
  • 网络Combine;integrate;the organic integration
  1. 在电子商务(EC)时代,作为企业信息系统主体的企业资源计划(ERP),应该与电子商务有机结合起来。

    In E-commerce ( EC ) age , as the principal part of information resource system in modern enterprises , ERP should integrate with E-commerce effectively .

  2. 多种技术基于一定协议的有机结合是CTI技术的关键。

    Th e key of CTI technology is that many technologies well integrate found on common protocol .

  3. 电子商务(Electroniccommerce,简称EC)是计算机技术、网络通信技术与现代商业有机结合的产物。

    Electronic Commerce ( EC for short ) is an integration of computer technology , network communications and modern commerce .

  4. 把时序AR(n)预测模型和灰色GM(1,1)预测模型两者有机结合起来,形成新的灰色时序模型的预测模型。

    Time sequence forecasting model and gray system forecasting model are combined to form into the gray time sequence model .

  5. 研究一种把软开关技术和移相PWM控制技术以及双向DCDC变换器技术有机结合在一起的新型高频DCDC开关功率全桥变换器。

    A new high frequency DCDC full-bridge power converter is presented , that the soft-switching , phase-shifted PWM and bi-directional DCDC converter hang together .

  6. RS、GIS和GPS的有机结合,将从根本上改变野外勘查的传统运作模式,从整体上提高野外勘查的信息化、自动化水平。

    The integration of RS , GIS and GPS will change the traditional model of outdoors exploration , improve greatly informational and automatic level of outdoors exploration .

  7. CALL注重引导学生借助计算机来学习语言,通过教学内容,教学过程和计算机辅助的有机结合,求得最佳学习效果。

    CALL lays emphasis on guiding student learning language by means of computers . It aims to get the best learning results through the good integration of teaching contents , teaching process and computer assisting .

  8. 并将虚拟现实建模语言VRML、Java语言与Web技术有机结合,研究了网上虚拟现实仿真建模的一般方法。

    On the base of joining the Virtual Reality Modeling Language ( VRML ), Java and the web technique together , it studies the new methods of VR modeling in network .

  9. 有机结合PVT和BK法以降低测量卫星液体推进剂的不确定度

    Reduction of measurement uncertainty of liquid propellant remaining on satellite by combining PVT with BK organically

  10. 本文从构建DP与CP有机结合的训练模式着手,并在有机结合的模式化训练中有效地促进了创新思维品质的培养。

    The paper tries to use the training mode of the combination of DP and CP and promotes its fostering of innovative thinking quality effectively .

  11. WebGIS是GIS与Internet网络的有机结合,它使GIS的应用领域从专家系统扩展到社会的方方面面,成为了大众化的信息工具。

    The Web GIS is the organic wedge bonding of the GIS and the Internet , it makes the GIS expand from expert system to the square aspect noodles of the society and become a popularized information tool .

  12. 并运用AutoCAD二次开发技术,将几何约束求解器CBA和CAD绘图平台有机结合,实现全参数化绘图。

    Finally , the fully parametric drafting system is realized by organically integrating the geometric constraint solver ( CBA ) and AutoCAD based on the second development technology for AutoCAD .

  13. 差分跳频(DFH,DifferentialFrequencyHopping)技术将调制,编码和跳频技术有机结合,能极大的提高短波通信设备的数据传输能力、抗干扰和抗衰落能力。

    The Differential Frequency Hopping ( DFH ) technology which combines modulation encoding and frequency hopping technology can highly improve the data transmission rate , anti-interference characteristic and anti-fading ability of the system .

  14. 该方法采用典型局部避障算法Morphin和全局路径规划算法FieldD,将全局信息和局部信息进行有机结合加以利用。

    This approach combines the typical local obstacle avoidance algorithm Morphin with global path planning algorithm Field D , executing with the organic integration of global information and local information .

  15. 尤其是将DSP技术运用到电机控制之后,硬件的统一性与软件的灵活性可以有机结合,电机的全数字化及集成化控制成了电机控制的发展方向。

    Full-integrated control for silicon arc welding rectifier Motor control is on the way of digital and integration especially when the DSP technologies which can combine the oneness of hardware with the flexibleness of software are applied to it .

  16. 将J2EE技术和协同技术进行有机结合,构建了一个统一的协同办公平台,解决了办公业务的跨部门处理,消除了企业内部各类信息孤立的现象。

    J2EE and cooperation techniques are combined to construct a uniform office platform . It solves that the official operations are disposed by more departments , and eliminates information isolation in the interior of the corporation .

  17. 将T-S模糊模型和自适应神经网络与先进的鲁棒控制技术有机结合,提出了一套比较实用的复杂非线性系统的重构控制方法。

    Based on advanced robust control techniques and combined with T-S fuzzy model and adaptive neural network , a set of reconfigurable control methods are proposed for complex nonlinear system .

  18. 研究结果表明,将基于EMD的方法和基于WD的方法有机结合起来应用,可以更有效地识别原时间序列的特征信息。

    The result of investigation show that the combination of EMD-based and WD-based methods may be more effectively in recognizing the main information of the time series .

  19. 电子角规是电子经纬仪与PDA的有机结合,电子经纬仪测角精确,配合相应的PDA应用程序,可以准确地实现角规的量测胸高断面积功能。

    Electronic angle gauge is organic combination of electronic theodolite and personal digital assistant . It can accurately survey forest basal area by reason of precise angle-surveying of electronic theodolite and corresponding PDA program .

  20. 利用GPS时钟无累计误差和高精度晶振频率稳定性高的特点,并将高速采样与秒脉冲捕捉有机结合,通过硬件方式无延时地捕捉秒脉冲以获取精确的时间计数值。

    Owing to GPS clock , which has no accumulative error , and quartz oscillator , which is very stable , the time counting value is obtained without delay via hardware by combining high speed sampling and PPS ( Pulse Per-Second ) - snapping .

  21. 将轨道式球阀三维参数化建模、工程图输出、数据库管理和设计计算软件有机结合,开发出高效实用的轨道式球阀CAD系统。

    It combines the 3-D parameterized modeling of the orbit-style sphere valve , the output of engineering drawings , database management and designing the computer software together . A highly efficient and applied CAD system of orbit-style non-frictional sphere valve is established in this paper .

  22. 随着信息技术迅速发展,出现了一种管理信息系统的运作模式IIMIS,它是Internet/Intranet与传统MIS的有机结合。

    With the development of information technology , a new mode of management information system called IIMIS has arisen . It combines Internet / Intranet and traditional MIS .

  23. 该类桥将大跨预应力混凝土V形墩连续刚构和拱桥两种体系有机结合在一起,整体受力以V形墩连续刚构为主,拱对主跨起加劲作用。

    This combined sysytem bridge is to combine large span PC V-shaped pier continuous rigid frame bridge and arch structure , and the bearing force characteristics of overall structure is on the former , then the later is to play a role of stiffening the main span .

  24. GIS的主要功能体现在与设备管理FM/自动成图AM、监视控制和数据采集SCADA系统、管理信息系统MIS、用户信息系统CIS等各个系统的有机结合,可以为DMS提供强有力的数据和图形平台。

    The main function of GIS is embodied in the organic combination of GIS and other systems such as FM / AM , SCADA , MIS , CIS , etc * Then GIS can provide powerful data and graphic platform for DMS .

  25. 基于价值管理的EVA业绩评价指标体系,是将EVA与平衡记分卡有机结合在一起,突出了价值创造→战略→反映与评价→考核与激励这条管理主线,以实现管理体系的有效整合。

    The EVA-based achievement evaluation system is to combine EVA with balanced scorecard and show such the process as : value creation → strategy → reflection and appraisement → examination and encouragement , so as to pursue the effective conformity of management system .

  26. 如何有效完成企业间集成,促进资金流、物流和信息流有机结合是B2B电子商务面临的主要问题。面向服务的架构是标识分布式系统和软件集成领域进步的一个里程碑。

    How to carry out business to business integration and promote the combination of fund flow , goods flow and information flow , is the chief problem of B2B.Service Oriented Architecture is a milestone marks the progress of distributed system and software integration .

  27. 文章阐述了大学城图书馆文献资源的建设应与CALIS有机结合,通过协调采购、联机合作编目、馆际互借、文献传递、参与特色数据库的建设等方式走整体化建设的发展道路。

    The article expounds that the construction of the information resources of libraries in university towns should be closely connected with CALIS , through the channels of collaborating purchasing , online cataloging , interlibrary loans , document deliveries , etc.

  28. 文章提出端到端虚拟组网的思想,研究了IPsec、安全策略系统和虚拟组网技术,并将三者有机结合,设计出虚拟组网原型系统总体框架,介绍了系统的实现过程和关键技术。

    This paper proposes a theory for virtual network by end to end . By researching the IPsec , security policy sys-tem and the technique of virtual network , it combines them together to design a framework of virtual network prototype system , and introduce the key technique and implement .

  29. 本文通过对IPD开发模式的介绍和项目管理理论及方法的研究,分析了在IPD开发模式下如何将项目管理理论及方法与之有机结合,以保障IPD流程的有效执行。

    Based on the presentation of IPD mode and the research of project management theory and method , the thesis analyses how to combine the project management theory and method with IPD mode to ensure the effective implementation of the IPD process .

  30. 为解决案例推理和规则推理方面的不足,提出了一种新的FCR算法,它将案例推理、规则推理和模糊推理有机结合起来,并用于实际的智能决策支持系统。

    In order to solve the deficiencies in case inference and rule reference , this paper provides a new FCR algorithm , which combines case inference , rule reference and fuzzy reference , and applies to the practical intelligent decision support system .