
chuī yǎng
  • blowing oxygen;oxygen blast
吹氧[chuī yǎng]
  1. 渗铝涂层吹氧管的开发生产

    Development and Production of Aluminized and Coated Oxygen Blast Pipe

  2. 分析了AOD吹氧时的氧化还原机制。

    The mechanism of oxidation-reduction during the period of blowing oxygen in AOD has been analysed .

  3. 基于PLC的转炉吹氧限压控制器

    The Pressure Limited Controller for Oxygen Blowing of Converter

  4. 28吨真空吹氧精练VOD炉机械真空泵抽气系统

    Mechanical vacuum pump system for 28-ton vacuum oxygen-blowing refining VOD furnace

  5. 真空吹氧条件下RH传质的特点

    Characteristics of Mass Transfer in RH Furnace under Condition of Vacuum Oxygen Blowing

  6. AOD吹氧时的氧化还原机制

    Mechanism of oxidation and reduction during oxygen blowing in AOD Process

  7. AOD的吹氧速度对氩气耗量的影响

    The influence of oxygen blowing speed in AOD on argon consumption

  8. RH顶吹氧技术具有吹氧脱碳、吹氧加铝升温、吹氧清洗RH真空槽内残钢残渣等多项功能。

    The RH oxygen top-blowing technology performs multi-functions such as decarbonizing , increasing temperature with Al added , cleaning slag in RH vacuum slot , etc.

  9. 认为采用工程项目总承包是一个有意的尝试,开发VD精炼炉顶吹氧技术是必要的。

    Consider that engineering general contract is a significative experiment , and the development of top blowing oxygen technology in VD is necessary .

  10. 炉渣碱度、泡沫渣高度、吹氧角度、补炉方式等是影响20t电弧炉炉衬寿命的主要因素。

    Slag basicity , foamed slag height , angle of blowing oxygen and reline mode are the main factors influencing lining service life of 20t EAF .

  11. 为了提高鞍钢300t氧气顶吹平炉非吹氧期的加热能力,在生产条件下研制了外混型炉头氧油枪。

    In order to improve the ability of the heating during the non-blowing period of 300-ton top blown oxygen open-hearth of Anshan Iron and Steel Co.

  12. 试验表明,复合材料中的Al2O3质点分布均匀,通过调节吹氧时间,可方便地制备Al/Al2O3复合材料。

    The microstructure and mechanical property of the composite were observed . The results indicate that the distribution of Al2O3 particles in the composites is uniform . The Al / Al2O3 metal matrix composites can be easily prepared by adjusting the time of blowing oxygen .

  13. 在容量为150kg中频感应炉内进行的热模拟试验表明,无论采用Al或Si-Ca-Ba-Al作发热剂进行钢液吹氧升温均是可行的。

    The hot simulation test for temperature rise in IR-UT-16 Refining ladle by blowing oxygen was performed using a 150 kg medium frequency induction furnace . The results show that temperature rise by blowing oxygen is available using Al or St-Ca-Ba-Al heat producing agent .

  14. 方法通过细菌学的实验检测,在了解其污染状况的基础上,针对壁式氧气管道装置的结构特点,采用02%过氧乙酸(PAA)局部浸泡加吹氧的消毒方法。

    METHODS Based on bacteriological surveillance , the degree of pollution of device and its construction characteristics we adopted the local soaking method with 0.2 % peracetic acid ( PPA ) and oxygen blowing to conduct disinfection .

  15. 通过求导数发现:冶炼不锈钢时,在保证不烧损铬的条件下,AOD的吹氧速度较小则氩气消耗量较小。

    By determining the derivative it has been found that the lower the speed of blowing oxygen in AOD , the less argon consumption is in the condition without the oxidation of chromium during making stainless steels .

  16. 通过相当于太钢75t椭圆形钢包容量1/9的水模型,采用N2模拟底吹氩和顶吹氧试验,研究了VOD底吹位置和吹气量对钢液混匀时间的影响。

    The effect of VOD bottom blowing location and blowing rate on mixing time of molten steel was studied by a water model corresponding to 1 / 9 volume of the 75 t ladle with oval cross section at Taiyuan Steel .

  17. 简述了真空吹氧脱碳转炉(VODC)的设备和精炼技术。

    The thesis briefly expounds the equipments and the refining technology of Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization Converter ( VODC ) .

  18. 本文针对辽宁福鞍重工有限公司的生产设备现状,从吹氧温度、初炼成分以及吹氧真空度在单炉VOD冶炼中对加入冷料的钢水温度降低和停氧温度的影响等。

    In this paper , saddle-casting Co. , Ltd. Liaoning Fu-production equipment status , from the oxygen temperature , and the first sub-Tempered Vacuum Oxygen VOD in a single furnace smelting of molten material temperature by adding cold and stop oxygen to reduce the impact of temperature .

  19. 根据10t氧气转炉底喷煤粉的试验结果,研究煤粉保护底吹氧枪的机理。

    Based on the experimental results of coal-oxygen injection from the bottom nozzle on a 10 ton converter , a new theory on the mechanism of the bottom oxygen nozzle protection with pulverized coal has been put forward .

  20. 奥钢联福克斯应用组合式精炼烧嘴(RCB)的吹氧技术,在降低消耗指标、提高设备可靠性和改善控制等方面取得了重要进展。

    VAI FUCHS ' new oxygen-injection technology using the Refining Combined Burner ( RCB ) represents a major step forwards with respect to improved furnace consumption figures , equipment reliability and ease of handling .

  21. 在AOD冶炼中,确定了冶炼中各阶段的界限、研究了不同阶段的喷吹氧氩比值对AOD精炼过程的影响。

    In 120t AOD process , the determination of refining stages , as well as the radio of oxygen and argon flowrate under different stages has a great influence on refining process and therefore the reasonable choices of these two critical parameters were given .

  22. 含Ti02高炉型渣还原反应动力学研究静电除尘技术在100吨吹氧平炉上的应用

    ON THE KINETICS OF REDUCTION OF TiO_2 IN BLAST FURNACE SLAGS BY GRAPHITE CARBON Application of Electrostatic Precipitation Technology to 100 ~ T Oxygen-lanced Open Hearth Furnace

  23. 为了开发氧气,天然气作底吹气源,在国内建立顶、底吹氧炼钢法,作者在60kg热模上进行了50多炉吹炼低碳钢的试验。

    With the aim to develop oxygen + natural gas as bottom blowing gas in the top-and - bottom blowing steelmaking process , experiments were done on a 60 kg pilot converter . More than SO heats of low carbon steels have been made .

  24. 转炉炼钢过程脱磷和吹氧模型的研究

    Research on the Model of Dephosphorization and Oxygen Blowing in BOF

  25. 涟钢中型转炉高效吹氧技术研究

    Study on High Efficiency Blowing on Medium Converter at Lianyuan Steel

  26. 顶吹氧平炉燃用软沥青的试验研究

    Experimental study of burning soft pitch fuel in top-blown oxygen open-hearth furnace

  27. 单嘴炉吹氧精炼的水模研究

    Water model experiment on the single nozzle oxygen & blowing refining furnace

  28. 转炉吹氧炼钢去碳过程模型的研究

    Model of decarbonization process by oxygen blowing in converter steelmaking

  29. 红热钒渣吹氧氧化后碱浸提钒

    Extracting Vanadium with Alkaline Leaching after Blowing Oxygen to Hot Vanadium Slag

  30. 高炉喷吹氧煤流组合分布的研究

    The combined distribution of oxygen - coal flow injected into blast furnace