
  • 网络Available Power
  1. 本文主要通过分析计算太阳能飞机所能得到的可用功率P(tot)/Sw来讨论太阳能飞机动力系统对飞机结构尺寸的影响。

    In this paper , a discuss is performed to determine how power system such as solar cell and fuel cell effect the sizing of a solar powered aircraft through calculating the available power ( Ftot / Sw ) for the aircraft .

  2. 为平衡小区间业务量,本文结合导频信号强度、小区呼叫到达率和基站可用功率,提出了模糊快速选择小区的算法(FFCS)。

    To balance the traffic in the different cells , an algorithm named fuzzy FCS ( FFCS ) considering signal strength , the rate of arriving calls and available power of the base station is put forward .

  3. 区域间可用功率交换能力(ATC)是所有电力市场的参与者进行交易活动所必需的重要信息。

    Available transfer capability is an important information to all the participants in a commercially viable electricity market .

  4. 本文通过对VDSL系统的双工方式及兼容ADSL系统的可行性分析,提出了VDSL系统的可用功率谱密度及TDD-VDSL系统兼容ADSL频带的子频带抑制方法,并进行了仿真分析。

    After the analysis of the duplexing methods of VDSL systems and the compatibility with ADSL , this paper propose an appropriate VDSL PSD mask levels and a scheme of TDD-VDSL using ADSL frequency bands based on forbidding subcarriers .

  5. 功率波是与信号源的可用功率紧密相关的。

    These waves are related to the available power of the generator .

  6. 两相混合式步进电机最大可用功率的研究

    Research on available maximum horsepower of stepping motors

  7. 这种方式不仅大大提高了焊接电源的可用功率,还解决了大功率电源的的安全工作问题。

    This way improves the useful power for powersupply and solve the safe working problem .

  8. 精确估算昼夜飞行太阳能飞机的可用功率是太阳能飞机设计中的重要问题之一。

    Available power plays an important role in the design of a solar powered aircraft which is capable of continuous flight .

  9. 因此,如何在更高频段实现较高的可用功率合成输出,从而使该技术真正进入毫米波频段,是目前主要的研究方向。

    Therefore , how to achieve higher usable power output in higher frequency band , which will make this technology really step into millimeter wave band , is the main research direction .

  10. 根据行波式半导体激光放大器的特点,可用输入功率的台劳级数表示放大器的输出功率,只要求出级数各阶导数就可以方便地计算在多路有线电视(CATV)系统中放大器引起的失真。

    In order to calculate the distortions induced by the travelling - wave semiconductor laser amplifiers after the multi-channel CATV signals passing through them , the output power Pout of the amplifier can be represented with the Taylor series of the input power Pin .

  11. 为消除相关面上的零级项和目标间的相关项,可用联合功率谱减去纯目标输入的功率谱和参考图像的功率谱;

    The joint power spectrum was subtracted by the power spectrum of the object image and the power spectrum of the reference image respectively for eliminating the strong dc component and cross-correlations between each input objects .

  12. 飞片型爆炸闭合开关可用做高功率闭合开关,因其结构简单,电流导通能力强,闭合迅速而适用于爆磁压缩发生器的爆炸开关同步。

    Flyer explosive closed switch can be used to be high power closed switch . Due to its simplicity in structure , ability in conducting heavy current and quick close time , it is suitable for explosive synchronization of magnetic flux compression generator ( MFCG ) .