
  • 网络purge gas
  1. GB16802-1997城镇燃气调压器CNG混空气掺混弛放气作为调峰气源的应用

    Town gas pressure regulators The application of CNG-air mixture adding purge gas used as gas source for peak load adjustment

  2. 膜分离法回收合成氨弛放气中氢气

    Recovery Hydrogen by Membrane Separation Process from Purge Gas of Synthetic Ammonia

  3. 甲醇合成弛放气中的N2联产合成氨尿素;

    The N2 of methanol synthesis relaxing deflates can used to produce ammonia and urea ;

  4. 甲醇合成弛放气中含N2又可用于合成氨加工成尿素。

    The N2 released from methanol synthesis can be used to synthesize ammonia for urea production .

  5. 氨厂用甲醇弛放气作Co-Mo床加氢脱硫气源

    Applicability of exhaust gas from methanol synthesis unit for Co Mo catalytic hydrodesulfurization of ammonia plant

  6. CNG混空气掺混弛放气作为调峰气源的应用钢管混凝土拱桥中钢管与混凝土相互作用问题

    The application of CNG-air mixture adding purge gas used as gas source for peak load adjustment Interaction of steel pipe and concrete in concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge

  7. 前置掺气坎式阶梯溢洪道掺气水深及消能率的计算CNG混空气掺混弛放气作为调峰气源的应用

    Calculation of aerated water depth and energy dissipation rate of a pre-aerator stepped spillway The application of CNG-air mixture adding purge gas used as gas source for peak load adjustment

  8. 多联产系统中弛放气的燃烧特性研究

    Experiment Investigation on Combustion Characteristics of Purge Gas in Poly-generation System

  9. 回收费托合成弛放气中合成原料的研究

    Study on Synthesis Material Recovery of Vent Gas from F-T Synthesis

  10. 合成氨弛放气、排放气的氢气回收技术

    Recovery technology of hydrogen from discharge gas in ammonia synthesis

  11. 氨厂弛放气回收氢的分离技术

    Discussion on Hydrogen Recovery from Purge Gas in Ammonia Plant

  12. 液氨吸收法弛放气二次氨合成工艺探讨

    Double ammonia synthesis process for purge gas treated with liquid ammonia absorption

  13. 氨厂弛放气提氢吸附过程的平衡模型

    An equilibrium model of adsorption for concentrating hydrogen from ammonia plant purge gas

  14. 用膜分离技术从合成氨弛放气中回收氢气

    Recovery of Hydrogen from the Draining Air of Synthetic Ammonia by Membrane Separation

  15. 膜分离法提取合成氨弛放气中的氢及其应用

    The Hydrogen Extracted from Releasing Gases in Ammonia Synthesis Through Membrane Separating Method and it 's Application

  16. 天然气混合制氢弛放气生产甲醇的补碳方法探讨

    Probe into carbon dioxide supplement on methanol synthesis from natural gas by introducing hydrogen production exhaust gas

  17. 针对合成氨厂弛放气和贮罐气氨回收的常规流程耗能多的缺点,提出一个改进流程。

    In the paper , an improved process recovering ammonia from tail gas of synthetic ammonia is advanced .

  18. 羰基合成系统弛放气中丙烯、丙烷回收可行性分析

    Feasibility study of the recovery of propylene and propane from the off-gases in the process of propene hydroformylation

  19. 变压吸附提氢技术在合成氨弛放气氢回收装置的应用

    Application of Hydrogen Extraction Technology by Pressure Variation Adsorption in Hydrogen Recovery Plant from Releasing Gas of Ammonia Synthesis

  20. 介绍了利用化肥厂生产过程中的弛放气经过脱硫净化,进行掺混调制成城市煤气的工艺过程。

    The technique of producing synthetic coal gas by half water gas mixed with exhaust of synthetic ammonia from fertilizer plants was introduced .

  21. 简述了采用变压吸附技术从合成氨弛放气中回收氢气的工艺过程及取得的效益。

    A brief description is given of the process of recovery of hydrogen from ammonia purge gas by the pressure swing adsorption technology and the results obtained .

  22. 合成氨弛放气回收过程热力学分析方法研究&弛放气回收过程热力学分析

    A study on the method of thermodynamic analysis for the process of recovering purge gas in ammonia plant & thermodynamic analysis for the process of recovering purge gas

  23. 介绍了齐鲁第二化肥厂甲醇装置脱碳弛放气回收后用做尿素原料所采用的工艺方案、运行状况及效益情况。

    The process scheme , run state and economic effect for recovering carbon dioxide from the decarbonized purge gas of methanol plant of the Second Feritilizer of Qilu Petrochemcal Co.

  24. 该系统将天然气/水蒸气重整过程和煤的燃烧过程有机整合,用煤燃烧替代了传统重整过程清洁的燃料天然气和弛放气燃烧,实现了煤和天然气的综合互补利用;

    Coal and natural gas are utilized synthetically and efficiently through the dual-fuel reforming method , in which the methane / steam reforming process and the combustion of coal are integrated .

  25. 用建立的多组分主体分离的平衡模型,对氨厂弛放气提氢变压吸附工艺的循环过程进行了模拟。

    Sing the equilibrium model developed by the author for bulk separation of multicomponents , simulation of the PSA cycle for concentrating H , from ammonia plant purge gas was carried out .

  26. 通过计算混合制氢弛放气前后的氢碳比,得知天然气混合制氢弛放气后氢碳比得到优化。

    By calculation , it was found that the ratio of hydrogen to carbon had been optimized after adding the exhaust gas from hydrogen plant to natural gas as feed mixture gas of the steam reformer .

  27. 由于合成氨弛放气组分及工艺条件变化复杂,空分行业中使用的透平膨胀机无法在无动力氨回收装置中正常使用。

    As the composition of ammonia purge gas and process conditions vary in a complex manner , the turbine expander used in the air separation industry can not be employed normally in the unpowered ammonia recovery unit .

  28. 在大型氨厂,在与传统合成塔串联的合成塔或单独以弛放气为原料气的辅助合成塔中,应用此催化剂,不仅增加产量,而且还能降低能耗。

    This catalyst used in converter connected in series with the traditional converter , or in the auxiliary converter with purge gas as feed-stock in large ammonia plant not only increases production but aslo reduces the energy consumption .

  29. 采用能量转换设备,在不消耗任何外在能量的情况下,提取弛放气中的氨,作为成品氨用于尿素生产或送冰机制成成品液氨。

    The energy conversion equipment is used to extract ammonia from purge gas without the consumption of any external energy , and this ammonia is used as product ammonia in urea production or sent to the freezer to be manufactured as liquid ammonia product .

  30. 通过工程实践,总结了对燃烧炉设计、弛放气最小用量、安全运行、调节负荷等方面经验,为回收吹风气提供了新的技术路线。

    Through engineering practice , experiences are summed up of the design of the combustion furnace , the minimum use of purge gas , safety in operation , and load adjustment , opening up a new technical route for the recovery of blow gas .