
  • 网络Ribadavia
  1. 在利比亚东部,阿加达比亚附近也发生了冲突。IanPannell报道。

    There were also clashes near Ajdabiya , in eastern Libya , as Ian Pannell reports .

  2. 如果敌人突破阿杰达比亚,那么班加西以及托卜鲁克以西的一切据点便都岌岌可危了。

    If the enemy broke through to Agedabia , Benghazi and everything west of Tobruk were imperilled .

  3. 黎明时分这座炼油厂遭遇袭击,死伤者被带到阿季达比亚。

    The dead and injured were brought to Ajdabiya after the oil refinery was attacked early in the morning .

  4. 士气高涨但是没有受过专业训练的叛军,再一次进攻阿加达比亚但没能把政府的武装力量驱逐出去。

    Rebel forces , enthusiastic but not well-drilled , went again to Ajdabiya but appeared unable to dislodge government forces there .

  5. 星期五早些时候,利比亚军机连续第三天进行空袭,目标是反政府武装占领的东部城镇阿基达比亚附近的一个军事基地。

    Earlier Friday , Libyan warplanes carried out a third day of airstrikes & targeting a military base near the eastern rebel-held town of Ajdabiya .