
  • 网络Calculation Parameters;Calculating Parameters;computing parameters
  1. 将网格文件导入Fluent软件,设置好边界条件和相关计算参数后进行数值模拟计算。

    Imported the gird file into the Fluent software and carried out numerical simulations after setting up boundary conditions and related calculation parameters .

  2. 本文介绍CO2气体灭火系统在机械立体车库中的应用,重点介绍其中气体管路部分设计,并给出管网及各节点的计算参数。

    The paper introduces the application of CO 2 Gas Fire Extinguishing System to the Mechanical Three-dimensional Garage . Its focus is on the design of the gas pipeline . The calculation parameters of the pipe network and joint are also given .

  3. 我们基于EM算法来计算参数的ML估计,推导了对应的参数迭代方程,给出了参数的一个闭式解。

    We calculate the ML estimation via the EM algorithm , and derive its iteration equations , which gives a closed-form solution for parameters .

  4. 通过室内实验掌握格栅与土间的界面作用效应,以及填料在不同密实度、不同含水率情况下填料的c、?值的变化,找出变化规律,从而得到相关模拟计算参数。

    Experimental control through indoor grille and the interface between the role of the effect of soil , As well as the packing density in different , under different moisture conditions change in the value of packing c 、?

  5. 本文以聚合物方向耦合器为对象,研究了二维BPM和三维BMP在模拟精度方面的差别以及剖分点数、传播步长、初始有效折射率等计算参数对模拟精度的影响。

    Basing on a directional coupler we study the differences in simulation accuracy between 2 D BPM and 3 D BPM and the effect of calculating parameters size and initial effective refractive index .

  6. 为降低网络中的冲突,CAEE路由协议引入了冲突度作为路由度量的计算参数,在选择路径时避开冲突较高的区域。

    To reduce collision in the network , CAEE routing protocol induces collision degree as one of the routing metric to avoid high collision area .

  7. 优化了常规条带开采采动影响预测的地表移动计算参数;

    The surface movement parameters of routine strip mining are optimized .

  8. 论列车空气制动力计算参数的成套性

    Study on Whole Set of Calculation Parameters of Air Brake Force

  9. 空调室内空气计算参数与建筑能耗

    Indoor Air Computation Parameter for Air Conditioning and Building Energy Consumption

  10. 关于离散元法计算参数的探讨

    Discussion on the Calculation Parameters of Discrete Element Method

  11. 分别于给药后不同时间点收集血浆标本,测定各时间点药物浓度,WinNonLin软件拟合毒代动力学房室模型并计算参数。

    The plasma samples were collected at different time points after drug administration .

  12. 低渗亲水油藏剖面数值模拟计算参数的研究

    A Study on Parameter Calculation of Low Permeability Water-Loving Reservoir Profile by Numerical Simulation

  13. 以此,对围岩计算参数提出了一种较简便的确定方法,可供围岩数值分析使用。

    The parameters obtained can be used for the numerical analysis of surrounding rock .

  14. 进化策略算法在地面沉降量计算参数反演中的应用

    Appliance of evolution strategy algorithm in obtaining back analyzed parameters for calculation of land subsidence

  15. 保温层经济厚度法计算参数研究

    The Study of Calculation Parameters in the " Economic Thickness Calculation " for Thermal Insulation Layer

  16. 脑电信号相关维数的计算参数研究

    Counting parameter of EEG relative dimensions

  17. 该文通过温室薄膜单轴拉伸试验,确定材料的计算参数和本构模型;

    A calculation parameter and a constitutive model for greenhouse film were obtained by a uniaxial tensile test .

  18. 根据理论分析验证了计算参数选择的正确性,根据实验数据验证了所建立的模型。

    The calculation parameters are verified according to theoretical analysis , and the model verified based on experimental data .

  19. 讨论了对模拟过程中关键问题的处理,并根据实际情况,采取较合理的计算参数,保证模型的可行性及准确性。

    And the model guarantees the calculation accuracy and discusses the treatment of the key issues in the simulation process .

  20. 在非均布轮载力作用下,当路面结构的力学计算参数变化时,其力学响应也有很大的不同。

    The response of mechanics is very different when the calculation parameters are changed under non - uniform distributed tire pressure .

  21. 货舱通风除湿系统仿真和国产化研究通风除湿设计的室外计算参数确定

    The simulation and design of ventilation and dehumidification system in cargo hold Determination of outdoor weather conditions for dehumidification by ventilation

  22. 在整个模拟计算参数的范围内,甲烷浓度值的差别不大。

    In the whole range of simulation parameters , the values of the concentration of methane calculated under different conditions have little difference .

  23. 对通风方案通风参数等进行理论分析,确定其最优参数,并根据计算参数对风机进行选型。

    A theoretical analysis of ventilation scheme and ventilation system parameters , got the optimal parameters , and selected fans according to the calculation of parameters .

  24. 参数管理模块完成计算参数的输入输出、参数修改、参数的显示和存档、参数文件保护等功能。

    Parameter management model completes the functional of calculation of input and output parameters , parameter modification , display and archive parameters , parameters file protection .

  25. 通过室内试验,研究了大坝土体动强度特性及动变形特性,确定了大坝土体动力计算参数。

    According to the laboratory tests , the dynamic strength and deformation properties of the dam material are studied and its dynamic calculation parameters are also determined .

  26. 并结合卸荷试验研究软土在卸荷应力路径条件下的流变特性,确定计算参数的合理取值方法;

    Combining with unloading test , this paper analyzes the rheological properties of soft clay under unloading stress path condition , and ascertains a rational way to determine computational parameters ;

  27. 分析了不同工况条件下各种模型参数的选取方法,并根据交通荷载对低路堤的影响特点,提出了合理选择计算参数的方法。

    A method that selected the reasonable calculating parameter was confirmed by analyzing method of different model parameter selecting under different condition according to the characteristic of the traffic load .

  28. 介绍了复合型法在土体参数反分析中的应用理论,并根据现场工程实测沉降资料对计算参数进行了反分析,再将反分析得到的参数应用有限元法进行计算。

    The back analysis method was introduced and applied to calculation of soil parameters according to the settlement data from field measurement , and FEM was used for further calculation .

  29. 应用该模型并选取切合实际的计算参数对秦沈客运专线18号和38号无缝道岔进行纵向力与位移的理论计算,对计算结果进行了分析,得出了无缝道岔钢轨纵向力与位移的分布规律。

    The model has been applied to the theoretical calculation on two kinds of welded turnouts No. 18 turnout and No. 38 turnout on the Qinhuangdao Shenyang dedicated passenger line .

  30. 通过坝料室内压缩试验和三西安理工大学工程硕士学位论文轴试验,研究确定坝体三维有限元静、动力计算参数。

    Finally , the static and dynamic calculation parameters of the three-dimensional finite element of the dam are confirmed through laboratory compression test and triaxial test on the embankment material .