
chuī dǎ
  • blow and beat -- to play music;play wind and percussion instruments;beat;blow;excite;boast
吹打 [chuī dǎ]
  • (1) [beat]

  • (2) 用管乐器和打击乐器演奏

  • (3) 风吹雨打

  • (1) [blow]∶用嘴吹掉(灰尘等)

  • 豆腐掉进灰堆里,吹打不得

  • (2) [excite] 〈方〉∶指用言语刺激别人

  • 支钱不支给,说话吹打人

  • (3) [boast] 〈方〉∶吹牛

  • 别吹打,谁不知道你那点儿能耐

吹打[chuī dǎ]
  1. 我们能听到狂风暴雨的吹打声。

    We could hear the bluster of the wind and rain .

  2. 方法:用7~21d大鼠,以链霉蛋白酶E酶解加吸管吹打法制备RHCPN,用全细胞PCT测定其电生理学特性。

    Methods : RHCPNwere obtained by pronase E treatment and then by trituration with pipette from 7 to 21 day-old rats . PCT was used to study their electrophysiological properties .

  3. 方法:分离出生1d大鼠海马,吸管吹打机械分离制成单细胞悬液,采用无血清培养和胎牛血清诱导分化,应用免疫荧光技术鉴定神经干细胞及其分化的子代细胞。

    Methods : Hippocampi of neonatal rats ( 1 day ) were taken out and mechanically dissociated into single cell suspension . After serum-free cultivation and fetal bovine serum-induced proliferation , neural stem cells and their progeny cells were identified by immunofluorescence technique .

  4. 木式建筑被大风吹打得支离破碎。

    The wooden buildings were ripped to matchwood by the gale .

  5. 避免剧烈摇晃和吹打蛋白样品,以防蛋白变性;

    Avoid vigorous vortexing and pipetting of protein solutions to minimize denaturation .

  6. 这么嫩弱的花蕾怎么能经得起暴风雨的吹打呢?

    How could such a tender bud survive the thunderstorm ?

  7. 迎亲的人便吹打着走了。

    Wedding under the banner of the people blowing away .

  8. 风吹打着我的脸颊和鼻子。

    The wind bit at my cheeks , my nose .

  9. 风老吹打着我的胸口,我不能再开了。

    I can 't drive anymore with the air hitting me in my chest .

  10. 无论我们喜欢与否,冬日凛冽的寒风会吹打我们的生命。

    Invited or not , the harsh wind of winter blows into our lives .

  11. 命运象被风吹打的篱笆。

    Fate as the wind hit the fence .

  12. 吹打起来,十分动听,凤鸟锦雉随着乐声跳起舞来。

    The pleasant music made from the instruments enticed the phoenix and pheasants to dance .

  13. 一股五月的疾风扫过大街,吹打着姑娘们的裙子和帽子。

    A rough May wind swooped along the avenue , whipping the girls'skirts and hats .

  14. 选取生长状态良好的细胞吹打成单细胞悬液,然后接种在胶原凝胶表面。

    Inoculate the cells with good growth condition on the surface of the collagen gel .

  15. 风吹打着我的脸。

    The wind drove into my face .

  16. 一个瓮声瓮气的嗓音宣布拜堂开始,乐队开始吹打。

    A deep voice announced the commencement of the wedding rites , and the music began .

  17. 必要时可再次吹打左心室肌碎片以获得更多的左心室肌细胞;

    The left myocardium fragment was treated again to obtain more left myocardial cells if necessary .

  18. 体现了中国戏曲音乐紧拉慢唱的形式与打击乐伴奏节奏型、少数民族舞蹈性节奏及民族吹打乐节奏;

    Have manifested Chinese drama music " tightly pulls slowly sings " and percussion instrument accompaniment rhythm ;

  19. 木式建筑被大风吹打得支离破碎。纪念碑用或建筑用石料碎屑,人工上色

    The wooden buildings were ripped to matchwood by the gale . chipping , of monumental or building stone , artificially coloured

  20. 方法利用酶消化结合机械吹打方法,急性分离昆明小鼠嗅粘膜的嗅感觉神经细胞。

    Method : The olfactory receptor neurons could be isolated from olfactory mucous of Kunming mouse using enzymatic digestion and mechanical isolation .

  21. 方法2(M-2):用组织切碎机将卵巢切成碎块,经吸管吹打制成的组织悬液置入网筛内过筛后检卵。

    The suspension is centrifuged and the preantral follicles are sorted . Method 2 ( M-2 ): Ovaries are cut into small pieces with a tissue chopper .

  22. 风开始在外面怒吼,猛烈地摇撼着窗户,把窗格上糊的纸吹打得凄惨地叫。

    Outside , the wind began to howl . It shook the window frames , causing the paper pasted over the wooden latticework to cry out dismally .

  23. 吹打乐,两种最闹的乐器组合,在同一个演出场合中合作,往往可以营照出锣鼓喧天与震人心绯的气势。

    The concoction of the two most dynamic instruments-wind and percussion , never fails to create a roaring and captivating ambience when collaborated at the same staging .

  24. 平台上左右各坐胡乐俑二人,而且是背对背而坐,正在吹打乐器,有一俑站在中央,翩翩起舞。

    On the camel 's back is a platform covered by a rug with two ethnic musicians seated on it with their backs to each other playing instru-ments .

  25. 2人卵泡分离方法研究比较机械吹打、胶原酶消化、胶原酶消化并显微解剖及显微解剖四种卵泡分离方法。

    Study on isolation of human ovarian follicle Four isolation methods , mechanical pipetting , collagenase digestion , microdissection and the combination of collagenase digestion and microdissection were compared .

  26. 吹打乐是我国以吹奏乐器和打击乐器为组合的民间器乐合奏形式,它自明清时期逐渐发展,如今已成为中国传统民间器乐中最为普遍的演奏形式之一。

    An ensemble of Chinese wind and percussion instruments , as a most prevalent performance type in Chinese traditional folk instrument music , has been developed since Ming Dynasty .

  27. 例如美洲山雀,体重还不到三分之一盎司,像一个生命小火花,任凭时速40英里的凛冽寒风的吹打。

    The chickadee , for example , weighing just one-third of an ounce , seems a tiny spark of life to throw to the mercy of frigid , 40-m.p.h.winds .

  28. 现在每年春节,或是一些重要的日子,村民们依然会拿出崭新的红纸,照着原有的联重新书写,然后覆盖在被风雨吹打得破旧或发白的旧联上。

    Nowadays , for the Spring Festival or other important days , villagers still copy the original couplets on red paper and paste them over the weather-beaten old ones .

  29. 他那双钢灰色的眼睛常常变成湛蓝,在阳光灿烂的海上经得起带咸味的海风吹打。

    He wondered if there was soul in those steel-gray eyes that were often quite blue of color and that were strong with the briny airs of the sun-washed deep .

  30. 2006年永城吹打被收录为国家第一批非物质文化遗产扩展名录后,受到当地政府及文化部门重视,并开展抢救保护和扶持工作,初见成效。

    The local government and cultural ministry paid more attention to Yongcheng Piping and Drumming Music after it was embodied as the first group of national immaterial cultural heritages in 2006 .