
  • 网络effective capacity
  1. 能源政策研究基金会(EnergyPolicyResearchFoundation)估计,全球的日产能损失总量高达450万桶,相当于全球有效剩余产能的两倍。

    The Energy Policy Research Foundation estimates the world 's lost output of up to 4.5m b / d is the equivalent of twice the world 's effective spare capacity .

  2. 但是,有效的产能评估能够帮助企业准确掌握生产线的现实产能,对企业的意义重大。

    However , an effective capacity evaluation can help enterprises to measure the accurate real capacity of the production line , which is of great significance for the enterprise .

  3. 山西焦煤集团是中国目前规模最大、煤种最全、煤质优良的炼焦煤生产企业,拥有并能有效发挥产能是企业长远发展的前题和基础。

    Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co. , Ltd. is coking coal production enterprise in China which owns the biggest production scale , the most complete coal varieties and the fine coal quality currently . It is the basis and premise to the enterprise to own and play effectively its resource .

  4. 作者历时两年的时间完成了对传统160KA电解槽强化电流的改造试验研究,试验现场的统计结果表明,160KA电解槽强化电流后能有效地增加产能,降低成本。

    The time that author lasts two years shows consummately for the traditional statistical result of the electrolysis groove reinforced current of 160 KA that reforms test research and tests scene , after the electrolysis groove reinforced current of 160 KA can increase efficiently to produce can , reduce cost .

  5. 结果表明,实施水力深穿透射孔作业能够有效增加油井产能;

    The study shows that well productivity could be improved by water-jet deep penetrating .

  6. 因此,开发冷轧薄板工业的生产计划和调度系统在有效利用企业产能、提高产品质量、保证合同交货期等方面都具有重要意义。

    Therefore , developing production plan and scheduling system for cold roiling process is effective to improve product quality , increase producing ability and guarantee order due date .

  7. 由于出口受阻,缺少国际市场支撑,国内市场无法有效消化企业产能,造成较大库存。

    Due to the lack of international market , no way to export , domestic market have difficulties to effectively support the large capacity , digestive enterprise inventory .

  8. 本文系统地介绍了世界近代铝电解技术的进展,并阐述了依靠技术进步和挖掘现有铝厂潜力是经济而有效地增加产能的重要途径。

    This paper describes systematically the recent development in the aluminum smelting technology and proposes an economic and reliable way to increase capacity of existing smelters by technical innovation and tapping their potentials .

  9. 随着高新技术的发展,磁性材料的需求越来越大,磁性材料生产企业如何有效地增加产能、提升产品质量已成企业生存发展的关键所在。

    With the development of high-technology , the demand of magnetic materials increased gradually . How to increase production capability , and improve quality becomes the key of the enterprises that produce magnetic materials .

  10. 竞争所催生的不仅是专业化这一传统意义上的典型结果,而且也有效的提高了产能。

    Competition encourages not only specialisation , the classic result of more open trade , but also increased productivity .

  11. 整合将使市场信号更为有效,减少控制产能和生产活动的决策者数量。

    Consolidation would make market signalling more effective and reduce the number of decision makers controlling capacity and production .

  12. 为了避免射孔造成对产层的严重伤害,有效提高射孔井产能,准确确定获得无伤害所需的射孔负压是进行射孔完井优化设计的重要内容。

    In order to avoid the serious damage of perforation on formation and improve the productivity , the determination of perforation negative pressure is the key point of perforation optimization design .