
  • 网络effective stress;effectives stress
  1. 提出将广义有效应力系数置为0的新方法,实现了大变形有效应力分析向总应力分析的退化。

    By means of setting general effective stress coefficient ( GESC ) as zero , a new method for reducing large deformation ESA to TSA is proposed .

  2. 采用有效应力原理,以Biot固结理论为基础,用B样条函数构造了考虑地震效应的土体振动孔隙水压力、位移及应力的数值计算方法。

    Applying principle of effective stress , the numerical analysis is made on the seismic effect , such as the vibration pore water pressure , displacement and stress , for saturated soil under the influence of earthquake with B spline function on the basis of Biot ' consolidation theory .

  3. 掺MgO微膨胀混凝土结构的温度应力及其有效应力法研究

    Study on Thermal Stress Analysis of Mixed Gentle MgO Swelling Concrete Structure and Its Effective Stress Method

  4. 有效应力面积比法应用于路基超载预压时需要经过修正,不同超载比下的R非一固定值。

    Effective stress area ratio method should be modified when it is used in surcharge preloading of embankment on soft ground . The magnitude of R is not constant under different OPR .

  5. 简要概括了多孔介质的基本理论和断裂力学的基本理论,介绍了孔隙度、饱和度、有效应力、应力强度因子、能量释放率、J积分等基本概念。

    Some basic concepts such as porosity , saturation , effective stress , stress intensity factor , energy release rate and J integral are introduced .

  6. 应力路径为应力点在应力空间的运动轨迹,分为总应力路径TSP和有效应力路径ESP。

    The stress path including the total stress path and the effective stress is the locus of the stress point in the stress space .

  7. 结果表明有效应力强度因子K(φθmax)是评价拉剪点焊头疲劳寿命的有效力学参数。

    The results show that the " effective stress intensity factor " K_ (φθ max ) is an essential parameter for estimating the fatigue life of the spot welded joint .

  8. 通过Laplace逆变换,计算了单层黏弹性地基在任意循环荷载下的有效应力及平均固结度。

    And then the effective stress and average degree of consolidation in the soil under arbitrary loading could be calculated by the Laplace inversion .

  9. 该渗透率与有效应力σ成负指数关系、与温度T成幂函数关系、与电场强度E成正比关系。

    The results indicate that coalbed gas permeability is related to the effect stress a with a negative index , to the geothermal temperature T with a power function and proportional to the geo-electric field strength E.

  10. 通过数值Laplace逆变换,获得了黏弹性成层饱水地基在变荷载下的有效应力及固结曲线图。

    With the numerical inversion of Laplace transform , the curves of the effective stress and the consolidation of the ground under arbitrary loading were drawn .

  11. 考虑塑性区修正的有效应力强度因子Ke与弹塑性J积分参量KJ在失稳扩展前保持了良好的等效性。

    The plasticity modified stress intensity factor K e and J integral were found to be equivalent in description of the crack growth on steel pipeline .

  12. 固相位移,应变和有效应力以及流相压力、压力梯度和Darcy速度在单元内均处理为独立变量分别插值。

    Displacements , effective stresses , strains for the solid phase and pressure , pressure gradients , Darcy velocities for the fluid phase are interpolated as independent variables .

  13. 基于这个假定,采用Biot团结理论计算海床土体的有效应力、孔隙水压力和变形。

    Based on this assumption , the Biot 's consolidation theory is employed for evaluating effective stresses , pore-water pressure and deformations of seabed soils .

  14. 通过裂纹张开应力反映裂纹闭合效应,将Paris公式计算疲劳裂纹扩展,将有效应力强度因子范围代入Paris公式中计算,并用高强度钢程序块载荷下疲劳实验结果与计算结果比较。

    The crack opening stress is used to reflect the influence of crack closure . The Paris formula is adopted to simulate the growth of fatigue crack . The effective range of stress intensity factor is taken into the calculation of Paris formula .

  15. 实验结果表明:疏松砂岩的Biot系数随有效应力的变化不明显,而渗透率和弹性模量存在较强的应力敏感性。

    The experimental results showed that , for the value of Biot of unconsolidated sandstone , the changes were not sensible with the effective stress , however , permeability and elastic modulus changing obviously .

  16. 本文基于有效应力动力分析法,运用二维显式有限差分程序FLAC对地下结构在竖向和水平地震荷载作用下的动力响应进行数值分析。

    The dynamic response of underground structure under vertical and horizontal seismic load is simulated and analyzed using the FLAC code as a two dimensional explicit program based on effective stress dynamic analysis method .

  17. 随后本文利用基于Anderson模型的有效应力法求解单井孔隙压力和破裂压力剖面,建立起了跟实测数据和地质规律吻合的单井压力检测模型。

    Then this paper use effective stress method which is based on Anderson model to calculate pore pressure and fracture pressure section , and established a single-well monitor pressure mode which is match the measured data and geology rule .

  18. 建立了一种土体二维有限元动力有效应力分析法并编制了相应程序(NDFEPS-2D)。

    A two-dimensional effective stress method is established and also the corresponding program ( NDFEPS-2D ) presented .

  19. 文中又将客观性原理引入到有效应力原理中,推导出物质导数,Jaumann导数和Truesdell导数三种形式的有效应力原理。

    And objectivity principle is also introduced into the effective stress theory , which takes the form of three kinds of derivatives .

  20. 该算法是M.C.有效应力迭代算法计算桩基负摩擦力

    The algorithm is an extension of the two-valued cover-most algorithm proposed by M. C. The calculation of negative friction on pile foundation by effective stress iterative method

  21. 基于Bishop有效应力公式、单相流固结理论以及阻抗函数递推方法,研究考虑地下水位影响时双层土中桩的纵向振动特性。

    Based on Bishop ′ s effective stress formula , one-phase flow consolidation theory , and impedance function recursive method , considering the effect of underground water level , the dynamic response of a pile embedded in two-layer soil and subjected to a vertical load is theoretically investigated .

  22. 应用简单算例,讨论了Terzaghi有效应力描述的应变局部化萌生条件中两种固、液相对运动特例下的饱和多孔介质应变局部化破坏的形式。

    With the derived onset strain localization condition of Terzaghis effective stress , some failure modes in porous media caused by two kinds of relative movements between solid phase and fluid phase have been discussed by means of examples .

  23. 利用一系列假设和Terzaghi有效应力理论,建立了含瓦斯煤岩体变形控制方程。论述了瓦斯运移的相关参数。

    By using the effective stress in porous media theory ( ( Terzaghi effective stress theory ) and a series of assumptions , the deformation equations of coal rock is derived , and the relevant parameters of gas migration are discussed .

  24. 采用一维固结理论分析地基中有效应力和变形随时间的增长,结合桩土界面剪切模型,建立了桩和土之间的荷载传递平衡方程,并得到了问题的DQM解。

    One dimensional consolidation theory is used to analyze the increasement of effective stress and deformation in foundation soils . With the use of DQM , the development of negative skin friction of single piles in consolidating soils is solved .

  25. 本文采用三维排水(考虑孔隙水压力扩散与消散)有效应力动力分析方法,研究了美国奥罗维尔(Oroville)土坝在7度地震作用下的动力反应。

    Dynamic response of the Oroville Earth Dam in U. S. A. under an earthquake of intensity ⅶ is investigated by using 3-D analysis of effective stress considering the diffusion and dissipation of seismic pore water pressure .

  26. 构造了具有主对称性的损伤影响张量,研究了弹性各向异性损伤时的有效应力,按照Lemaitre应变等价性假设,建立了弹性各向异性损伤应力应变关系,并引入了材料的有效柔度张量。

    A damage influence tensor that has main symmetries is built . An effective stress in an elastic material to be in anisotropic damage is studied . A stress-strain relation of an elastic anisotropic damage is established in accordance with Lemaitre 's hypothesis of strees equivalence .

  27. 土体地震反应分析的简化有效应力法

    A simplified effective stress method of soil mass earthquake response analysis

  28. 孔隙瓦斯作用下煤体有效应力规律的实验研究

    Experimental Study of the Law of Effective Stress by Methane Pressure

  29. 本文详细介绍了阳泉3 ̄#煤体与永红3 ̄#煤体在孔隙瓦斯作用下的有效应力规律。

    This paper introduced effective stress law under pore methane pressure .

  30. 煤体有效应力规律的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Rule of effective stress on Coal Body