
  • 网络bubble;Bubble Point;bubbling point;psi
  1. 检测一个过滤器的“DNA”远不止简单的初始效率,名义孔径流量或泡点测试技术。

    The testing to determine the " DNA " of a filter is much more inclusive than simple initial efficiency , mean pore flow or bubble point testing techniques .

  2. 为了证实本模型的适用性,以CH3COOHH2OCH3COOCH3三元物系为例做了泡点计算,并将计算结果与文献实验值进行了比较。

    This model has definite commercial value . For confirming the applicability of this model , trimer CH_3COOH-H_2O - CH_3COOCH_3 was taken as example for making bubble point calculation , and the results were compared with the experimental data in literatures .

  3. 采用新松弛法(NR)与泡点法(BP)结合对深冷净化精馏塔进行了模拟计算。

    The NR BP methed was wsed for the simulated calculation of cryogenic purifier distillation .

  4. 基于分子聚集理论本文提出一个计算泡点体积(密度)的新方法、计算结果表明,本方法完全适合用来推算液体混合物的pVT性质。

    A new method of estimating the bubble point volumes ( densities ) was presented based on the theory of molecular aggregation , and the calculation result showed that this method is well suited to estimate the p-V-T property of the liquid mixture .

  5. 讨论了利用SRK状态方程计算相平衡的连续热力学步骤,并对原油和馏分油进行了闪蒸及泡点计算。

    The way for calculation phase equilibrium using SRK equation of state based on continuous thermodynamics is also discussed . Flash distillation of a real crude system and the bubble point for a dewaxing oil fraction are illustrated in the calculation .

  6. 第二步:分别在U1和U2中选择一个溶剂,排列组合,根据混合溶剂的选择性、溶解性和泡点筛选出最优的溶剂。

    Group U2 was of low selectivity and high solvency . The second step is : selecting one solvent apiece from each group to make up of a mixed solvent system ; screening the mixed solvent according to selectivity , boiling point and solvency .

  7. 新松弛法与泡点法结合用于低温含氢体系的模拟计算

    The simulated calculation of hydrogen containing system by NR BP method

  8. 该模型的泡点计算采用函数转换法,同时根据实际情况,考虑了数据预处理和控制系统。

    The functional transformation method accelerates the calculation of bubble point .

  9. 泡点法测定微孔孔径分布的改进算法

    Improved Calculating Way for the Micro-Pore-Size Distribution Measured by Bubble-Point Methods

  10. 亲爱的?我正要帮你泡点茶。

    Honey , I 'm gonna make you some tea .

  11. 我来烧壶开水泡点茶。

    I 'll boil the kettle and make some tea .

  12. 缔合物系的相平衡模型及泡点计算

    The Phase Equilibrium and Bubble point calculation of Associate Systems

  13. 一种新的泡点计算方法

    A new method to calculate the bubble point

  14. 精馏模拟计算的改进新松弛-泡点法

    Improvements on the new relaxation & bubble point method in the continuous distillation calculation

  15. 液体混合物泡点体积的推算

    Prediction of bubble point volume of liquid mixtures

  16. 我可以自己泡点茶吗?

    Can I make myself some tea ?

  17. 保持地层压力在泡点压力以上。

    And ( 4 ) the formation pressure should be kept above the bubble point pressure .

  18. 使泡点线抬高,气液两相相边界曲线变宽,气液两相区范围扩大。

    The bubble point line moves upwards and the range of gas and liquid phase widens .

  19. 结合新松弛法和泡点法,对多元精馏塔进行稳态模拟计算。

    New Relaxation Method and Bubble Point Method were usually combined in the rigorous continuous distillation calculations .

  20. 提出应用泡点来判断是否连续放空的方法。

    A method with bubbling point to judge whether to be in continuous - venting has been presented .

  21. 你想你想进来吗我可以泡点茶

    Do you want to -- Do you want to come inside ? I can make some tea .

  22. 测定了不同反应时间的反应混合物泡点温度,根据标准曲线得到了转化率与反应时间的关系。

    On the basis of the standard curves above , the relationships between conversion and reaction time were obtained .

  23. 低于拟泡点压力阶段,产气量增大,采收率增加缓慢。

    At the stage of pressure lower than pseudo-bubble point , gas production increases rapidly , while recovery increases slowly .

  24. 通过测试纯水通量、孔隙率、泡点、平均孔径、拉伸强度等对膜进行了表征。

    The membrane was characterized by pure water permeability , porosity , bubble point , mean pore radius and tensile strength .

  25. 而转换点是山工作压力下的泡点温度决定的。

    The switching point between these two phases is decided by the relationship of bubble point temperature at the operating pressure .

  26. 所设计的模型以较小的误差比较准确地确定了原油泡点压力下的体积系数。

    The designed SVR model can also accurately identify the oil formation volume factor under bubble point pressure in a smaller error .

  27. 文章推导出了双组分理想混合物的需点与泡点之间的温度差计算公式。

    A formula was derived to calculate the temperature difference between the dew point and boiling point of a binary ideal mixture .

  28. 研究表明:注氮气比注烃类气更易使泡点升高,膨胀能力不如烃类气强;

    The results show that it is harder for hydrocarbon gas with higher expansion ability to increase bubble point pressure than nitrogen .

  29. 即内层迭代是将物料平衡方程和相平衡方程联立,化为三对角矩阵形式,由之解出各板液相组成后,通过泡点计算法求定各板新的温度和相平衡常数。

    The internal iterative calculation is to correlate the equations of mass and phase equilibrium into a triple diagonal matrix from which the liquid compositions can be found out .

  30. 对48个极性和非极性体系的预测总体结果如下:MUNIFAC-PR模型对这些体系的泡点压力和汽相组成预测平均偏差分别为4.07%、3.53%;

    For 48 polar and non-polar systems , the mean deviations of the calculation of bubble-pressure and vapor composition are 4.07 % and 3.53 % by using UNIFAC-PR model , respectively .