
huī hónɡ
  • broad;extensive;magnanimous
  • enhance;develop;carry on
恢弘 [huī hóng]
  • (1) [vast]∶宽阔;博广

  • 胸中几云梦,余地多恢弘。--苏轼《次韵程正辅游碧落洞》

  • 气度恢弘

  • (2) [stimulate]∶发扬

  • 恢弘志士之气。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 恢弘士气

  1. 内部重装修的设计者来自伦敦的RichmondInternational建筑设计事务所,他们意在重建(至少在建筑精神上)酒店原先那些气势恢弘的新古典主义风格的公共区域。

    The designers of its new interiors , London-based Richmond International , have aimed to recreate the imposing neoclassical public areas of the original building , at least in spirit .

  2. 其中一个视频由费城交响乐团在今天上传了YouTube,是一段完整五分钟的恢弘演出,表演结束后观众掌声雷动。

    One of the videos , posted to YouTube today by the orchestra , shows the glorious five-minute performance in its entirety , followed by a thunderous applause from the audience .

  3. 建设者们把精神财富与物质财富融为一体,成就了财富文化,以这样一座恢弘的财富地标矗立在世人瞩目的深圳中心区CBD。

    When material wealth met spiritual one , the culture of fortune was born , in such a magnificent architectural form , at the center of the CBD of Shenzhen .

  4. 小船从港口出发,沿着欧洲及地中海文明博物馆(MuCEM)的曲线行驶。这座恢弘的新建筑是附近邦多尔的建筑师卢迪·瑞希奥提(RudyRicciotti)设计的。

    The boat pulls out of the harbor and rounds the bend by the MuCEM - the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations - a spectacular new space designed by Rudy Ricciotti , an architect based in nearby Bandol .

  5. 她的照片完美的展示了广场的恢弘和美丽。

    Her photo shows the size and beauty of the square perfectly .

  6. 元朝给北京留下了什么恢弘的遗产?

    What splendid legacies were bequeathed to Beijing from the yuan dynasty ?

  7. 路易追求每个方面的恢弘

    Louis ' desire for magnificence extended to every aspect of his life

  8. 恢弘而绚丽的命运交响乐&论《无字》的叙事艺术

    Broad and Gorgeous Destiny Symphony & An Analysis on Narrative Art of No Words

  9. 《火攻篇》是《孙子兵法》十三篇这个恢弘体系中一个非常重要的有机组成部分。

    Attacking with Fire is a very important component of Military Science of Sun Tzu .

  10. 举世最为恢弘的宫殿

    The world 's most magnificent palace

  11. 这气势、这意境、宛如一部不同反响、恢弘壮阔的交响史诗。

    This kind of vigor and artistic conception is just like a unique and vast symphonic epic .

  12. 这些游戏往往如史诗一般恢弘——广阔的场景地图、绚丽的视觉效果、各异的故事主线动辄就耗掉数小时。

    So theytend to be epic - sweeping plots , gorgeous graphics , storylines that un-foldover many hours .

  13. 在古典音乐的音乐体裁中,能与恢弘的交响曲相媲美的应该只有协奏曲这种形式了。

    The only one type of classical music that can compare well with the tremendous symphony is concerto .

  14. 而是深沉的意志,恢弘的想象,炙热的情感;

    It is the matter of the will , a quality of imaginations , a vigor of emotions ;

  15. 界定豪放的含义为词内容的旷达超脱和词形式的气象恢弘。

    Limits the bold meaning broad-minded unique and the word form meteorology is broad for the word content .

  16. 整个木塔建筑没有使用一钉一铆,结构坚实、气势恢弘,样式别致。

    Built without the use of nails , the entire structure is solid , imposing , and elegant .

  17. 窃以为,唯有大画幅相机,最能细致刻画清西陵的恢弘与大气;

    In my humble opinion , only gross format cameras can depict the grandeur of the Western Qing Tombs .

  18. 所有参加竞选总统的人都会去全国各地走访,提出详细的计划,并发表气势恢弘的演说;

    All of us running for President will travel around the country offering ten-point plans and making grand speeches ;

  19. 少数民族经济学是民族学恢弘体系的重要组成部分或分支新学科。

    Ethnic minority economics is an important part or a branch of new specialty in renewing and developing ethnology .

  20. 他们的人生经历就似一个容化险为夷之本领,具显著个性,明确目标,顽强意志且气势恢弘的神话。

    Their life becomes a fable of character , purpose , perseverance and magnanimity that transcends evil into goodness .

  21. 走出气势恢弘的紫禁城,你看到的是迷宫般的路网和巨大的车流;

    Stepping out of the magnificent Forbidden City you will step into massive mazes of roads packed with cars .

  22. 奥巴马总统说,如果美国具有远大恢弘的视野,全世界都会受到鼓舞。

    President Barack Obama says the world is inspired when America has a big and generous vision of itself .

  23. 每一乐句都是精华,而且音乐的恢弘构建不断地呈现。

    Each phrase was a gem unto itself and yet the larger architecture of the music was always present .

  24. 宏大的历史叙述,从广度来说,作家们大都虔诚于“规模巨大”的国家叙事,再现重大历史事件和恢弘的历史进程。

    From the extent , the writers adopted nation narrative of large scale and depicted great historical events and courses .

  25. 当然,对这一问题的探讨需要一个恢弘的篇章,这决非本文的奢望。

    Of course , the issue of need for a majestic chapter , this is not the luxury of this article .

  26. 恢弘的爆破场景和直升机格斗后是一场血洗,詹姆斯·邦德(丹尼尔·克雷格饰演)被令禁闭。

    After a spectacular demolition and helicopter fight leaves a trail of carnage , James Bond ( Daniel Craig ) is grounded .

  27. 我们应该如恒河,学她气势恢弘而豪迈地缓缓流向大海。

    we might have more of the grand rhythm and majestic tempo o the Ganges , flowing slowly and eternally into the sea .

  28. 分析了苏轼豪放词的特点:首先是气象恢弘。

    Has analyzed the Soviet horizontal wooden board on the front carriage body bold word characteristic : First is the meteorology is broad .

  29. 突破常规的超高立柜、中央式集成水槽、高耸的圆柱烟机,使整套厨柜气势恢弘,尊贵非凡。

    Its uncommon super-high in-wall cabinet , central integrated sink and towering column range hood make the whole kitchen powerful , honorable and outstanding .

  30. 网络诗歌阵地恢弘,诗写者的先锋姿态和现代性审美表达,都表明诗歌是一种高度自觉的文学活动。

    The pioneer posture of the poetry writers and the expression of modern aesthetic appreciations indicate that poetry is a highly self-conscious literary activity .