
  • 网络diddy;P Diddy;puff daddy;Sean John
  1. 梅斯初登荧幕是在20世纪90年代和说唱大亨吹牛老爹一起,并卖出多张唱片并成为了世界顶级说唱明星之一。

    Mase first emerged on the scene with rap mogul Puff Daddy in the 90s and became one of the rap worlds biggest stars with multiple platinum hits under his belt .

  2. 吹牛老爹可能做的不错,但根据欧睿(EuromonitorInternational)的研究,男士对于带有名人名字的香水非常警惕,不过,名人签名就是另一回事了。

    P. Diddy might be doing well , but according to research by Euromonitor International , men are commendably wary of fragrances bearing the names of celebrities , although celebrity endorsement is another matter .

  3. 作为设计师和名人,饶舌歌星吹牛老爹(P.Diddy)认为,他能够生产出香味持久的香水。

    As both a designer and celebrity , rap star P. Diddy believes he can produce fragrances that last .

  4. 在你嘲笑这种自大之前,记住吹牛老爹不是在说他自己。

    Before you snigger at the immodesty , understand that P. Diddy is not talking about himself .

  5. 底线:如果你是那样的男人,愿意花60美元在一件由吹牛老爹的之前的设计师之一设计的T恤上。

    Bottom line : If you 're the kind of guy who 's willing to drop $ 60 on a T-shirt designed by one of P.Diddy 's previous stylists .

  6. 吹牛老爹面临致命武器、殴打和“做出恐怖威胁”三项指控。他被关在监狱,在缴纳了16万美元保释金之后才被释放。

    Diddy faced three counts of assault with a deadly weapon , battery , and " making terrorist threats . " He was held in jail before being released on $ 160000 bail .

  7. 整场音乐会共有24个节目,登台演唱的艺人包括罗德·斯图尔特、康恩·威斯特、乔丝·斯通、莉莉·艾伦和“吹牛老爹”西恩·康布斯等,他动情的演唱了一曲《想念你》。

    Among the24 performances were songs by Rod Stewart , Kanye West , Joss Stone , Lily Allen and Sean " Diddy " Combs , who performed an emotive rendition of " Missing You " .

  8. 在最新发布的全球收入最高艺人榜单中,美国说唱歌手“吹牛老爹(原名肖恩·柯姆斯)”名列第一,据《福布斯》表示,吹牛老爹从去年6月至今的一年中赚了大概1.3亿美元。

    US rapper P.Diddy , whose real name is Sean Combs , has topped Forbes ' newly released list of highest-earning entertainers , grossing 130 million US dollars in a 12-month scoring period started from June 2016 , according Forbes .