
  • 网络Azi Dahaka
  1. 王子必须利用这个弱点来逃脱达哈卡。

    The Prince must exploit this weakness to escape the thing .

  2. 达哈卡可以被比作马鲁特,一种有些类似于来自龙与地下城的生物。

    The Dahaka can be compared to the Marut , a somewhat similar creature from Dungeons and Dragons .

  3. 在这些追杀时刻,达哈卡看上去模模糊糊的,有时能够瞬间移动几码远的距离。

    The Dahaka appears blurry during these moments and can sometimes teleport a few yards at a time .

  4. 玩家需要逃过一系列触手攻击来逃脱达哈卡。

    The player will then have to flee through a series of obstacles in order to escape the beast .

  5. 在冒险中,王子发现,像所有的女皇的女皇的沙怪手下一样,达哈卡也对水非常憎恶。

    During his adventures , the Prince discovers that , like all the Empress'sandy minions , the Dahaka has an intense aversion to water .

  6. 这两样东西消失后,达哈卡不再有存在于时间线中的意义了,因此它消失在雾气之中。

    With those two things gone , the Dahaka no longer has a purpose to exist in this timeline and vanishes into the mists .

  7. 在战斗最后,女皇用能量爆破把达哈卡打到了平台边缘。

    In the end of the fight , the Empress strikes the Dahaka with a blast of energy and knocks him to the edge of the platform .

  8. 王子然后上前攻击,用水之刃砍达哈卡的头颅,使它抓不住边缘,掉入了下面的海里。

    The Prince then attacks , driving the water sword into the Dahaka 's skull , causing it to lose its grip and fall into the sea below .

  9. 知道了之前的攻击,王子能够躲避达哈卡,让他过去的自己死亡,从而使他自己从面具中解脱出来。

    Knowing of the attack beforehand , the Prince is able to elude the Dahaka , allowing his past self to perish and freeing himself from the Mask .

  10. 在游戏里的几个地方,(大多说玩家称为“达哈卡的追杀”)达哈卡将会追赶王子,跟在后面。

    At several points in the game ,( known amongst players as " Dahaka Chases ") the Dahaka will catch up with the Prince and chase after him .

  11. 在游戏中,达哈卡似乎用模糊的话语说话,但实际上,它是反过来说话的,你可以通过时间倒流听到。

    During the game the Dahaka appears to speak in a bizarre language but in actuality it talks in backward speech , able to be heard by reversing time .

  12. 在中央大厅,沙巫突然出现在王子面前,然后达哈卡堵住了后路,让王子猜测,那个怪物可能跟随着沙巫来到了过去。

    In the Central Hall , the Sandwraith suddenly appears before him , then the Dahaka blocks the exit , causing the Prince to surmise that the monster has somehow followed him to the past .

  13. 一个人可以逃过达哈卡这样一个事实,可以被认为是游戏设计者的这样一个观点:虽然命运似乎不可避免,但是实际上它可以被避免,甚至被征服!

    The fact that one can escape the Dahaka can be seen as a suggestion from the game 's designers that while fate seems inevitable , it can in fact be avoided and even conquered .