
  • 网络blowing air
  1. 造气吹风气回收技术的成功使用

    Successful Application of Blowing Air Recov-ery Technology

  2. φ3.3mUGI造气炉吹风气的回收

    Blow off Gas Recovery for φ 3.3m UGI Gasifier

  3. 造气吹风气烟尘污染治理的技术措施

    Technical measures for controlling smoke pollution by aeration in gas making section

  4. φ7500吹风气回收装置的应用

    Use of φ 7500 Recovery Unit for Blown Gas

  5. 吹风气集中回收技术在中型氮肥厂的应用

    Application of Centralized recovery technology for blowing gas in M-sized nitrogenous fertilizer plants

  6. 合成氨吹风气回收装置的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic analysis of the air blown gas recovery unit in ammonia synthesis industry

  7. 利用原有锅炉回收吹风气潜热的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of Recovery of Latent Heat in Blow Gas with Existing Boiler

  8. 固定层煤气发生炉吹风气除尘综述

    General survey of dust removal of air blown gas of fixed bed coal gasifier

  9. 大型热管吹风气潜热回收装置运行总结

    Sum Up of Operation of Large Unit for Recovery of Latent Heat from Heat Pipe Blow Run Gas

  10. 低温吹风气潜热集中回收在中型氮肥厂的因地制宜设计

    Design Adaptable to Local Condition of Centralized Recovery of Latent Heat in Low-Temperature Blow Gas in Medium Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plant

  11. 介绍了吹风气回收装置的设备规格、工艺流程;阐述了装置选用的技术和特点;

    Process and equipment specification were introduced for bbw-out air recovery unit , technology selected in unit and characteristic were described ;

  12. 低阻力降为核心的低温吹风气潜热集中回收系统设计总结

    Sum-Up of Design of System for Centralized Recovery of Latent Heat in Low-Temperature Blown Gas with Low Pressure Drop as Core

  13. 利用原有锅炉,设计与之匹配的卧式燃烧炉和燃烧器回收造气吹风气潜热。

    By utilization of the existing boiler a horizontal combustion furnace and a burner that match have been designed for the recovery of the latent heat in the blow gas .

  14. 将低温吹风气潜热集中回收技术引入中氮肥企业应用,应该进行因地制宜设计。

    When the technology for centralized recovery of latent heat in low-temperature blow gas is applied to the medium-scale nitrogenous fertilizer plant , the design should be adaptable to local condition .

  15. 对煤气发生炉的吹风气增设反击式旋风水膜除尘器,在一定的条件下,吹风气中烟尘去除率可达92%以上,治理后的吹风气达到国家排放标准。

    On some conditions , de-dust efficiency is up to92 % , by installing water scrubber to remore dust from blow-run gas , The blow-run gas after treatment could meet national emission standard .

  16. 介绍我厂Q75/900-25-3.82/450吹风气余热回收锅炉的基本结构,分析运行中的问题,对负荷调整取得了效益。

    The basic structure of a Q75 / 900-25-3.82/450 heat recovery boiler is presented , which operates by utilizing blown-in high-temperature air . Some problems in operation are analyzed along with a description of load adjustment and economic benefits being achieved .

  17. 通过工程实践,总结了对燃烧炉设计、弛放气最小用量、安全运行、调节负荷等方面经验,为回收吹风气提供了新的技术路线。

    Through engineering practice , experiences are summed up of the design of the combustion furnace , the minimum use of purge gas , safety in operation , and load adjustment , opening up a new technical route for the recovery of blow gas .

  18. 主要的方案包括:自动连续加煤、富氧制气、改造吹风气回收装置、尿素解吸废液深度水解及合成放空气提氢等。

    The main programs include : Adding coal automaticity , Manufacture of coal gas used oxygen-rich gas , Reform blown heat recovery unit , Depth hydrolytic the liquid from urea desorption and recycle hydrogen from the gas that purged of synthesis , and so on .