
  • 网络Pilon;Pyrrhon;dan pilone;Tracey Pilone;Piron
  1. 中输精管分泌物为嗜酸性,前段为高柱状上皮,后段则为柱状上皮,至后段共出现2处上皮隆起,隆起间为扁平上皮;

    The forepart of the middle vas deferens is high columnar epithelium and the rear end is columnar epithelium .

  2. 他们大约向前走了二十码左右,腾格拉尔回过头来,看见弗尔南多正在弯腰捡起那张揉皱的纸,并塞进他的口袋里,然后冲出凉棚,向皮隆方面奔去。

    When they had advanced about twenty yards , Danglars looked back and saw Fernand stoop , pick up the crumpled paper , and putting it into his pocket then rush out of the arbor towards Pillon .