
Also , the stiffness , yield strength and yield displacement of E-shaped steel are obtained under low cyclic loading tests by controlling its displacement . The characteristic curve of restoring forces is plotted . 3 .
The research on the check experiment of resilience performance curve of component
The theory method , nonlinear analysis and resilience characteristic curve of member design are established .
This paper presents a new type of shear model applicable for nonlinear seismic response analysis of multi-storied structure with its story members having different restoring force characteristic relationships .
Two different types of force-deflection relations are considered : one of them is bi-linear type and the other is tri-linear one ( where the effect of stiffness - degrading is also taken into consideration ) .
Static test shows that EDB can dissipate a great deal of earthquake input , energy and its restoring force is an elastoplastic one . Besides , the stresses of the bracing are always within the elastic range .
In the 2nd and 3rd parts , through test on masonry wall models and full-scale masonry buildings the study of restoring force characteristics , the behavior at failure of the brick masonry wall and the effect of longitudinal wall under horizontal loading is outlined .
Meantime the isolated system adopts the double linear resilience curve .