
  • 网络Organic sulfur compounds;OSCs
  1. 基于用金属氯化物可以与有机含硫化合物生成水溶性的络合物而加以去除的原理,通过对比DMSO、DMF的脱硫效果,决定采用DMF作为络合萃取的萃取剂。

    Based on the principle of that metal chloride and organic sulfide can produce water-solubility complexing compound which can be extracted , after comparing the desulfurizing effect of the DMSO and DMF , DMF is chosen as extracting agent for more experiments .

  2. 有机含硫芳烃化合物(PASH)性质稳定,不易降解,毒性极强,具有潜在的危害特征。

    The polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles ( PASH ) in the environment is characteristic as the stable nature , not easy to be degraded , strong toxic and potential danger .

  3. 本文主要通过对比分析研究热泉软泥中的金含量与有机质及含硫化合物的相关性。

    This article mainly discuss the correlation between gold containing in hot spring mud and organic carbon , sulphide by contrasting analysis .