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  • 网络wind instrument
  1. 来自承德,爱好长笛,各种小吹奏乐器演奏。

    From chengde , like to play flute and other kinds of wind instruments .

  2. 笛子是中国最具特色的吹奏乐器之一。

    The bamboo Flute is one of the most characteristic musical instruments in China .

  3. 呼吸(尤指运动时的或吹奏乐器时的)

    Breath ( esp as needed for continuous exercise or for sounding a musical instrument )

  4. 在吹奏乐器中,唢呐是主奏乐器,起着主导作用。

    Suona is the main musical instrument in it , it plays a leading role .

  5. 埙是中国最古老的吹奏乐器。

    Xun is an ancient porcelain wind-instrument .

  6. 一群年轻的女仆在吹奏乐器,其音色可抚慰心灵。

    A group of young maidens was playing instruments whose music soothed the mind and soul .

  7. 竹笛是中国民族吹奏乐器中的主要成员,是深受我国各族人民喜爱的乐器。

    Bamboo flute is the major member of Chinese national wind musical instruments and it was very popular in the whole nation .

  8. 中国弓弦乐器的产生,一般认为比吹奏乐器、打击乐器、弹拨乐器要晚。

    It is believed that the bowe-stringed instrument appeared much later than that of musical instrument , percussion instrument , string instrument .

  9. 在中国音乐文化历史发展的长河中,笙这一古老的簧管吹奏乐器经历了多次形制的变革。

    Sheng , a kind of Chinese old reed pipe instruments , experienced structure changes many times during the long Chinese musical development history .

  10. 吹打乐是我国以吹奏乐器和打击乐器为组合的民间器乐合奏形式,它自明清时期逐渐发展,如今已成为中国传统民间器乐中最为普遍的演奏形式之一。

    An ensemble of Chinese wind and percussion instruments , as a most prevalent performance type in Chinese traditional folk instrument music , has been developed since Ming Dynasty .

  11. 你多但愿孩子长年夜,不再吹奏什么乐器了。

    You wished your child would grow out of playing an instrument .

  12. 笛子,是在一侧吹奏的乐器。

    The Dizi ( also called D'Tzu or Zhu Di ), is a side blown wind instrument made of Bamboo .

  13. 他给他演示如何吹奏象牙吹口乐器。

    He showed him how to blow into the ivory mouthpiece .

  14. 解放后的黑人自己练习学会了吹奏这些管乐器。他们还创造性地把圆号的腔调吹得类似人的声音。

    The freed slaves taught themselves to play these wind instruments , inventing their own methods of relating horn sounds to the sounds made by human voices .