术引起的并发症发生率。

    OBJECTIVE : Standardization of and training in adult male circumcision can significantly reduce its complication rate .

  4. 不过,合作的运作,尤其是关于这个问题的跨国界流动的塔利班和盖达操作工,可显着提高。

    However , that co-operation , particularly on the question of the cross-border flow of Taliban and al-Qaeda operatives , could be significantly enhanced .

  5. 结论:离心柱法是一种较为理想的从痰标本中直接抽提结核分枝杆菌DNA的方法,可用于显色法芯片检测结核分枝杆菌RFP和INH耐药基因。

    Conclusion The spin column is a more ideal method to extract Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA from sputum sample , which can be used to detect resistance genes of RFP and INH in Mycobacterium tuberculosis by using coloration gene chips .

  6. 该法可消除显色体系中过量显色剂干扰,修正计算络合产物真实吸光度,提高分析精密度及准确度,适合于工业废水铬分析测定。

    The method is suitable for the determination of industrial wastewater .

  7. 实时显示环境温度,可设定显色时间,便于实验操作。

    Real time display of temperature of environment , can set the colour time , convenient experiment operation .

  8. 参数的编辑框现在可以改变它们的价值,即使该参数本身是没有箭头可选择显着特性。

    Parameters in edit boxes can now have their value changed even when the parameter itself is marked as not Arrow Selectable in Properties .

  9. 在公司继续存续的情形,隐名股东可能对公司享有股权或可对显名股东主张股份财产利益或仅对显名股东享有债权;

    If the company continues to exist , the hidden shareholders may be entitled to share the shares or property of the company or only the interests of shareholders .

  10. 作为不对称变色酸双偶氮试剂的二溴硝基偶氮氯膦与金属钯可发生显色反应,而与同属铂系元素的其他五种金属的显色反应并不明显;

    DBNCPA of asymmetry acid bis-diazo reagent have the color reaction with the metal palladium , but have not obvious color reaction with other five kind of metal elements of the platiniridium .

  11. 效率机制是指大学采用竞争来选择和激励教师,以绩效和可外显的成果为依据来作出人事决策,按照效率原则设计各环节&聘任、晋升、终身职以及给与奖励提升。

    Efficiency means universities employ competition to select and inspirit faculty , make the personnel decision according to their performance and visible production , and plan out the personnel process & employment , promotion , tenure and merit according to the principle of efficiency .

  12. 经Cre介导后可将外显子1α和选择标记Neo基因同时删除。

    Both exon 1 α and the selection marker Neo will be deleted in targeted cells when mediated by Cre .

  13. 结果表明:合适的轻烧条件是制备尖晶石熟料的关键,用1250℃×1h轻烧的粉料,可制得显气孔率1.52%,体积密度3.34g/cm~3的镁铝尖晶石熟料。

    It is found that the key of manufacturing compact spinel clinker is suitable light burning condition . By light-burning powder at 1250 ℃ × 1h , the compact spinel clinker with 1 . 52 % apparent porosity and 3 . 34 g / cm3 bulk density was made .

  14. 在线耦合分析方法又可分为显式耦合分析方法和隐式耦合分析方法。

    The on-line coupling analysis method includes explicit and implicit ones .

  15. 该教学平显能够动态描述战斗机在空中的飞行和攻击过程,可用于平显火力控制系统教学和实验。

    The simulation system can be used to the teaching and experimenting of head up display .

  16. 意象作为诗歌的基本构成部分,是诗歌的最小单位,可分为显意象与隐意象。

    As the basic part of a poem , imagery is the lowest rank of poetic unit .

  17. 随后指出情势变更与商业风险、不可抗力及显失公平的区别。接下来概括了情势变更原则的适用条件与效力。

    After that , discuss the difference between Rebus sic stantibus and commerce risk , the doctrine of force majeure and display loss fairness .

  18. 表运转体,整体及已装配,电池或蓄电池驱动者,仅有机械显时装置或附有可结合机械显时装置者。

    Watch movements , complete and assembled , battery or accumulator powered , with mechanical display only or with a device to which a mechanical display can be incorporated .

  19. 此单元有12个自由度,满足单元边界导数的连续性,并可直接得到单元显式刚度矩阵。

    The element with 12 degrees is satisfied with C ′ continuity condition at the element boundary and the direct stiffness matrix can be gotten .

  20. 上市公司的披露行为也存在各式各样的不规范情况,因此可靠性和可比性尚显薄弱,有用性有所削弱。

    Thus , we conclude that reliability and comparability of the disclosure are far from enough , and the usefulness of the incremental information is weakened .

  21. 如果我方单方面受销售确认书的约束,而另一方却可任意对待,显欠公允。

    It is hardly justifiable for us to be bound by the S / C while the other party could take a casual attitude . Sales Confirmation No.

  22. 结果表明:与对照组相比,针刺和耳穴贴压两种方法治疗常年变应性鼻炎可显著提高临床显效率,改善症状体征积分,能保持疗效的持久性;

    The result indicated : Compared by control group acupuncture and auricular point pression can increase the rate of significant effect , improve the integral of symptom and physical sign and keep effect for longer time .

  23. 中医专家诊病的过程就是在头脑中建立隐结构的过程,隐结构中既含有症状等可直接观测的显变量,也含有专家经过分析推理判定的证型等隐变量。

    The process of diagnosing diseases by TCM specialists is one of establishing the concealed structure in the mind , which contains both apparent variables such as the symptoms and concealed variables such as the syndromes .

  24. 发生时间可预先确定的显式事件;由工艺参数和/或控制信号的变化引发的,发生时间不能预先确定的隐式事件。

    Explicit event , whose happening time can be determined as prior , implicit event , which is caused by the changes of technological parameters and / or control signals and whose happening time can not be determined as prior .

  25. 利具可使手得意,好助手可让老板显自豪。

    The tool makes the hand proud .

  26. 这种现象给人以高贵的感觉,另外通过色散可将白光变成彩色光带,可实现非色素显色。

    This kind of phenomenon can give people noble feeling , otherwise through the dispersiveness can turn the white light into colored band of light , which may realize the non - pigment coloration .

  27. 每个列值(单元)既可由系统暗中加上时间戳,也可由用户显式设置。

    Every column value ( cell ) either is timestamped implicitly by the system or can be set explicitly by the user .

  28. 结论:皮下注射D-半乳糖可损害大鼠的空间学习记忆能力,降低大鼠在体海马齿状回长时程增强的诱导率,使长时程增强增幅降低,并可显?

    The above results suggest that subcutaneous injection of D-galactose can impair the spatial learning and memory in rats , reduce incidence of LTP induction at the hippocampal dentate gyrus and influence synaptic structural parameters .