
  • 网络film blowing machine;blown film machine;SJ-B
  1. DSP技术在吹膜机故障早期预报及定位检测中的应用

    The Application of DSP to Fault Infant Predication and Train Detection for Co - Extrusion Blown-Film Line

  2. 单片机控制塑料吹膜机直流调速系统

    DC Speed Governing System of Plastic Film Blower Controlled by Single chip Microprocessors

  3. 为提高塑料加工机械的自动化控制水平,研制了可同时测量5个参数的吹膜机多参数测控系统。

    In order to enhance the automatic control level of the plastic processing machinery the multiple parameters monitoring system is developed . The system measures five parameters simultaneously .

  4. 塑料吹膜机人字板、插板的设计与调整粉盒[皮革、硬化纸板、塑料薄膜、纸板或纺织材料制]

    Design and Adjustment of Collapsing Plates and Gussets of Extrusion Lines for Blown-films powder box [ of leather , vulcanized fibre , sheeting of plastics , paperboard or textile materials ]